
Friday, November 02, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Update

Hello Everyone...

...and you don't know how glad I am to be able to say hello again.  Hurricane Sandy hit us hard on Monday evening...power left us shortly thereafter.  It was a very harrowing experience because I've never experienced a hurricane before. Tropical storms, Nor'Easteners yes, ferocious snowstorms that leave us buried in snow...definitely...hurricanes no friggin' way.

So power returned yesterday evening around 7 about the same time it left on Monday.  Internet accessed just came back a few minutes ago.  I still don't have cable so can't watch the news.  Thank God I pay that monthly fee for 4G access on my iPad because without it and the transistor radio we would have no idea what was going on.

To be totally truthful, I hit a wall yesterday and just refused to get out of bed where it was warm.  I've read two books in four days, remembered how to set a fire in the fireplace from my Girl Scout days which kept us warm and cozy in the evenings.  Our hot water heater never went out nor did the stove so we were able to feed ourselves and take hot showers but all the food in the frig had to be thrown out yesterday.

Power outages are so arbitrary that my sister who lives across town had power (and lots of company the first day!) but my daughters who live in the opposite direction from me didn't and still don't.  PSEG is promising today and since I now believe that they are doing everything they can, we are hopeful that they will.

There are down power lines & trees everywhere.  Yesterday, most of the traffic lights around me still weren't working, don't know about today because I haven't been out.  However, besides the fact that the trees pictured in my last post were full and colorful just last Sunday when I took those pictures, they are all almost bare now. There are no trees down by me which is amazing since the wind was BLOWING!  Nothing flooded in our home but some of the townhouses around me did take on a little water...nothing major though!

I haven't been to work this week because of 1-mass transportation into NYC is a mess and 2-there is a crane hanging off a building on 57th Street that put my office building into the evacuation zone.  They are saying we can come back to work on Monday, but we shall see.

So I'm now putting my sewing room back together...hoping to sew again later this evening.  I now have a new understanding and appreciation for my sisters in the Southeast who go through this yearly.  Y'all are some amazing folks...

Finally thanks to everyone who sent a note, text'd me or left a message here inquiring how I was doing.  I read them all and appreciated the concern...okay so now back to sewing. always more later!


  1. Very glad to hear that you made it through relatively unscathed - hopefully things will return to some normality soon.

  2. So glad to hear you and your family are ok.....

  3. SO great to hear that!
    Thanks GOd you are OK!

  4. So glad to hear that you are ok. We went through Hurricane Juan in 2003 so I know what you are describing and I never want to go through it again. Happy Sewing.

  5. Glad to hear that all is well!

  6. Made my day to hear your OK. Missed your cheery voice on your blog. Sheila

  7. Thankful you have been able to return to the land of heat and light, and that you and your family are okay.

  8. I am SOOOO glad your power is back on!! And I was very relieved to hear a couple days ago that you were well and experienced no flooding. At that point I had very few people I still hadn't heard from, but now I know all are well, though not all of their property is. It's hard to get one's head around the destruction. Take care!

  9. I am very happy to hear that you and yours are well!

  10. so glad you guys are doing well! stay warm & be safe

  11. SO happy, happy, happy to hear from you!! And relieved that you made it through OK.

  12. I'm glad to hear you and your family are okay. I was wondering. We didnt get much hear like we expected. Take Care!

  13. Caroline, I was hoping we would see you posting real soon. I was very concerned and am so glad all is OK. Pics of that crane scare me to death. Take care and enjoy all the unplanned sewing you can now do. What a relief!

  14. Thank you for the update. I was thinking of you and how you were doing while we got some reports on the hurricane and its aftermath all the way here in Finland. Best wishes to you and yours!

  15. Thank you Lord! Glad that you are o.k. and that your family is o.k. as well.

  16. So very thankful that you're OK! And here's a raised espresso to getting the sewing going again while you have a few days off work.

  17. Glad to hear you are okay. Take care and be safe!

  18. glad to hear you are ok. Hope things start getting back to normal soon.

  19. I am SO glad to hear that you and your family are okay. As one who lost their home to Katrina, I understand the myriad of emotions and frustrations that have beset you. Please know that there are people out there that are ready and willing to help.

    Take a deep breath. Do know that it will get better. It's just going to take awhile.

