
Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Saying goodbye to some old friends

I love ponte knit but not all ponte knit is created equal.  Don't you agree?  And it doesn't really matter what the price point is because some expensive ponte knits can pill even more than some of it's cheaper cousins.  

There was this discussion on Stitchers Guild months and months ago...see how it's stayed with me...discussing how long ponte worked before it started to pill on sewists garments.  At the time, I wasn't experiencing any issues with the majority of my ponte garments.  Probably because I own so many dayum clothes that things don't get worn more than 2 or 3 times a season.

However, after I wore my Red Burda Dress two weeks ago, I realized that the pillation had begun and I could no longer wear it.  That makes me sad...because the black/white version of that same dress has also bitten the dust...and the Macy's Dress is starting to look a little long in the tooth.

All of these dresses were personal sewing growth dresses.  The Macy's Dress because I was really getting into cutting up my TNT pattern and because it was something that other celebrities were actually photographed in...

My Burda Dress was my first successful foray into Burda World of Fashion patterns, y'know what BurdaStyle use to be called.  Not only did I trace that sucka but I also enlarged all of the pattern pieces to get the dress to my size...

Finally the black 'n white version of the Burda Dress was wonderful because I remade the red dress with some extra touches...

Now I'm saying good bye to these amazing garments.  They've served me well. I've learned much from the construction of each one. Now I'm sorry that they will no longer have an honored place in my wardrobe because of pillation.

I guess I shouldn't complain.  They've been in my closet since 2010.  They've been well loved and now it's time to part...but it's with much sorrow that I see them go. I have plans to recreate the red dress using some red wool crepe from the collection because I really want that dress in my wardrobe.  I'm glad though that I've got pictures of the other two so I can remember them fondly! always more later!


  1. I'm so disappointed! You worked so hard on them-Especially the "Macy's" dress (which I love). Can't you take a razor to them (to shave the pills) and save one more season?

  2. So sorry your beautiful garments were victims of the dreaded pill. I spent a lot of time constructing a ponte LBD that I loved only to get two seasons of wear before ye old pilling took over. I believe I'm over the ponte craze!

  3. Carolyn,

    Not the Macy's Dress! I love that dress :) I hope to get to the point where I have so many clothes that I've made that I can gracefully remove them from my wardrobe. I'm sure you'll make MANY more beautiful dresses.

  4. I will miss the Macy's dress. I think I started following you because of that dress.

  5. That is so sad, those are amazing garments.

  6. Try shaving the knit with a man's razor. You may get a few more wearings out of them all.

  7. You're a very smart lady Carolyn.

  8. Yes, I have much experience of ponte and pilling. You are RIGHT that you can't go by price. I found that the more poly a ponte has, the worse it pills. I won't buy ponte if I don't know the fiber content or it has a lot of poly. I have had good luck with the pontes from EOS. Such a shame to lose such great pieces, but I know you will replace them with something equally fabulous.

  9. That Macy's dress is a special creation. I'm glad that I read your blog today, because I was going to make a coat out of some yellow ponte and I will not waste my time. It will become something simple. Thanks again, I'm
    loving your blog.

  10. So sorry to see your Macy's dress go. That is a fabulous dress. I'm sure you will make lots of other wonderful dresses, but it always hurts a little to give up a favorite piece.

  11. Nooooooooooooooooooo! Not the Macy's dress. You are a brave woman to realize when the time is up and do the right thing.
    But I love that dress on you.

  12. It is sad,but you have a wonderful attitude about learning from the dresses.Beautiful dresses and you look great in them.

  13. I am so sorry to hear about you having to have to put these dresses out of commission, but I'm sure that you will replace them with even more amazing creations. It's just what you do. =)

  14. What a pity! Have you noticed which pontes that you have bought have lasted the best?

  15. I agree with Bunny. Shave the dresses. While I've never tried it, one of my non-sewing coworkers told me last summer that she does this all the time with her RTW and it works.

  16. I've only made a couple of things with ponte and I've yet to see any pilling on those items. But I bought a rtw pair of ponte knit pants for pregnancy--- and they pilled after the second or third wear!! And they were expensive. I say remake that red dress!

  17. All of those dresses are so pretty, but that last one is a Wowza! I will second and third the others who recommend shaving the pills. You have nothing to loose, right?

