
Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Lazy Sunday Afternoon

I know yesterday I sounded like I would be sewing gangbusters this weekend ~ well that has not turned out to be so.  Some of it is because I spent a good portion of yesterday in the street.  By the time I got home, got things unpacked and put away and figured out that I spent too much money...*LOL*...I ending up spending the evening sitting in the sewing cave watching television...and that's all I did was watch television.

When I woke up this morning I knew I wasn't going to be knocking garment after garment out of my sewing machine. I just felt lazy and not energized and enervated to spend quality time with my sewing machine.  I did start working on the Tweed Flared Dress...but I think that my mind is moving faster than my ability and/or desire to sew this weekend.  So I'm surrendering to the fact that minimal amount will emerge from my sewing machine this weekend.

Does this happen to you?  Do you start out with the intentions of spending quality time with your sewing machine and then end up with very little to show for it?  Do you feel like if you had just a little more time that you would do more?  Just wondering because that's how I feel today.

So I have nuthin' new to share with you and with the holiday approaching, there's a pretty good chance that I won't have much to share before the weekend.  I'm going to spend some quality time watching television and deciding what to work on after Thanksgiving. always more later!


  1. I think you are too hard on yourself. I'm retired and have plenty of time, but find myself in the same boat you are in at this time. And I must add that it is quite frequently with me. I am also too hard on myself at times and have to take inventory of just what I have been doing and then I don't feel so bad. Just the other day I decided to see how many bed quilts I had and before I decided to stop I had counted 12. So I resolved to go a little easier on myself. You must do the same. Go on and lay back and enjoy your day.

  2. The ideas are still there so give yourself a break. You've been doing a lot lately.
    I spent the weekend drafting which was fun but I didn't finish anything. That said, I'll be going some family sewing before I get back to my sewing.
    And that's how my weekend worked out. It was a good weekend though:)

  3. Oh Carolyn ... that's me EVERY DAY!

  4. That's just the way it goes sometimes. I'm in a sewing lull right now too.

  5. It does happen to me. As a full time employee I feel there is always so much to be done in my home. I have the habit of rewarding myself with sewing. Today was a perfect example. I could have gotten up and gone to the cave for the day but I desperately needed to totally take apart and clean my fridge before the board of health showed up! It ended up taking much longer than thought because I was more thorough than I planned. It was mid afternoon and I was exhausted. eventually at 4:00 I got to the cave for a bit of cleaning and puttering and then it was time for dinner. It all just escaped me.

    Most planned sewing days aren't like this but with the holiday looming things just had to be dealt with. I'll get back to it tomorrow.

  6. I have felt that way a lot lately. I don't know if it is the time change, my new job or this terrible rash around my eyes, but there is not much sewing going around here.

  7. Last weekend was a lazy Sunday.. Spent an exorbitant amount of time in front of the t.v. knowing I had a few orders to fill, but it was such a good feeling just being lazy. Now I am paying the price, spent this Sunday trying to do it all in one day. The good thing is knowing that at some point it will be done.

  8. Sometimes its just enough for me to be in my sewing space and around my stuff, I didn't get much done today either!

  9. This is happening to me right this very instant. I'm a student and I had to rent a machine for the weekend (not enough room to haul mine down from home). After over a month of non-stop exams and papers, I finally have a free-ish weekend, but I just can't. I made a skirt muslin yesterday, but haven't touched the machine today. I suppose it's like exercise, where your recovery days are just as important as the days you hit the gym, right?

  10. This happens to me all too frequently. I have spent many hours siting on the sofa in my sewing room watching television with my sewing machine just in the corner of my peripheral vision ... I always end up feeling bad.

  11. You create alot, I mean alot! Somedays you just need time to do nothing. Look at tv or read a book. Funny that's what I did today.

  12. Sometimes spend all week planning my weekend sewing goals and then... a big nada. Even if I don't actually sew I'll still feed my sewing appetite by reading a sewing magazine or watching a DVD or some other sewing-related activity.

    Sewing is always on my mind.


