
Thursday, October 10, 2013

Lolita Patterns ~ Sugar Plum Pattern

I heard about the pattern line, Lolita Patterns, on PatternReview.  It's not a pattern company that I'd seen on a lot of blogs but I was intrigued by the line and the fact that ALL of their patterns are and will be graded up to a size 24. 

Amity contacted me about testing her new Sugar Plum pattern right before the sewing cave flooded.  I was so excited and honored to be invited to be a pattern tester for the plus size version of this dress but as you know the flood shut down everything in my sewing room. However, Suzy Bee Sews, VelosewerRhonda Buss and Latrice made awesome versions of this dress...I'm so gonna have to follow in their footsteps!

I was chatting with Amity via email and I told her that I definitely wanted to make Sugar Plum.  Hey it is the perfect work dress for me so I've just got to have one. Amity being the cool chick that she is offered to send me one free and not just one for me but one for me to give away to a lucky blog winner too.  Check out the two patterns below because it has the coolest pattern packaging! Love, love, love the bow and how you use it to close the pattern envelope!

Now this giveaway is perfectly timed because there will be a Sugar Plum sew-along at the Lolita Patterns blog starting October 27th AND even better, Leila from Three Dresses will be hosting the sew-along with Amity.  Please head on over to the Lolita Patterns blog to read Amity and Leila's good news and to get additional information on the sew-along.

I'm definitely planning on making my version of Sugar Plum right after I finish my MSN coat. If you'd like to win a copy of this pattern, please leave a comment on THIS post only by Sunday, October 13th midnight EST.  I'll pick a winner on Monday, October 14th and send it out soon after.  You will definitely have it in time, if you want to participate in the sew-along.  I will send this anywhere, hey it's a pattern so it shouldn't be that expensive to mail out, at least I hope not! *LOL* Anyway, I'll ship anywhere so leave a comment and let's make awesome Sugar Plum's together! always more later!


  1. Would love to try the pattern, I will have to check out line, or maybe I will win?

  2. Carolyn this is a fabulous patterns aimed at the professional woman. I would love to sew up a Sugarplum. Look forward to seeing your sugarplum dress :)

  3. I hadn't heard of this pattern line and now suddenly it is popping up everywhere. This pattern looks gorgeous, please count me in for the giveaway.

  4. I hadn't heard about this pattern company until, like 3 days ago, and now it's everywhere! Would love to try the dress. Thanks so much for hosting the giveaway!

  5. What a cute looking pattern! I would love to try it out. Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Love the style. Looking forward to seeing your stamp on the dress.

  7. Pick me! Ain't to proud to beg

  8. I'm thinking I need that pattern because it's so darn cute. Kind of you to do a give-away!

  9. That looks like a great pattern would love to win one!

  10. I would love to sw up a Sugarplum. As a plus sized gal, I'm always looking for pretty and flattering dresses.

  11. Oh my - a good friend of mine Latrice of the SewTell blog made another gorgeous version as a pattern tester. I would love a chance to try this baby!

  12. I love this pattern and I'm in need of a social sew-along.

  13. Love those cap sleeves. I'd love to sew along! Thanks for the chance to win!

  14. So great an independant company is offering plus sizes. I was looking at this pattern today. I'd love to win it.

  15. This looks like a great pattern and it's nice to discover new pattern companies. Count me in for the drawing!

  16. I love this pattern, and I' m crossing my fingers I win!

  17. I'd love to win this pattern; it would be fun to do a sew-along with you, too!

  18. What an awesome thing to do! I would love to win this pattern. Thank you for the giveaway!

  19. Don't enter me - I just bought the pattern. Love the bow closure. And Amity has a bloodhound. g

  20. I have a wedding to go to and/or Christmas parties, I would love this dress. All the versions I've seen are wonderful. Count me in.

  21. That skirt looks just like a RTW one that is threadbare from so much use. I would love to make another. Thanks so much for tge giveaway.

  22. I'd love to try this dress! Thank you for the giveaway.

  23. I've been eyeing everyone's cute versions, so I'd love a chance to win a copy! This would be perfect for me to wear to the office and a sewalong would be so fun :)

  24. I would love to sew a pattern that fits my size.

  25. Count me in, please. I've been interested in trying out their patterns too, but usually don't buy until numerous adorable versions pop up on the internet and convince me I need to. lol.

  26. I would love to try this pattern. Please enter me in the drawing.

  27. After seeing so many lovely versions I really want to try this dress as well, please include me in the draw.

  28. I don't wear a lot of dresses, but I haven't seen a version of this dress that I haven't liked!

  29. I've been keeping my eye on this company since I heard they do plus size patterns. I'd love to win a copy of this pattern and give it a try!

