
Saturday, August 17, 2013

More Scandal and Sewing

It's the second Scandal weekend and I've spent the day watching it.  No sewing...probably tomorrow because I need to finish up my August Mood Project.

See that pile?!  That is the fabric that I've promised others from my collection. Those boxes are going to blog owners so I'm hoping that they will share with others what I've shared with them. Can I tell you that this was HARD!  I love my fabric collection so trying to pick 4 pieces to give away several times over is challenging.  Especially since I don't want anyone thinking that I'm giving them leftovers and keeping the good stuff for myself.  I'm also hoping that the pieces I pick will be liked and appreciated in their new homes...

I can see some space on several of the shelves now.  This will be 20 more pieces of fabric out of the collection along with the yardage I've sewn.  But honestly this is just a drop in the bucket.  I still haven't touched the four large bins in the garage yet.  I'm thinking next month's winner is going to get "garage fabric" so that I can make a dent in those bins!  

Speaking of fabric...Alexandra, thanks for contacting me.  I will put your fabric in the mail this week.

+ + + + +

All of the fall magazines I subscribe to are finally here.  That's a lot of ad pages and trees...but I'm wallowing in them and enjoying the glossy ads.  I will have my "What I want to sew for fall" list soon...but just know that there will be quite a bit of pleather sewn this fall/winter!  That I can happily say will come from my collection.

+ + + + +

After my Mood project is complete, I'll be headed back to the Burda dress.  I have 9 work days left before I go on vacation and I may or may not finish it before then but I'm not worried because then I'll have 10 vacation days to wallow in my sewing room.  

Hopefully I'll have a better output and experience than I did last year...cause I really can't wait for this sewing vacay.  It calms and centers me, allowing me to spend quality time creating, without the deadlines of the weekend. Work has been all-consuming these last couple of months and I really just want to sleep late and sew.  

I actually found a quote on Pinterest that says that...

That's my weekend round-up!  Hope you are having a good one making things you love! always more later!


  1. Oh I'm so sure there will be some very happy blog owners in the universe soon. I *need* to know - where do you source the pleather? I can't find any and your idea won't leave my mind.

    Enjoy sewing tomorrow. I'm totally with your quote - nice things and enough sleep! g

  2. It will be like Christmas for those receiving fabric!!

  3. Wow, I'm impressed by your downsizing of fabric stash.

    I haven't seen the fall mags yet, but I am also seeing a lot of pleather. I made one pleather project recently and have at least two more planned. I have pleather fever!

  4. You inspired me check out my InStyle Magazine on Kindle and I love it! I've been subscribed for at least two years but never looked into the electronic benefits.

  5. You're so brave .. letting go of
    some of your 'stash kids.' Gotta
    be hard, I know; but, once they're
    really out of the house, you'll be
    entirely focused on the yummy
    treasures you see in front of you.

    How great you'll have such a deluxe
    sewing vacation .. that's
    special. Enjoy every second!


  6. I can sympathise with you giving away your fabric - well done you, and I am sure that they recipients will love them.

    I too have some pleather in my stash to sew for the fall.

  7. Anyone should be extremely grateful and happy to receive such gifts!

  8. I thought of you this week, when I stopped into my local fabric store for just a minute. They were having a HUGE clearance sale!

    "What would Carolyn do?" I asked myself.

    "She'd buy this red linen for $4 a meter, is what she'd do!" I answered myself. :D

    Blew the rest of my fabric budget for the month. Don't regret it a bit.

  9. Oh, I love that pinterest quote! so true. happy sewing! ;o)

  10. I thought, when I saw your last post photos, "That looks like the best fabric store in the world!"

    I think, once you get used to shopping from the stash, your need for new fabric will go dormant. It did for me several years ago, when I was broke. Now, I don't have much "stash" and I'm trying to keep from going overboard in buying new stuff. It's not easy....

  11. Again, I have to say I'm still impressed.
    Can't wait to see your sewing planning list.
    When is your sewing vacay? Schedule some time in there for a phone conversation. Would love to catch up.
    Marji (posting from hubby's iPad)

  12. Hi there,
    I have recently found your blog and am really enjoying working through your posts. I'm loving your stash and hope that I can grow one like that too one day. As a complete novice I do have a question, what's a pattern sandwich? I am hopeful that this weekend I'll complete my very first wearable garment (happy)- a simple top - having had many 'issues' with fit with my previous efforts, unfortunately this has left my pattern looking a bit tired. Have a great week

  13. I picked up Scandal season 1 this morning at Walmart after reading your post yesterday. I am thrilled and addicted now...but Scandal and sewing go nicely.

  14. All that fabric that would be a dream come true for me right now:-) Enjoy your vacation.

  15. I almost overdosed on Scandal yesterday!


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