
Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Trends I want for Spring 2012

I still don't know if I will finish The McQueen Dress or not...I'm still deciding...but I have immersed myself in the last two issues of In Style Magazine so I've got a list of "trends" that I would like to incorporate into my spring/summer sewing.  So without further ado, here is my list:

1.  A Tangerine Colored Garment 
I have loads of orange fabric in my collection (just have to get it out of a bin!) and since it's the color of the year, I definitely want another garment made from this color for spring/summer...not a dress probably a skirt...since I already own an orange linen dress...see below.

2.  Floral Prints
I will probably make more than one piece using some of the floral fabrics I've collected.  I love floral prints. A few more summery pieces to mix and match with the core professional wardrobe I've already assembled would be great.

3.  Clashing prints
These clashing print pieces really intrigue me...I will have to figure out a way to use them and make them work in my corporate wardrobe.  Right now I'm thinking of a floral and a pinstripe combo something that makes the point without being over the top!

4.  Colorblocking
Been there, done that, quite willing to do it again only using the bright colors favored this season!

5.  A pop of color
The magazines are showing it as a pair of shoes, or a purse, scarf or top in a vibrant shade worn with dark solid colors.  I can do that ~ no problem!

6. Vibrant colors
In summers past I've made quite a few dresses in bright colors...

This summer I want another bright grape colored dress in a sheath version.  I've owned the perfect piece of grape colored rayon blend fabric for several years.  This is the year it becomes a garment.

7.  A lace piece
I own the fabric and I know what type of dress I want to make it...I just have to make it!

8. A dress
Okay that's a given! *LOL*  But I would like to use several of the 1000s of dress patterns I already own plus a few more that I've recently purchased.  Also, I'm cruising this summer so I will need some pretty vacation clothes...clothes that I want to make...which will include some maxi dresses.

9. A pair of wedges
Yes, this is a style that I've worn before but they are classics. 

This is the pair I'm thinking of purchasing...a pair of patent leather kewl and updated!

All of this to say that spring is here and winter has quietly faded away, so I'm making up my spring/summer sewing list.  Stay tuned and see how many of the trends I actually get made up! always, more later!


  1. I'm hoping to sew a floral print, too, but having a hard time finding one I like. I like all your ideas.

  2. I love to wear clashing prints! My tip is to choose two prints that are of a similar scale and size. I do this all the time with dots and stripes. I haven't tried floral yet, but I want to!

    I love tangerine, but it doesn't love me back, but you look great in that color - I can't wait to see what you decide!

  3. I am so excited that you got some of that gorgeous lace from Fabric Mart! I looked at it again and again, but finally resisted the temptation knowing I would never come up with just the right use for it. I can hardly wait to see what you come up with, I know it will be a knockout!

  4. I love the way you are not scared to use lots of colour in your wardrobe. You make so many beautiful clothes and have shown us how you store your fabrics. Can you please show us how you store your finished outfits.

  5. That lace is spectacular and I look forward to see it's manufacture. I need to think spring too. Why did I buy all that wool last week?

  6. You have made some beautiful and bright dresses! And I love pattern clashing too. I rather like floral with polka dots myself ;)
    thank you so much for your kind congratulations :)

  7. A very inspiring post. It's been pouring buckets here - we finally got some winter! So I'm not quite ready for spring sewing.

  8. Inspirational as always C! I love the florals and lace for Spring and cannot wait to see your beautiful creations.

  9. YES!!!! I say yes to tangerine patent leather wedges!!

  10. Oh! I was in the new DSW at 34th St yesterday and they had loads of fun colored wedges.

    I can't wait to see your cruise chic style! There's something so fun about vacation sewing.

  11. Oooh, can't wait to see all the pretties you are going to make! I am wanting to make some florals this year too (well, my sister wanted a floral dress for summer, and when I was looking for her fabric I found some for me... so now we will both get summer floral dresses I suppose). And I have been thinking I need to get some wedge shoes... how odd that you post that now! And I have been toying with lace (though for skating costumes and not normal day clothes, but still), so perhaps I am more on trend than I realized? While I am all for bright colors, in general they don't look so great on me (sometimes I can get by with the blues and purples), so that is one trend I will probably let pass me by... though you look fabulous in the bright dresses here. Very excited to see your spring sewing - either before or after your McQueen dress. And, well, if you don't make the McQueen now, it can always be your first fall/winter garment when the time comes around again.

  12. I just got a spring catalog from Aerosoles with some very stylish wedges. There's even a style with tweed fabric on the upper and a cork wedge

    I got an e-mail that today that the new arrivals are 20% off with free shipping.

  13. Oh, I love the patent leather wedges too, and your color blocked dress in bright summery colors will look fantastic!

  14. I love your list, it could be mine too. Also thanks for posting the bright colour dresses again - they made me smile, you look great.

  15. I'm wearing Tangerine Tango pants today - love the color!

    BTW - Fabric Mart has some GORGEOUS bright pontes and a good sale - just sayin'

  16. some wonderful ideas - I too love the lace and the wedges - I am a little behind the times, but want to make a colour block dress.

  17. Spring/summer always a signals a time to try new things. And the time is right because you can even learn new skills with less expensive fabrics. I've experimented with clashing prints but i took the chicken way. I put a clashing print on a Cindy Taylor blouse in the collar and sleeve band area. Also on the facing. it;s a fun garment to wear.

  18. I love the bright colors coming. I have sew a lot of bold prints but not a lot of mine are florals. But you rock them and they are so lady like and dainty. So by my blog at I live in central New Jersey outside of Trenton in Hamilton.

  19. I love the warm colors on you- the oranges and corals. Beautiful.


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