  30. Looks really nice! Looking forward to seeing your version...

  31. It looks like such an amazing pattern to make! Even though I am a stay at home parent, I would love to make and wear this to preschool board meetings! I am thinking in purple and mustard colors, for fall. Thanks for the chance!

  32. That pattern looks awesome. Please enter me into the raffle.

  33. Carolyn,
    I think this will be a great pattern for you. I have been meaning to write ever since you posted the photo of yourself in the dress with belt and jacket with waist seam -- you should make more garments with waist seams! Those looked great on you. I will find the links and send them so you know which ones I mean.
    Peggy (from the fabric train)

  34. Would love to win this pattern

  35. This has been on my must-buy, must-sew list for some time. I even have the fabrics already picked out! :)

  36. Would love to win a copy of this pattern, the idea of knit and woven together is intriguing! Sarah

  37. I would love to win this pattern.

  38. Love it!! Thanks for a great giveaway, I can't wait to see your version!

  39. I've seen some reviews of this dress around the blog world. It looks like such a fun pattern. Hooray for a giveaway!

  40. Looks like a great pattern, I'd love to win.

  41. Hi Carolyn... I too love how the lolita patterns go up to a size 24. Don't worry about entering me into the draw as I've already purchased my pattern as I wanted to be sure I received it in time for the sewalong. Looking forward to seeing your version and the fabrics you choose :)

  42. Such a cute little pattern. Very work appropriate. All the versions I have seen look good.

  43. Love this pattern. I've seen it popping up on a few blogs and would love to try it. Looks like the perfect work dress for the office.

  44. Awesome. I would love the opportunity to win this pattern!

  45. Love the blog Carolyn you are so inspiring and I am very envious of the way you have organised your stash. I would love to win the pattern but will enjoy seeing your always stylish take on this pattern no matter the outcome.

    all the best Jacquianne

  46. I'd love to win this pattern- I think it's a very work-appropriate attire and I need something of the kind!

  47. Ooooh. please count me in too. Id so love to win this!

  48. Count me in. Looking forward to seeing your version.

  49. Gorgeous pattern and I love tha packaging. My clothes sewing 'journey' is just beginning but I'm sure this pattern needs to be part of it :-)

  50. This is a really sweet pattern and I too love the envelope. When something looks that good on the outside what is on the inside has got to be GREAT. I love the neon version that is shown on the blog and Pinterest!!! It is wonderful that this pattern goes up to larger sizes as well. Nice to see a designer that wants to include larger woman in fashionable looks. Good Luck everyone...

  51. Great pattern. I'd love to win it! Thanks for the chance!

  52. What a wonderful give away! I'd love win t that pattern.

  53. Cute! Had never heard of that pattern company ;) Now I have some new patterns to try out.

  54. What a pretty dress! I'll be checking out the pattern collection as soon as I'm done entering. Thanks!

  55. This looks like a very interesting pattern to try out. Very versatile.

  56. Hey! I'd love to have one too! looks pretty :)

  57. I'd like to make this pretty!

  58. Please count me in for this pattern.

  59. Me, me, me!! :-) I've been eyeing this pattern myself and would love to win it and sew with the sew-along.

  60. Carolyn
    Thanks so much for sharing this pattern - you are right how cute is the pattern envelope and being a bodacious girl myself I would love to join in the sew along.
    Wendy from sydney Australia

  61. Thanks for the chance to win such a cute pattern. I'm hoping she'll be coming out with lots of patterns.

  62. What super cute packaging and that dress looks like it could be a good staple dress. I'd love to be entered to win one!

  63. Thanks for making me aware of this company and pattern. It looks great, and I love the packaging too! It definitely looks like a good pattern for you. I would love to try it as well -thanks for the chance at the giveaway!

  64. Count me in the pattern drawing. Thanks

  65. O I would love to have this pattern! Precious!

  66. Thanks! Would love to have that pattern.

  67. Cute pattern. Can't wait to see your interpretation.


  68. Please enter me in the drawing. I love this dress!

  69. I have been following the Lolita Patterns blog for a while and when I read the post on the two different blocks they used to grade their pattern I knew I would have to try it out. I would love to be included in the giveaway. Thanks!

  70. Thanks so much for the giveaway. I would love to win! It looks like a really cute pattern.

  71. I LOVE the look of this pattern. I've seen this style of dress before in stores, but as a busty gal, I can't buy button-down tops in stores, so I'd really like to sew my own and make it fit!!

  72. I love this dress pattern. I need some more work clothes and I think this would jump start my creative bug on making more.

