
Monday, February 04, 2013

How Much Do I Love Thee?

Let me tell you how much I love, love, love my new Janome Memory Craft 8900 QCP!

  • It's quiet.  O-M-G!  It is sooooooo quiet!
  • It's fast. Very fast. I can slow it down so that the needle seems like it's walking or I can speed it up so that it's flying.  I don't make it go fast often because it's going 90 mph!
  • It's precise.  What do I mean?  Well the needle stops EXACTLY where you want it to.  Now the 6600P had this feature too but I'm still in awe of this feature especially when making buttonholes.
  • It has a free arm.  People I get giddy every time I pull that arm off!  I've been sewing without a free arm for the last three years and to have one again is just stupendous!
  • Threads so easily you don't need a diagram because its so dayum logical!
  • It has an extra large foot pedal.  I never have to search for it.  It's right there in it's place all the time!
  • Wide bed - my 6600P had a large bed which I love but this one seems larger.  I mean my last jacket fit flat across the sewing machine bed making it easy to move around and sew...especially when making buttonholes.
  • Now that I've mentioned buttonholes twice, I've used two of the types and they sew up so easily.
  • Quite a few of the features of the 6600P that I loved are on this one too * Cutting tool  *Up/Down Needle  *The presser foot raises extra high making it easy to slip garments under the foot.  *Automatic needle threader
  • Every foot that I can think of comes with this machine.  I only added a teflon foot.
  • Storage - there is so much storage in this machine.  Loads in the free arm and built into the top of the machine...everything has a place without needing additional storage for all the different sewing feet.
  • Simple bobbin winding - so easy!
  • It comes with a clear table.  I'm not using mine now but who knows about the future.
  • Plenty of light - even with the Ott Lite off I can still see clearly because there is a lot of light by the needle and a double one under the arm.
  • The machine bed is well marked - going past the normal 1" markings and it's done on both the right and left side of the needle plate.
  • It has a knee lift.  Again I haven't used mine but I'm sure I will in the future.
  • The touch screen is soooo kewl and easy to use.
  • Quite a few stitches, even several words that you can stitch out - way more than the 6600P.
  • The silver wheel at first to me was a little imposing but now I twirl that thing with the best of them!  Seriously though, I love how you can scroll through the stitches and how the stitches are grouped ~ Utility, Buttonhole, Quilting, Satin, Heirloom, etc.

I've only made three garments on it so far but I do love my new sewing machine. It makes me smile every time I come into the sewing cave...and it's some of the best money I've spent in a long time!  I haven't used every stitch on it or run it through all it's paces but it works so well that I'm enjoying the learning process. Finally, I want to share my Instruction Book with you.

Since I'm learning a new machine, I refer to it often.  I've started to bookmark items that I refer to often by using stickies with the title on it.  This way I don't have to search through the manual each time I need something.  It does come with a CD but I have to admit that I haven't watched it yet.  I just jumped in and started sewing.

So I'll be happily creating new garments on my Memory Craft 8900QCP and absolutely encourage you to purchase one of your own, if it's in your budget. always more later!


  1. I am so glad you are happy with your machine! It sounds great. I certainly like my little Janome Gem 760, which is my little portable machine. It's very well made.

  2. Isn't it great when your sewing machine surpasses your expectations. I'm so glad you are enjoying your machine.

  3. My husband bought that same machine for me this weekend, and I can say that I love it it pieces so far. I love the rolled hem, blind hem, walking foot - oh, heck everything. The button holes are so cool too. He got a really great deal on it too. I just sit and look at it and pet it LOL :) Congratulations to you and me! What a blessing.

  4. Sounds like you're having lots of fun! Isn't it amazing how litte features make such a big difference.

  5. marie, sorry for my english I'am french and I read your blog every day. I'am very interresting by your post about your new machine because I think buy them very quicky. thank you for all your thinking about them.

  6. My experience with Janome machines was fantastic. They are truly work horses. I know you are going to get good mileage (yardage) of this one. It looks very nice also. Enjoy!

  7. Congratulations on your new machine, Carolyn - it looks like such fun!

  8. I love my Janome so much, I've had the 2030DC for a little over a year now and it has made sewing so much more fun for me.

  9. Sounds like love between a seamstress and her machine!

  10. I love my Janome machines. It's fab you've reviewed this one, sounds perfect!

  11. That sounds like a machine full of fun.... keep on enjoying it and I will stay tuned for your awesome creations.

  12. I've not driven a Janome, but yours sounds like a hot machine. The wide bed is a HUGE plus, as is the table. I have a custom table for my Pfaff and I use it all the time (except for free arm sewing, of course. Glad you're having fun with it!

  13. Congrats on your new toy and the joy it is bringing you. Sometimes we just find the perfect partner!

  14. Ah yes...nothing like a new sew-love. I'm happy for you.

  15. That is a happy aquisition...good for you!

  16. Congratulations on your new machine. I recently bought a new machine after years of struggling on an inferior one. You sound as giddy as I am. Isn't it a euphoric experience??? Have fun discovering all the wonderful things you didn't know you were missing.
    Happy sewing!

  17. Congratulations on your new machine. Looks and sounds amazing. I'm happy with my equipment at the moment, but as my skills improve and need for higher quality increases I will definitely look into this baby. Thanks!

  18. Happy to see that you're in love with your 8900! The reviews on the machine have been great!

  19. thanks for the great review - it sounds like this baby has it all!

    Janome machines make the best buttonholes of any I have ever used. Enjoy!
    And if you ever get into quilting, you are set!

  20. Congratulations on this new baby! Sounds like you really deserve it and will fully utilize it. What do you think is a good price for this machine?

  21. I am actually about to purchase a 6600. Would you still suggest it? I just need a good strong reliable machine which from what I've seen at the dealer and read that's what I'm getting into but don't know any other owners of one.


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