  20. YEAH - I am so glad you're okay and were able to post. Totally understand the wall. Those life altering experiences are like that.


  21. So glad to hear that you are well and suffered no real damage. We were so lucky I feel almost guilty! We are the 10%of LI that didn't lose power. Having been without power for 11 days in Hurricane Gloria I certainly know how it feels! Good luck on getting back to work.

  22. Thank you for letting us know how you are doing--did your fabric stash also survive?
    I'm glad you have power now. I hope things return to normal for you and your family very soon. I've often thought that if I had a treadle machine I could sew without power, but recently realized that I wouldn't be able to press my seams. There is no way I'd be willing to try one of those old-fashioned flat irons!

  23. Glad to hear you're okay. Stay safe!

  24. I'm Glad to hear that you are alright. I hope things get back to normal as soon as possible. It's horrible to think of people being cold, damp, and unable to get around with winter approaching.

  25. I am glad to hear that the power is back on and that you and your family are ok. Now, get sewingggggg!

  26. glad you're back and stayed dry!

  27. So glad to hear you are doing okay and have power again!

  28. I'm so glad you're doing okay... all things considered. I'm praying everyone in the area is able to recover as quickly as possible.

  29. I'm glad you're OK! I haven't had power/water in my house since Mon night and I'm still staying there and going to work (where I'm posting from.)

  30. Very glad to hear you and your family are OK!

  31. Glad you are okay and have power again!

  32. Good to hear from you and know you are safe. And back to sewing :)

  33. Glad you are ok! Hope everything gets back up and running soon.

  34. Oh Carolyn, that does sound like a lot of hardship to endure, but I am SO GLAD you didn't get flooding in your sewing cave. What a pain to put it all back together, I feel for you! Ugh! But as you pointed out there were a lot of good things too, and I am glad you made it through as well as you did. You deserved to stay in bed under the covers for at least a day!

  35. So glad to hear you and your family are okay.

  36. Glad you are doing fine! Enjoy the non working time getting things back to normal! (I saw the crain on TV! Yikes!)

  37. soooo glad to know you and family are okay!!!

  38. So very glad that you are ok and that your family is safe as well. Frightening but also a chance to see the resilience and care of people. Glad you could hunker down and be gentle on yourself.

  39. Thanks for the update. I'm glad that you and family are all right. Yes, I've lived through several hurricanes so I was concerned. Happy sewing! I look forward to future posts.

  40. So pleased you are safe, and the sewing cave too! Happy sewing and hope your city is back to normal real soon!

  41. I have seen pictures of that crane...Glad to hear that you are okay.

  42. So glad to hear that all is well with you and your family. We have been watching it from the west coast and it really was quite the storm. Take care and enjoy your weekend.

  43. Whew! Glad you and yours are OK!

  44. So glad you got your power back. A hurricane is the scariest of natural disasters to me. Glad you survived Sandy. g

  45. Carolyn, thank you so much for letting us know that you're OK. I've watched a lot of the coverage, maybe too much. What a distressing and dangerous time this has been and continues to be for so many. Ooh, that hanging crane. I'm glad your employer is taking the safest approach. Take care, and enjoy your next sewing project.

  46. So glad you are well and safe and things are returning to normal!

  47. Hi Carolyn, glad to know you and your family are safe.

  48. So glad to hear you and your fabric made it through the storm. I know what you mean about the power outages. We only lost power for about 5 min. but neighbors just two blocks away in both directions have been without power since Monday and just got theirs back today. When I drove around my community today there were still huge trees down in yards and on houses all over the place...and I live in a suburb of Cleveland! That was one powerful hurricane.

  49. Lovely to hear you and your family are fine after this terrible storm. All the best for a return to 'normality' soon.

  50. Thank you for the update. You have been in my thoughts. I might have thought your were overreacting when you took apart your sewing room. I was wrong!

    I am grateful and happy that all is well with you. Please continue to enjoy good books!


  51. So glad to hear from you and that you and all your family are safe and dry. It will take time for normality to return but so glad you are okay.

  52. Glad to hear your family are all safe.

  53. Carolyn,
    I'm glad to hear you are safe. I've been through several hurricanes myself and they can be scary while they're happening and very long suffering afterwards. Keep safe still!

