
Saturday, September 24, 2011


Why is it when you have no time to sew that you have so many ideas?

Why is it when you pledge not to purchase any more fabric - that perfect piece that you've been searching high and low for comes along and makes you break your vow?

Why is my fabric multiplying behind my back?  I know that small length in that color combination was not purchased by my fabric has to be reproducing right?

Why is it that when you've finally worked out the solution to the sewing problem that's been bothering you...just niggling away at the edges of your have no time to actually see if it will work?

Why do I have to explain my fabric obsession to anyone?  Seriously...why?


I'm off to work tomorrow...begrudgingly...soooooo begrudgingly...but I'm going to stop off at Daytona Trims and Pacific Trimmings to pick up a few notions.  And no Elizabeth, I am NOT going by a fabric store...okay!?! *LOL*

Hopefully I won't be too tired on Sunday for something to "magically" appear from my sewing machine...

A Parting Shot:

Oh and a great big thank you to Wendy for helping me resolve "the pop-up" issue!!!! always, more later!


  1. Amen! Fabric can multiply behind your back, but none of it gets sewn up by elves. Where are those elves?

    Sorry to hear you have to work tomorrow!

  2. Why don't you just say that you collect fabrics. My mother did. And i do. Luckily when my mom passed away 8 out of 9 of her grand children were girls so i didn't herit any of the fabrics and i'm able to continue with my own collection.

  3. Well, it's "sod's law" of course!
    Ashley x

  4. I feel like I should copy your post and put it up on my blog. You should take at least some credit for the last 65 yards at least. I. Cleaned. Up. at the Labor Day sale at Fabric Mart, totally inspired by your breakdown of the value of the sale (thanks for that by the way).

  5. And why is it that the perfect fabric you have been eyeing online goes on sale the same night that the elusive Burda back issue you have been hunting for the past 6 months shows up on Ebay? Ah, well. At least they will work so nicely together. Sewing gods are capricious like that.

  6. If you do not feel bad about your fabric and it is not harming others then you do not have to justify anything to anyone.

  7. You are preaching to the choir. I am actually ashamed of my fabric/pattern sprees. I keep saying no more and wind up right back to buying more.

  8. Why? Because you have worked hard for it and you deserved it!

  9. I agree. You work hard you deserve it. Besides we all enjoy your stash as much as you do. Hope the day whizzes by for you today.

  10. I hear you! And perhaps I should have listened to you before I bought just on more piece that I "needed" from last night.

  11. Congrats on finding the perfect fabric, and like the rest, I sympathize about the multiplying stash! And on having to work on the weekend -- I have to also, but I can do it from home, at least, and I'm delaying the work 'til Sunday so that I can sew TODAY. :)

  12. You have an awesome fabric collection. When you post a photo of a dress you have made, using beautiful fabric that you describe as "from stash", I am awed! A recent example was the perfectly co-ordinating wool crepe and silks in one of your 'designer inspired' dresses. I'm guessing the 892 people who follow your blog, and the countless additional drop-in readers, aren't expecting any justification of your fabric collecting talent.

  13. Wow! That pile looks like a to-do list that would keep me "down" until I could find places to hide it all!

  14. Ms..C, do you have a place to sit? Looks like your stash has taken over the couch too lol

  15. so funny!! I did pretty good not buying any new fabric for summer but I have regressed. I hardly ever pay full price for fabric at least i don't think I do , but there is this great knit at Joann's that is currently on sale for 30% off but I have a 50% off coupon to use on non-sale fabric so I have to wait to use it when the sale is off ...confusing? Joann's makes it so hard sometimes.

  16. I don't know the answer to "Why?". I just know that all your questions happen to me. I even checked out your stash of fabrics to see which ones I like. I liked more than I have room to store!

  17. No need to justify here -- I love your stash photos!

  18. I love your stash photos too. I wish I could afford to collect fabrics like that.
    The thought of buying fabrics whenever they caught my fancy (with no specific project in mind) and then shopping my stash when inspiration strikes, rather than having to actually visit a store, is very appealing.

  19. I love, love your stash photos as well! I think I just sat at my computer screen for a second lol

  20. You do not have to "justify your love" of fabric. Enjoy it, revel in it, adore it. Thank you for sharing all your lovely fabric with us. YOU DESERVE IT!

  21. this post really made me laugh, and I can relate to all your comments, especially as I just returned from Malaysia and of course I had to buy some silk and batik, even though I have silk my sister bought me on one of her trips to Asia that is still waiting to be sewn up.

    I am with you - why do we try to justify our stash????????? But we all do :-(

  22. You are brave to share your stash with us. I have a dressmaking stash and a steadily growing craft and craft supplies stash that I will not be showing anyone in a hurry. But I have such fun choosing my stash and I am sure most of us stash people do.

  23. Thanks for your nice comment on my "blog return". Shams gave me the needed push! I have continued to enjoy your writings and musings and glad I got to know you!

  24. I love this Why? post. My biggest why is, "Why do always seem to have more projects then I will evr handle?" (LOL)

  25. 1. because when you are focused on working, it frees up the subconscious to come up with all the ideas.

    2. it's the cosmos saying "no new fabric" pledges are silly. "less new fabric" is tolerable.

    3. it's totally reproducing, that's why it's best to be careful what you mix on the shelves or in the boxes.

    4. again, blame the cosmos. It's just plain tormenting you.

    5. You. Don't. HAVE. To.

  26. Well, you certainly don't have to justify it to anyone here! Besides if you had a smaller stash, how on earth would I justify to my husband that my own stash is quite small and reasonable by comparison? Think of it like this: as a role model and leading sewing community member, you are providing a valuable service to the rest of us sewistas. ha ha ha ;-)

  27. I put some of my fabric away on Saturday and some is still on the extra bed...I am squeezing my eyes shut and quickly clicking pass the fabric long will I hold out...stay tune for another Fabricstation :)

  28. Girl, it makes you happy. So go ahead and enjoy!

  29. Haha, your questions made me laugh!


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