
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Meeting Barbara at Mood = More Fabric!

Yesterday I met Barbara Emodi who authors the blog, Sewing on the Edge, and people can I tell you that she's as funny IRL as she is on her blog!  I had the most delightful afternoon and evening with her!

As you can see from the picture above, we met at Mood for some 'light' fabric shopping and then dinner.  Now to be truthful I've been badgering Barbara to meet each and every time she announces that she's coming to New York to see her son.  So after much pestering (I mean non-stop emailing, leaving messages on her blog repeatedly asking her to meet me in NY) I even thought of offering bribes...she finally relented and set up a date to meet.

I'm sure you're asking why I was so invested in meeting her?  Because when I first started my blog, I got about 30-35 visits a day, and at least five of those were mine.  Barbara contacted me and told me that she wanted to include my blog on a list of her Top Ten Favorite Sewing Blogs for an article she was writing for Australian Stitches.

Of course I said yes because someone was reading my ramblings besides me. And c'mon if you're really honest you know you want people to oooohhhh and aaaahhhh over your garments and acknowledge your sewing skill or you wouldn't make your blog public!  Anyway, I've always wanted to meet Barbara to thank her for not only acknowledging my blog but also for thinking so highly of my sewing.

I learned tonight that Barbara and I share a passion for sewing.  Sewing isn't something we do to pass the time.  Sewing is essential to our well-being.  It allows us to breathe, to take stock, to be our true selves.  Honestly, I've only met a handful of sewists who live in that space, who even know it exists.  Barbara is one of those people.  She gets it and I was thrilled to spend a few hours with her.

So at Mood I introduced her to a few of my favorite fabric people, George and Eric, persuaded her not to buy a couple of "iffy" pieces and to definitely buy more than she intended.  Hey, if you want to save money, don't fabric shop with me! *LOL*

After a quick run through SIL Thread and a more leisurely stroll through Pacific Trimmings, we headed off to find food.  Dinner was great because of the conversation way more than the food.  I was actually sad to say goodbye...hopefully we will be able to get together the next time she's in NY because I now think of her as a friend!

On another note, I will be sewing this weekend and alot next week since I'll only be working 2.5 days.  I've pushed picture taking back to the Sunday after Thanksgiving because I want to sew in the zone without interruptions.  Expect a lot of progress posts before the fashion shoot posts.

Finally, I know you don't think that I went to Mood and didn't buy any fabric! *LOL*  I kept saying that I would only get a piece or two, of course I ended up with a little more than that!  Here's what came home with me...

A black/ivory/gray wool knit
(there's still plenty of this on the 3rd floor!)

This is a ponte knit that looks like a laminated
fabric on one side and a brushed on the back
(This just arrived today, if you're in NYC run
don't walk to Mood and buy some of this fabric!)

A silk border print

Another silk border print - this
one is actually down the center of the fabric.
Barbara bought some of this fabric too
because it's so gorgeous!

Don't forget if you see a fabric here on the blog that I've purchased at the Mood NYC store, call the store and ask if they have any left.  I'm sure they would be happy to send you some if you live in the Continental USA.

Stay tuned because I'm "back in the Mood" and there will be much sewing going on at Casa de Sewing Fanatic during the next couple of days... always more later!


  1. I'm considering drinking the "ponte knit that looks like a laminated fabric on one side and a brushed on the back "Kool-Aid; however, I'm not as an experienced sewist as you. This fabric may be out of my league :-/ I'm in the midst of sewing a knit skirt using The Magic Pencil Skirt pattern by Pamela's Patterns and I have McCalls M6654 pattern. Should I still run to get the fabric (I should mention here I have a slight addiction to buying fabric)???? What were you thinking to do with the fabric?

  2. How nice that two of my favourite bloggers had such a great time together. I have been a fan of Barbara's for years,through her writings for Australian Stitches and then her blog.
    I love your fabric purchases and look forward to seeing what you create with them.

  3. Lovely lovely fabrics. Mood needs to expand sales and shipping to Australia!

  4. Barb is one of my favourite bloggers - funny, great sewer but down to earth . Sounds like you had lots of fun.

  5. Carolyn...based on what I read on "Babs" blog of your NYC meeting, you are definitely the Fabric Whisperer. A great gift.

  6. Sounds like such a wonderful day and evening. The laminated ponte looks fabulous, can't wait to see what you create.

  7. Wow did we have a good time or what. An evening with someone who gets it is like gold. I am just so happy with my fabric acquisitions and left on my own I am pretty sure I wouldn't have picked one of them out myself but they are all wonderful. Maybe you don't just see the potential in fabric, maybe you can see it in sewists too.

    This is a gift.

    Thank you and I can't wait until our next visit.

  8. Oh, I love a border print and I wait anxiously to see your plans for it!

  9. Oh Carolyn, you enabler you!! I clicked off my reader and went straight to Mood's website and ordered fabric. You are a good ambassador!
    I'm so wishing I could have tagged along on that meeting of kindred spirits. Sewing=Breathing in my world, and I totally know what you mean about it being necessary to your well-being. You and 'Babs' are two of my favorite bloggers. It would have been so fun to see you both in action!

  10. Thanks so much for that recap! I'm so happy you were able to meet up with Barbara and that you enjoyed such a bond! Those fabrics are lovely *especially* that last silk border print. YUM.

  11. Ohh great taster, I'm heading to NY Tomorow so I cannot wait to visit the store..

    If you have time let's met up. X Rach

  12. Sounds like a great meet-up. I love Barbra's blog too.
    I am a sucker for a boarder print and both those are gorgeous!

  13. Oh ... so jealous!! Of the trip to The District, the purchases, but mostly of your meeting "Babs."

    Can't wait to see what comes out of the Casa. Hurry up girl!

  14. Sounds like a fun time and great fabric. I love it when you announce an upcoming sewing spree at your house! Mine too!

  15. Sounds like you had a lot of fun! If I ever get to NYC, I'll bring an empty suitcase just for Mood. I wish they'd expand their shipping....

  16. Glad you had a wonderful time. I love the black and purple border print. It will be lovely when you make into a garment.

  17. I just discovered your wonderful blog. I just started sewing again after 20 years of not sewing. I've only done a few projects so far and I'm having a great time. BTW I love your President Obama widgets.....he's the best!!! I'll be stopping back again......thanks!

  18. How fantastic that you two have got together, I thoroughly enjoy both of your blogs and Barbara's articles for Australian Stitches are the first I read!

  19. That is so great that you got to meet Barbara in person. I love her blog and her sense of humor.

    Love the new fabrics from Mood, especially the boarder prints and laminated looking ponte!

  20. I agree with the others - you and Babs are two of my favorites. Lovely to read about and see photos of your meet-up and the riches gained!

  21. What lovely fabric and how fantastic that you were finally able to get together and have a lovely time. I sure wish over here in the North West of England we had such lovely fabric shops.

  22. Barbara has given me lots of laughs. I can imagine how much fun it would be to spend time with her at Mood. Your fabric choices are amazing, as usual. Now, if I can keep my fingers away from the Mood site. I really need to sew. You definitely are an enabler (and I love it!)

  23. I can't wait to see what these fabrics become. These look like they might also go with your City in Winter collection. How exciting!

  24. Fave bloggers meet, chat, and buy fabric. Loved reading about your meetup!


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