  54. I have been thinking of you and watching and reading the news - sounded terrible . Good to hear you survived .

  55. so happy to hear that you are safe.

  56. It's good to hear that you are ok!

  57. Glad to hear you are back! We were lucky in MA. We didn't get hit nearly as hard as NY and NJ. We went through a similar experience last year, when we lost power for 5 days. This time we lost power at the warehouse, but not at home.

  58. Have been thinking of you this last week and hoping that things weren't horrific for you. Glad you and yours are OK; wishes for swift return to normal.

  59. So very glad to read your post and to learn that you have power again. You are lucky to have been able to shower and cook. I've been in touch with some folks via iPad and Word that are truly still struggling.

    Having experienced only small hurricanes, I can only imagine and can see what a hell of storm Sandy was!

  60. glad to hear you are well and have power again.

  61. So happy you and yours are okay. Having lived thru hurricane Ike (I live in Houston) I know what it's like to live w/o power (14 days!) Hope you can now do some sewing to create and relax. My DH volunteers for the Red Cross and is currently driving one of their meal trucks up to New Brunswick,NJ. Fingers crossed that the weather is clear and he reaches there safely. He loves helping people and I know there is a real need for that area of the country. Stay safe as you venture back to work.

  62. I'm glad you made it through safely.


  63. I'm happy you made it through the hurricane ok.

  64. Welcome back, Carolyn. Now that you're back in your sewing room, all's right with the world.

  65. Fantastic that you have power again! I took a garder at the crane site yesterday. After hearing a professional crane-expert-guy talk about it yesterday, it seems it may have been more hype than an actual danger. Time will tell, I guess.

  66. So glad to hear that you have power again and that you were able to cook and take nice, warm showers through the duration but to have to toss all the food - terrible. I can understand staying in bed and staying warm with a good book. I saw photos of that crane and think it wise that the area was evacuated. Again, glad you are safe!

  67. Thanks for the update Carolyn! Have been thinking of you all week! :)

  68. So glad to hear you're ok! I was worried all week about you. And was mentally planning that Carolyn-sewing-donation-drive that we were going to have to have if anything had happened to the sewing cave!

  69. I'm glad that the storm is behind you and your family is doing well.

  70. I'm so glad you are ok - I was thinking of you from here in Australia, when you weren't posting I got worried!!

  71. So happy to hear from you and to know you are safe.

  72. SO glad you and family are ok! I was pretty worried when I saw the reports and the location. I would probably still be in the bed! Please keep us posted on the aftermath, I know missing work means sewing time, but also means loads of catch up later. Blech. So, anyway, good to hear from you! K

  73. Glad to hear that you are safe and sound. My thoughts are with you.

  74. Yay Carolyn glad to hear that you are OK. Were very worried after hearing where you lived.

  75. Glad to hear you're OK. I follow your blog through an RSS reader, so I don't often visit the site itself or leave a comment, but I'd been wondering where you were in relation to the dreadful events in the US. Good luck and best wishes!

  76. So happy to hear you are okay. I didn't leave a note but was definitely thinking about you and talking about it, enough so that my husband is now worried about you too, LOL!

  77. Glad to hear you are ok and the sewing cave didn't flood. I hope everything gets back to normal for you soon.

  78. Glad to hear you and your family are doing well and your home and sewing room avoided Sandy wrath Look forward to see your sewing projects

  79. I glad you and your family are doing well. Take it easy.

  80. So happy you are fine, what an experience. I really wondered about you but knew there probably wasn't any way to contact you. This update is much appreciated.

  81. Glad to hear every thing went well with you and your family. But We haven't heard anything from you in a while I hope all is still well.

  82. I am so happy that you are doing well and the storm did not cause you any major damage.

    I hope the rest of your family get power back soon!

  83. so glad you posted I was thinking about you. I'm glad you are ok. We had to be opposite and lose power on Tuesday when most of it was over and it did not come back on until Wed. morning. I fell down the steps in an evacuation and am just now able to move around properly. Glad you are ok.

  84. Gosh, I'm so glad your power is finally back! Still waiting on cable & internet, but that's minor compared to power! Looking forward to seeing what you stitch up once your sewing room is back in order!

  85. I'm happy that you are safe and sound. God bless.


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