
Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Few Newsy Bits

Just a few things that have been running through my mind...

Ann of Gorgeous Things wrote this awesome post about choosing fabric other than cotton for garments.  Along with the fantastic pattern suggestions she makes at her online fabric store, this post is another wonderful piece of information for a sewist working out how to make the correct fabric choice for her garment.

I just ordered the Plain and Simple Essential Shift Dress and Top and the Deco Vibe Deceptively Skinny Patchwork Skirt.  I watched Trudy's YouTube Video (which you can see at the bottom of the pattern information) and got so excited about the versatility of this pattern.  This will definitely be one of my summer dress patterns!

Speaking of summer, spring has sprung in my corner of the world.  It was almost 70 degrees today, the trees are blooming, the flowers are pushing up towards the sky and people have shed their winter coats.  Now I'm not complaining that we had a mild winter after the last two miserable ones.  The weatherman said that last year we got 71" of snow and the year before around 52"...that's a lot of dayum snow!  So to experience one where the temps never fell below the high 20's was a treasure.  All of that to say that I think the Rachel Dress will be the last of my fall/winter sewing.

This is a little distressing to me since I really do want to make a version of The McQueen Dress.  I guess I could go ahead and make it up but already I've got visions of bright colors, vivacious prints and linen fabrics dancing in my head!  

Speaking of spring, I've started to pull out a few of my knit dresses from last year to wear to work this week.  This is what I wore yesterday...

My Christine Jonson dress received a lot of compliments and quite a few "is that a new dress" comments.  And one of my bosses went boy do you have a lot of clothes because I don't remember that from last summer...yes...this is true, I have a lot of clothes! *LOL*

I've already picked out my Easter Outfit...the fabric, the patterns and notions are already in-house.  I just have to make some time...which leads me to the fact that I have a 4-day weekend coming up.  But I can't decide whether I should assemble the shelves and get the fabric out of the bins or whether I should sew.  The only thing is to sew spring, I need the fabric from the bins unless I go on a shopping spree...and right now I'm just not feeling like it.  Okay, stop laughing because seriously I have a yearning to touch and organize my collection.  I just don't know if I want to spend a good sewing weekend putting it together...*sigh*...decisions, decisions.

I will let you know what I decide to do... always, more later!


  1. I need to make a plan for Easter, thank you for reminding me! Like you, my head is full of all sorts of things and I don't know what to do next! I always enjoy watching what you do.

  2. If I wasn't 2000 miles away I would come over right now and help you sort through your fabric!! I know you've got some beauties in those bins.
    I am very excited about spring sewing, but right now I'm trying not to jump in and start on 20 different items that I might not finish. We'll see how long that self control lasts!
    Love your new pattern - I have a stack of Hot Patterns that I haven't tried yet, so you go first! LOL
    Thanks again for being a constant source of inspiration.

  3. Do the shelves! That will make your spring/summer sewing plan itself while you fondle your fabric. You'll be so glad you did it. Maybe 3 days dealing with the shelves and the last day sewing?
    Either way you inspire me to both organize my fabric and sew it up!

  4. I just ordered my first HotPatterns on Tues. evening. I'm trying to break my dependence on Burda. I chose HP 1120 Classix Nouveau Primavera and HP 1133 Plain and Simple T-Shirt. What has been your experience with HotPatterns?

  5. I followed your link to the post about other fabrics. I was a good article. I tried sewing with ofther material besides cotton, and always hated the end garment. I am just one of those people that likes the feel of cotton, and hates the slippery-stick to the skin- feel of rayons and silks. I also like the structure it adds, so when I put my plus size body in my clothes it kind of is more forgiving by not showing every lump and bump =-) I guess I am not very versitle, oh well. Don't you just love getting comments at work? I always get ppl asking if it's new, even if I made it a year ago.

  6. Do both, Carolyn. Put up some shelves, start through your stash and stop when you find a piece you really want to sew. Sewing should be the priority. Organizing can always come later.

  7. Just think if you opt for shelving your fabric, you'd find forgotten fabric gems for your spring collection. Thanks for sharing that article... good info.

  8. I think you should do some shelving AND some sewing. If you don't do some organization you'll be frustrated and if you don't sew, you'll be sad.

  9. I love reading your blog. I make a huge mess when I sew and have to clean it up periodically. So I understand the tug between sorting and sewing. I vote for some of both.

  10. Shelve. You'll feel all virtuous and everthang -- which is what Spring Cleaning is all about, no? I feel sure you'll still have time to do some cutting and stitching, around the edges of the weekend.

  11. I vote for shelves and fabric followed by a little sewing. I think sewingkm got it right.

  12. I vote sew! Those bins will be there later and Easter will be here before you know it

  13. When I saw that HP dress pattern I thought"that is perfect for you Carolyn"! I can't wait to see it made up on you. I am seriously thinking it would even look good on me!

    We ususally have 120" of snow in Western NY,(we love the snow) and this year we only got 30" That is scarry!

    I cannot wait to see all your fun summer plans! You keep me inspired!

  14. I love your style and elegance, you always look so stunning in your look you put together from the garments your make to the shoes,jewelry and hair.

    Do you sew the clothes you wear when you sew? Just curious.

  15. I recently tried a wearable muslin of the SuperFantastic Shirt from Hot Patterns and loved it. I'm currently making one of rayon challis now. I love that new HP dress and I'm pondering getting that too. Great article from Gorgeous Fabrics. That will prolly be my first purchase to reward myself for using my stash. Great post, Carolyn, you are an inspiration.

  16. I've got a long sleeve tee on the machine but I think that's it for cold weather. It is downright hot here in DC. I think I accidentally moved back to Texas!

  17. That is a good post for sewers. Thank you.
    Don't you love it when people notice the great clothes you have. And yes even thought I've got lots of clothese in my wardrobe too, I get bored with the same look so I try to mix it up. I think your outfit really reminded your boss that you always look well dressed.

  18. I am also attracted to the Plain and Simple dress pattern. I must be waiting for you to review it, huh?

  19. Trudy's videos are convincing, aren't they? I have a couple of HP patterns that I want to make up before I buy another one, but this Plain & Simple Top is so tempting. Of course, I watched the video and then looked at vintage saris on eBay.

  20. I wouldn't worry about sewing up the McQueen dress too late in the season. This nice weather may not last that long so you may need it. Sewing should be seasonless. I plan on making a new winter coat, but I probably won't get to start until may. Enjoy your 4 days off. I am super jealous!

  21. YOu won`t regret getting that fabric out of their containers into the shelves - as others as said you`ll probably find an amazing piece to sew . Hope your unseasonally warm winter doesn`t mean awful heat waves are coming.


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