  18. Purging is so hard but important... Good by beautiful dresses...

  19. What a shame but you do steadily sew new things unlike some of us that are slugs. I had a little battery operated shaver for this purpose when I used to wear more sweaters a long while ago. I was thinking some sort of ponti for a light weight coat but scratch that idea. I can do without the pillies so thanks for sharing this.

  20. I have a shavor and you'd be amazed how well it works. I have used it on everything from sweaters to Ponte knit. It works like a dream. I bought it at Hancock's and it's delicate enough that it doesnt do any damage.

    Here's the link for the one I have on Amazon.

    I would try it and get another season out of those fabulous dresses.

  21. Okay - I'm sorry to see these dresses go. Love the Macy's dress and the red Burda dress. Glad you have the patterns and the photos to remember them fondly. You could try shaving them. But you probably won't.

    I was intrigued by Shams comment. I guess I don't know what the content of ponte can be. I so if poly is the problem (which makes sense) what else could the components be? g

  22. These definitely were good friends. You'll have the learning and the fond memories forever. At the rate you sew, I'm sure that you will replace them quickly.

  23. It's so hard to part with something self made and loved. The plus side is that I have some ponte in my stash that I haven't used and it suddenly seems less precious. That's not a bad thing, and if it doesn't pill with wear, well, so much the better.

  24. You may be sad but I am down right crying for you. Those are great dresses. But you are such a prolific sewist that at some point it has to be 'out with the old...' Kudos to you!

  25. Is "ponte" what we used to know as "polyester double knit"? I am glad you enjoyed the patterning and sewing process, and that you enjoyed wearing the garments, and that you have lots of good photos, because it is now time to let them go. There is a whole world of better fabrics out there, Miz Carolyn, honey. You are amazing at fitting, at interpreting designs, at teaching the rest of us how to accomplish puzzling sewing tasks. There will be many dresses in your future. Let us now take a moment of silence in honor of the dear departed.

  26. Thanks for the warning (not as up to date on this issue), though I am sad for all your hard work on those lovely dresses. I have several pieces of ponte that I have yet to sew. May need to rethink their use.

  27. I think I'm going to cry as you bid these beautiful dresses farewell! Look forward to seeing the replacements :)

  28. It was your Macy's dress I remember that made me start following your blog. I probably hold on to things past their expiration date, but if I had made those three fab dresses I would try the shaver idea before I let them go!

  29. miss c,
    While I know the all good things come to an end, I have an idea for you...I live overseas and to go anywhere requires mondo travel. I use soft fabric, as your ponte, to make shoe bags. Nifty for your next cruise and a sentimental re-use as well. Love your blog!!!!!

  30. Oh no, such a shame . . . But that leaves you space for more lovely dresses!

  31. That's too bad about the fabric, those are some lovely dresses. I have a shaver that works great on pills, but I have a feeling you'd rather be working on new creations! That means 2 things to me -
    1. someone else will get some nice dresses.
    2. you'll have more projects for us to read about.


  32. Would you say that wool crepe is a good replacement for ponte? Less stretch, but a similar drape? I don't like ponte, and I've been wondering what to replace it with.


  33. My first reaction was "Oh, no, not the Macy's dress!" That dress is my all-time favorite. I would try the shaver idea before I let these dresses go.

  34. Like others I'm sorry the Macy's dress has "bit the dust" but I love your new sewing statement for 2013! I will so enjoy seeing what creations you'll make that are inspired by designers. As a plus-size woman myself I love to see what you interpret and make appropriate for us bodacious women!

  35. How true and sad about the ponte knits. I've made up a few garments, and, like you, don't wear them much, but they are already beginning to pill.

  36. Wow...what a wonderful post. I just love the Macy's dress and marveled at your craftsmanship. The black and white is stunning with the trim on the sleeves and neckline. You are brave to be able to part with these extraordinary garments!

  37. I enjoy your posts and I am sorry about that particular unfriendly post. Sometimes, people don't have the nerve to say what they mean in person. And sometimes, what they say, sadly, it's a reflection of themselves. Not everyone is a size 0. I was once a size 0 for a long time. I am no longer that but I can tell you, I am much more comfortable at my size 10. Shame on her for being so nasty and so blind. You LOVE what you do. Too bad she can't see that. Sending a warm hug your way!


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