
Friday, November 23, 2012

I love a 4-day weekend...

Even though yesterday was Turkey Day and I spent quality time with my family, I have retreated to the sewing cave today.  Since I won't have to worry about sustenance due to the awesome leftovers...I'm hoping that I can spend every waking minute in the sewing cave...sewing for the next three days.  I have hope people...I have hope! *LOL* 

I've made what I hope is a realistic list, which would be a first, btw!  *LOL*  I've scheduled my daughter to come over Sunday afternoon to take photos...always the interesting part...and I've got all my supplies set up and ready to go.  I'm thinking that last weekend's rest will come in handy in allowing me to get bleary eyed with my sewing over the course of the weekend...I'm hoping!

So I'm sharing my list hoping that the jinx of sharing it won't cause me not to complete it. *LOL*  I've already started on it so I have hope.  Here's the list:

1.  Finish the flare tweed dress - yes I did start it and it needs hems for the dress and lining and the binding sewn down and hand stitched flat.

2.  Remove the sleeves from a jacket which my bodacious biceps have outgrown.

3.  Make another Burda 8869 cardigan from the gray wool knit I just bought from Mood.  

4.  A new make - Vogue 8824 from an emerald green wool crepe purchased a few months ago from Mood.

5.  One more garment from the CIW collection, lined pants from my TNT pattern in the gray fabric.  I need to get back on track with finishing up this collection...this ever expanding collection.

...and if I'm really diligent, I want to make another V1250 top out of an ivory knit...see this list seems doable and realistic right?  Well I hope so.  BTW, did you notice that I used the word hope/hoping quite a few times in this post?  That's because there is a lot of hope involved in the list and this weekend!  

Of course I'll be back with an update later and hopefully some finished garments! always more later!


  1. I've had to sit down and fan myself after reading your list. Good luck with your plan!

  2. It just might be realistic for you! Happy sewing!!

  3. Have fun working through your list. I look forward to seeing the end results! I was browsing through your cardigans - beautiful variety of fabrics.

  4. I'm positive you can do it. Provided you step away from the computer and start sewing - now! Well really, hours ago. g

  5. If anyone can do it, you can. Enjoy your long sewing weekend!

  6. You got your mojo back! Yay! Enjoy your sew-cation. Looking forward to seeing your results!

  7. Sounds like a brand new wardrobe to cover a work week. That's a great list.

  8. Oh, I cant wait to see 8824! I love that shape....Godspeed, Sewist Extraordinaire!

  9. May the sewing force be with you.
    I'm pooped after reading that list:)

  10. sew some for me. my weekend of sewing has been swiped out from under me!! i'm okay with it, though.

  11. Keep hope alive girlfriend LOL! Glad you've got big sewing plans. Nothing like being able to sew with a fridge full of cooked food. It quadruples the sewing productivity, huh? Have fun sewing it up!


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