
Monday, November 05, 2012

More Updates...

A few more updates...

Crane on W.57th from the conference room next to my desk
  • It's a funny thing...right after I wrote that last blog post, my internet service went out again and IS still out!  Last night they told me that it would be on in the next 24 hours, so we shall see.
  • I'm at work today, that's how I'm posting this but we have no heat in the building since they finally lashed the daymun crane down yesterday. Even though I dressed warmly, it's still rather chilly in I'm wearing gloves and a scarf!
  • We got cable back last night so I now know that there's a Nor' Easter coming to town on Wednesday, well truthfully I'd heard it on the radio on Thursday so I didn't put anything besides my sewing machines and ironing board back into the sewing cave.  Who knows what this one will bring?
  • I'm definitely not was bad in my world for a few days but not as bad as for a few friends who ARE still without power, heat & hot water and access to their streets because of trees and wires down...or the people in Lower Manhattan or Staten Island.
  • I never sewed this weekend.  It didn't seem like vacation days and the atmosphere just wasn't conducive to sewing.
  • We went to the Mall Friday evening and out to dinner because the food stores are just starting to be restocked.  I shopped.  I never shop but I bought stuff...*sigh*
  • Hopefully I feel like sewing this weekend, but who knows!
Just wanted to provide another update for any who are wondering...

...more later!


  1. hang in there Carolyn and thanks so much for posting an update. It sounds really, really hard. *hugs*

  2. Thanks for the update. I truly understand why you are shopping and not sewing. *more hugs*

  3. So glad you're doing well, Carolyn. I thought about you last week during the storm.

  4. I know, I count my blessings when I see how badly some people were affected by the storm. Glad you are back at work. My cousin's office was affected by that crane as well.

  5. Carolyn
    Thank you for updating. I have been worried about you. SO proud your ok.. I am so sorry for each of you , that are going through the devastation of Sandy.
    I understand your lack of desire to sew over the weekend.. Too much stress around you. It will come back later. Until..we are sending prayers for each of you.

  6. Better days are coming! That crane scares the bejeepers out of me and to think you can see that from your window.

    Have you tried thermal undies? They can keep you pretty warm and come in black, as in a leggings fakeout. Or you can just hide them under some of those gorgeous pants you've made. Stay warm!

  7. So glad to hear what is going on. When a bad storm hits an area this big - it is hard for the rest of the country to know what is going on and where. Glad to hear you got a chance to get to the grocery store. Know that your sewing cave will be there waiting for you to begin new creations soon.

    I recently began following your blog and love it. I placed a small order from Fabric Mart last night - based your entries. I shopped with you in mind. Hang in there and bundle up!

  8. Sending good vibes, prayers for a blessing. God knows we all need blessing right now. I would be glued to my window!

  9. Thanks for updating Carolyn. Glad that you are okay, but it sounds very difficult, for you and many many others.

  10. So glad that you are safe. Hope they get the heat working real soon. And also hope that next storm is very, very mild.

  11. Glad your doing fine. Prayers to all in the East.

  12. You and many others are in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully things will be better soon for everyone.

  13. Thank you for the update. It is good to hear first hand what is happening. I am glad you were able to get in to work today. That crane does look scary.

  14. Hi Carolyn. Thank you for updating us. We only see a media skewed version here so I hope you all get your power back and food stores.
    I wouldn't be sewing either.
    Take care.

  15. Oh that crane! So glad to hear another update from you though. Stay warm, and hang in there as best as you can.

  16. I just needed to get out of the house and borrow some of Nordstrom's free wifi this weekend, too. No mojo, but new boots. ;-)

  17. Deep breath, glad that you are hanging in there. Stay warm and safe.

  18. Thank you for the update, and I can understand why no sewing, take care of yourself and your family and fingers crossed that the heating is restored to your office soon.

  19. I'm so glad you are safe and well... I wouldn't even be thinking of sewing either!
    Thanks for taking the time to update, and I hope the heating situation is restored to everyone soon.... take care :)

  20. Thanks for the update good to know your are well hang in there.

  21. What an experience you have been and are going through. Really happy to read that you are bouncing back from the storm as best you can. Hang in there! Hope the heat in your building is turned on soon. In the mean time, stay safe and bundled up!

  22. I'm glad you are well. My brother is in Ny and I'm going to met him in 2 weeks for thanks giving

  23. Thank you for the updates! We are all worried about you! Stay safe!

  24. Carolyn - thanks for letting us know how you're doing. I've been thinking of you, and sending good thoughts your way. Hang in there. This too shall pass.

  25. Hang in there! I lost power/water for 5 days last week, and just had it restored on Friday night.

  26. Thanks for the update, so glad you are safe. I have family & close friends in the area still without power and one I haven't talked to or heard from yet. I know you'll be back to sewing full power soon. Take care & God Bless!


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