
Friday, September 28, 2012

My new obsession & bringing back an old one

My new obsession is this Jonathan Saunders wool crepe dress...

I have the red wool crepe in the collection and will use my TNT dress as the basis. I even bought a skinny black belt - now you know I'm obsessed! *LOL*  Just have to figure out how to dye the fabric to make the dress work. I've done a little research and I'm going to try to make a sample, so more on that later!

My old obsession was the McQueen wool crepe dress from last winter.  I've worked out all of the pattern alterations and I have both black and navy wool crepe on hand.  I need to pull the pattern pieces out and add this to my "to-sew" list for fall/winter.

So it's Friday evening and I'm in the sewing cave.  I've put the pontes in the washer and dryer to pretreat them so they will be ready to sew when I'm ready for them.

Tomorrow I'll be working on two more pieces from The City in Winter Collection. I'm hoping to knock them out because I found another, yes, another dress idea that will be a part of this wardrobe grouping and I want to move on it while the idea is hot! always more later!


  1. It looks like a dip-dye. I wonder if you could rig up a rail or something to peg the pieces on, to just dip the right amount in a large tray or bucket? That way you could roughly cut the right size pieces for front/back & get the same depth of dye. You'd have to re-rig it at a different height for the sleeves. If you can get the right width on the dyed bands then you can cut the pieces exactly to place them perfectly. Gorgeous dress - I can see why you're keen.

  2. Wow...I'm struggling to think how you could get the dye effect on the red dress but I'm sure you'll come up with something! The McQueen dress is lovely too, that one's been lurking in my inspiration folder for a while.

  3. You are endlessly creative! I stand in admiration.

  4. That dress is gorgeous, I love the dye effect and can't wait to see how you'll do it!

  5. Trudy of hot patterns talks about ombre dying in the forth installment of you tube videos for the 24/7 plain and simple pencil and a-line skirt. Basically you paint full strength paint then dilute the paint and paint a little further out, blending the paint. and keep doing it until the desired effect is achieved.

  6. That Jonathn Saunders is uh-may-zing and I look forward to following along. I'v enjoyed reading about Claudine's dying experiments, too. There aren't enough hours in the day to try everything, so thank goodness for bloggers like you! I'll get a vicarious thrill from your efforts.

  7. I think it would be more flattering if only the middle part of the dress was dyed, and the sleeves were left solid. Otherwise, it creates a horizontal band from outer arm to outer arm, making the person wearing it look considerably wider.

  8. Oh, that is a good dress!! I just dip dyed a thrifted shirt the other day. It was both easier and harder than I thought to contain the mess and get the look I wanted. You should definitely practice first.

    Thanks for the reminder about the block fusing! I'm going to try to go on Tuesday.

  9. Ooh, I can't wait to see how you dye it. I'm thinking dip or spray possibly... I love to dye things! Pretty dress.

  10. I was going to suggest taking a look at Claudines dyeing with a spray bottle. The only issue is that I believe that wool and silk need to be dyed in a hot bath if you use the correct dyes for them.

  11. I was thinking dip dye and wondering if you had seen the Australian Carolyn's post on the subject. Will your dress be red? g

  12. Claudine at Adventures in Couture did a tutorial on getting this type of ombre effect. Can't wait to see how yours goes.

  13. Love the red dress. Can't wait to see it.. also the Mcqueen dress.. Happy sewing in the sewing cave this weekend.

  14. I look forward to seeing what you do with the dyeing. I know it will be gorgeous.

  15. Can't wait to see what you end up doing with the red dress! I love reading your sewing plans.


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