
Saturday, January 21, 2012

Saturday Update

So it's Saturday afternoon here in NJ and it's stopped snowing...I'm safely ensconced in the sewing cave with the heater going and the TV playing...more Law & Order of course! *smile*

I'm going to spend the weekend working on the rest of the pieces of the Lavender and Gray Skies wardrobe.  I'm adding the facings to the jacket and hemming the sleeves then I'm moving onto the dress.  If I have time left this weekend, I will work on the cardigan also.  If I get all of this done, it will leave only the two tops to be completed.

As a reminder the two tops are, Simplicity 2566 ~ in the white cotton stretch fabric and I've added Butterick 3124 an out of print sleeveless cowl neck top from the cardigan fabric.

I've read the PR reviews for it and Lara's review on her blog, Thornberry.  One of the first things I plan on doing is lengthening the top.  Even from the photos on the pattern envelope the top is too short.  If I have enough fabric I may make it dress length but that's something that I will determine when I'm working on the garment.  I do like the fact that the top has side bust darts, which are my darts of choice.

Since I no longer have a photographer and haven't figured out how to take pics of myself yet...trying to decide if I want an entirely new will be a minute before I have pictures of me in the completed garments.  But I am happily sewing away in my sewing cave working on finishing up this wardrobe. always, more later!



  1. oooh, stay warm & cozy!
    i just got back from yoga & it is raw and icy and icky out there now that the snow has turned to freezing rain.

  2. Have fun sewing this weekend.. Love your blog and all the wonderful things you are making.. Happy sewing.

  3. I hate telling you this Carolyn, but the temp is in the mid 70s here in Houston today and has been for a couple of days. Actually I think it's too warm for the middle of January especially since I'm currently sewing a lovely teal wool (tropical weight) jacket. I'm having trouble being motivated. Thank goodness I have your blog to keep me going - thanks!

  4. Glad that you're having a happy, productive day.

  5. That sounds like a lovely way to spend the weekend.

  6. I love weather like this especially when its the weekend. Snuggling into the sewing cave is a great place to be...Happy sewing.

  7. We were snowed in up in CT as well. Perfect sewing day!

  8. Looking forward to the pics. Enjoy your weekend!

  9. It's cold and nasty where I am also, although I haven't been able to hibernate and sew :-( I have that Butterick pattern too! I sewed view C (the v-neck) top a lot! I do remember tops were much shorter when this pattern came out, bordering on midriff baring. Hope you're having fun sewing!

  10. Carolyn, Many (most?) cameras have a connection for a tripod and a timer. I use a little Canon Powershot on a tripod (which I admit is my husband's) and use the 10 second timer. In fact, I kind of prefer doing my own photos over having DH do it.

  11. Nice view out your new window. My boys had been yelling about snow deprivation. Now they're hollering about the snow melt. Best to stay in the cave and sew.

  12. I so miss the snow and I love your photograph. It really depicts how cozy it is to be able to sew! Funny, I never did see that Sandra Betzina top. I'm on my way now to put it in my cart.


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