  13. I ALWAYS have big plans.... But rarely find the time or energy to actually complete them. That's just the way it works. There's no shame in taking it easy every now and again!

  14. Does this happen to me? YES. All of the time lately.

  15. I can totally relate. I do that most Fridays - and that's my sewing day. This weekend I got a dress fitted and ready to trace back onto paper, but I haven't cut it from fabric I can wear out of the house yet. Although I have a bunch. Last weekend I cut out a plaid pencil skirt and I still haven't got it sewn together. g

  16. I remember you saying you had reached a level in your sewing where quality and skill was more important than quantity. We sometimes are driven to produce more because of our creative flow. I have more ideas in my head and on paper than I actually produce. I'm learning to make peace with this. Relax, everyone deserves some down time.

  17. Oh I get that way more than I can tell you! Sometimes you can tell by my lack of blog posts too! I think we are all just being human and need a little "shut down" time in order to get refreshed! I believe this is your time now, enjoy and embrace it!

  18. I haven't touched my machine in a week. I usually stress about it when it happens (esp times like now with holidays and birthdays looming ever closer) but I think I'm doing better about just letting it go. There are always other things that need to get done, too. And they're probably things I put off when I was feeling more motivated to sew. So I try to get those things done and not let the quiet sewing machine make me feel guilty. A break can be a very healthy thing, even if it wasn't planned. Life's rough enough without dumping extra stress on ourselves when it isn't needed.

  19. I fumbled around all weekend on the same project, until I made myself ill. I will revisit again, but for now its in the I may complete one day bucket. After that I did nothing by lay around myself. The weather here is yucky so, so is my mojo.

    Carolyn, you know I new we were related the minute I saw your machine. We have the same one, Janome 6600P Lol. Hi family.

  20. We all have those days when our mind says one thing and the body refuses to go there. For me, that usually means not doing housework rather tha not sewing. Lol.

  21. Myra echos my sentiments exactly. My sewjo ebbs and flows and that's just the way it is. I was on fire in September working on my mini wardrobe. After that, I tried to jump back into but was met with challenges both inside and outside of the sewing room. Whatareyagonnado? Give yourself some breathing room and try again the next day. Chocolate usually helps. =)

  22. Oh!!! ME TOO!!! Some days I literally have to force myself to get down to my studio space because I'm too tired, I have other things I think that I want or need to accomplish, or sometimes the mojo just isn't there. Forcing myself has two opposite effects - the first is amazing - I accomplish a lot and feel really great. The second is that nothing goes as planned and I probably would have been better off not sewing, and the time would have been better spent fantasizing instead. That being said, some days I just can't make myself do it. Don't be hard on yourself. Sewing is supposed to be FUN. We do it because we LOVE the process, the creating and the outcome. Sometimes our creativity needs a rest and refresher, and then when our mojo returns, we can CREATE with a passion!

  23. Sounds like you had a blast and I love love love those silk border prints, can't wait to see what you do with them.

  24. Well after running after nine kids all day and housework , its amazing sometimes that i do manage to sew, but often times I don't. I get most of my sewing done late morning once i have rested and the kids are in school except the two youngest or the weekend when I can sleep late after sewing all night when they are sleep.

  25. this is how I felt the past week. I finally cleared up a bit of a mess in my sewing room and today got to work on a top for my patternmaking class. It was actually a very productive day, nothing like the last week. Sometimes you just need a break! Anyways, new follower here. Found you through A Fashionable Stitch. Would love it if you checked out my blog, fellow sewer here:) Relax and enjoy your Thanksgiving holiday! Can't wait to see what projects you work on in the near future!


  26. Yes, way more than I like to admit. But you did accomplish a lot.

  27. Yes, sometimes you just need a break from your sewing's best for both parties!

  28. I often feel this way, too. As a SAHM that actually isn't home very much (oh, the irony!) I get completely uptight about the household and family needs, and so time specifically earmarked for sewing usually gets frittered away on the chore list. But that's OK! It's better to take a breather and enjoy the sewing instead of sweating it. :) Now to take my own advice! haha


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