
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Sunday Evening Reflections...

  • I didn't sew much this weekend.  
  • I finished up my Mood project and it's just okay.  
  • I'm not thrilled with it.
  • 9 work days is too long to wait for vacay
  • Don't know how I'm going to make it.
  • Have immersed myself in fall
  • So I'm ready for the seasons to change
  • Gawd, just wishing my life away.
  • I sat down and rewrote my sewing list 
  • I'm even more excited to sew now.
  • Love the new Lafayette 148 line
  • OMG, I want to sew so much of it!  
  • Especially since the styles have been equally translated between regular and plus size.
  • This is definitely on my to sew list...
  • It's from Lafayette 148's new fall line, I want it bad!
  • I'm going to make a quick jacket before heading back to the Burda dress
  • I need something fantastic and wow to come out of my sewing machine
  • I got two more bins of fabric out of the garage.
  • One by totally emptying it
  • The other by bringing it into the sewing room
  • I'm going to see if I can shove some of it onto the shelves.
  • Right now it's sitting by the door - that's as far as it can come into the room
  • I've started a fabric pile for the next month's giveaways.
  • Honestly the larger heavier pieces won't be given away
  • Because they cost too much to ship - just in case anyone is wondering.
  • I think I need to upgrade from my point and shoot camera
  • Not happy about that because I really don't want to learn how to use another one.
  • BMV patterns are back on sale - AGAIN!
  • Starting to get worried about how often they are on sale
  • Not buying anything this time - I think 14 patterns from the last two sales are enough
  • Plus I seem to only sew my TNT patterns anyway...
Well, those are my thoughts this Sunday evening.  I'm going to end with a picture of my two favorite people... always more later!


  1. I bookmarked that same dress! Love it!

  2. Such vision you have. Your grandchildren are precious

  3. I love your musings, what I could be saying tonight too! And your grandbabies are adorable!!

  4. Now that the summer skating season is over I can get back to sewing normal clothes. But I really needed to organize my sewing space before that happened. It was supposed to take me one, maybe two days. I am on day four. Today was organize the stash day. It didn't get completely done, but I did get to handle 90% of the stash. I can tell what I really want to sew, because those fabric pieces I remember vividly, and I can tell what got stashed "just in case" because a lot of that was stuff I forgot I had! In any case, I can totally commiserate on the whole not getting a lot of sewing done but wanting to sew really bad - and sorting through fabric isn't helping at all.

    Looking forward to seeing your Mood project (even if it isn't one of your favorites) and I am looking forward to seeing what you are making for fall.

  5. That dress has your name written all over it. It is very stylish. I saw that there was another sale. Call me perverse, but I didn't even look because of the implied desperation of it being so quick after the last one (and I haven't yet sewn any off the ones I bought last time).
    Totally makes sense with limiting the cost of shipping - I'm sure no one would want you to be out of pocket for gifting some of your collection. T-9, time to arrange pieces/check supplies? :-)

  6. Great picure of your grands - totally gorgeous! I've got 9 days also of work before i commence 2 weeks annual leave - so can't wait! I'm hoping to sew - my sewing room is in the process of being fixed up. My DH has still to paint it - but he's in USA this week, so he'll do it when he gets back - but i'm having fun planning it all out. Know what you mean about the BMV sale - i've spent heaps in the past couple of years, so much cheaper than buying them here in Australia though. I've got another 7 I'm interested in! Looking forward to seeing your new creations!

  7. Wow, those prices are expensive, I'm, so pleased that I can sew, although my output is way behind yours. You certainly live up to your blog name and such energy, I am truly envious.

    Lovely picture of the children

  8. Sounds like the end of summer blahs...think I have a case of it, too. But your Grands...they are just beautiful.

  9. The picture of your grandchildren reminds me of my brother and I at that age. They are adorable!! I am loving the Lafayette 148 collection and can't wait to see the dress you create from the inspiration. Leather would be nice for the sides and shoulders.

  10. I, too, love the Lafayette 148 collection, but am not sure I can make knock-offs without some sort of pattern. So I'll be happily anticipating seeing your creations. Hooray for your stash busting efforts! We who should be doing likewise salute you! Love the photo of those cute little grandbabies. Such wonderful smiles. Thanks for sharing.

  11. LOVE your random thoughts. And, it all makes sense. Wishing you well for the next nine days so you will enjoy your vacation even more. Looks like the grandchildren can brighten any gloomy day!

  12. Beautiful grand babies. I love your ramblings.

  13. Ooooh, the inspiration dress is super cool! I can imagine your TNT pattern with leather (or faux) side pieces-- way cool!!!

  14. I love the simple lines of that dress and those two little sweeties are just too cute!

  15. Adorable "favorite people". Children/grands are just the best. I tried to go to the Lafayette 148 site from your link and got a message that the site could not be found. The dress is lovely. I am still in awe of what you accomplish. I am not sewing a stitch until I lose more weight. 21 lbs down, more to go.

  16. I love the picture of your two favorite people, love your reflections, and love the Lafayette 148 dress. I'm doing a lot of loving today! Congrats on moving those two boxes and look forward to the next drawing.I'm still putting away all the patterns from the last BVM sale...have to find room for them. I may have to go on a pattern diet.

  17. Your two favorite people are beautiful

  18. Hey Carolyn, hurry up and make that Lafayette dress. I want one too in a deep berry color. Hmm. Maybe I'll sew along with you. :)

  19. Love your ramblings. I followed every twist and turn easily! Thanks for posting. :)


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