
Tuesday, November 06, 2012

I did it!

You should too!

That's right - VOTE!  It is every American citizen's right and privilege to vote.  So please make sure that you head to the polls today and VOTE! always, more later!


  1. Amen to that. I got mine in early. My choice may not win, but my voice was heard. No vote, no voice.

  2. Too true.
    Here in the UK we are reading about people waiting 7 hours to vote in Ohio and Florida. Seven hours!

  3. Doing so tonight! Don't want to turn this political but I do so hope you don't have to change the photos on your side bar!

  4. Yes, I voted first thing this morning was in and out in 10 minutes. I just hope for a good turn-out.

  5. Voted on the second day of early voting in NC (in-person absentee voting: who thought up THAT title?). Went to a small, out-in-the-county polling place. Had to wait in line, 2 1/2 weeks before Election Day! Yay. That bodes well for the candidate whom I want to win. Still getting 5-6 robo calls per day from the other side.

  6. I'm glad to see that you put a reminder out. I vote absentee which is allowed for any reason (including laziness) in Florida because the lines are so long.

  7. Will be following the news online all day at work to see if a result is called.
    We hace compulsory voting here in Australia - or face fines for not voting. We get to vote next year.

  8. Work let us out 2 hours early to vote. Took me 3 minutes...walked in the door, signed in, voted, walked out. Done. Fingers crossed.

  9. Did it! Grew up in D.C. when one couldn't vote. Have done it ever since. Remember taking my son who was still in H.S. but had just turned 18. Even my curmudgeonly S.O. voted and he always swears he won't b/c he doesn't like any of the choices. It is a privilege to be preserved.

  10. My husband and I early voted on an absentee ballot. My daughter early voted in her district. Voting is a privilege that should never be overlooked. I will always remember that many people fought and some actually lost their lives in order for me to have this right!

  11. Yes I also hope you don't have to remove your photo on your side bar. Voting is a privilege and I am very pleased we have compulsory voting here. However, if they want people to vote in the U.S. they really have to change how and who they allow to control the voting booths. A line up like that is ridiculous even if we have to line up here, it might be 20 minutes and that's only in the"la di da" areas - in my experience anyway! Good luck America!


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