  73. Looking forward to seeing your version. I would love to enter your giveaway.

  74. Interesting packaging-hope the patterns are as well.

  75. Interesting packaging-hope the patterns are as well.

  76. Since I was planning on purchasing the pattern on Tuesday, I'll go ahead and throw my name into the giveaway. You never know, right? At any rate, I love this pattern and can't wait to make it up. It's so "me." I'm even more excited to see your version.

  77. I'd like to try an indie pattern, as I've never sewn one before. Thanks!

  78. I would love to give this pattern a try!

  79. Would love to win the pattern. The bow is sooo great.

    I’m eager to read all about your construction.
    Thanks so much for the recommendation.

  80. Would love to sew this one. Can't wait to see your version!

  81. Count me in! I'm all for another cute dress pattern!

  82. Just wanted to say thanks for the shout out!!!

  83. This looks like a great pattern for all sizes and many occasions. The option of different top and bottom together or one solid look is versatile. Count me in on the drawing.

  84. This is such a cute pattern, hoping I win! I can't wait to see your interpretation of this, I know it will look great on you.

  85. I am so impressed with the size range on these- both thumbs up also for the pattern itself, it looks like a perfect work outfit (new job:))
    thank you for a chance at winning a copy!

  86. What a great idea this pattern is. It would be comfy yet classy. I think every sewist needs this pattern in their stash.

  87. I met the lovely ladies behind Lolita Patterns earlier this year at Pattern Review Weekend. I'd love to try out one of their patterns. Thanks for the chance!

  88. Count me in, and thank you for hosting this giveaway.

  89. What a cute pattern - and thanks for the links to the other ladies who have made up this pattern in the most beautiful ways - especially Suzy Bee's. I love seeing us 'plus' ladies looking good! Please count me in, I would love to make this pattern!

  90. I loved this pattern, is such a cute dress! Thanks for the giveway!

  91. You are the best! Please enter my name in the contest.

  92. Thank you for the opportunity!

    Rose in SV

  93. The pattern is lovely. I would love to win it. Pat

  94. I saw the dress on Rhonda's Creative Life blog, and she directed me here. so happy she did, thanks for the chance. Can't wait to check out the blog.

  95. I like the woven top/knit bottom combination, now why haven't I tried that?? Thanks for hosting a give-away.

  96. I've seen a few of these dresses popping up on the internet and they all look gorgeous. I'd love to win one - thanks!

  97. Great dress! Thanks for the chance to win the pattern.!

  98. Thanks for hosting ithe giveaway! It would be great to hAve that dress in my work wardrobe as well.

  99. I'd love to have this pattern! Thank you both for your generosity!
    maryallhandmade (at)gmail(dot)com

  100. The sugar plum dress is so cute and professional looking. I'd really love to have the pattern - please enter me in the drawing!

  101. I remember when Lolita was asking for testers for larger sizes on the PR forums. It's nice to know they were going to try to make a plus version.
    I'd be interested in giving this a try.

  102. I really would love to win this pattern and join the sew-along. I did not have a blog yet, but can send you the pictures of the process. Since I live in The Netherlands, I'm willing to pay for the shipping ;). Groetjes!

  103. I'd love to try out the pattern. I'm checking out their line. Love the sizing!

  104. I would love to make this dress. Please eneter me in the drawing.

  105. This looks like a great pattern, and I'd really enjoy winning it and making the dress.
    Another Carolyn

  106. Pick me please, I have never sewn a dress before.

  107. Haven't heard of this pattern company. Sign me up.

  108. What a great pattern- l love the idea of a knit skirt and woven top!

  109. I am so glad you blogged about this because I had not heard about them before. The pattern looks awesome and I would love t have one for free :)

  110. so cute, I'd love the chance to win this one

  111. What a great-looking pattern!

  112. i would love to try out this pattern

  113. Heading into my clinical placement year at university, I definitely need to start making some sophisticated workwear. The Sugarplum would be simply perfect!

  114. The sugarplum is awesome! I'd love to sew it up!!!!
    Thanks for an opportunity.

  115. I just love your blog. As a plus size myself I love to see what you are making. Would love the pattern.

  116. I have been lusting after this pattern since the first time I saw. Not practicle for my wardrobe though so I have resisted. I too love the size range!

  117. The envelope and the pattern look beautiful. I can't wait to try it on me! Keeping fingers crossed.

  118. I'd love to win this pattern and I can't wait to see your version.

  119. Oooh how exciting! I had a friend who was a pattern tester for Sugar Plum, and of course now I want in haha! Looks like an awesome pattern for dresses for the office.

  120. I find you so very inspiring and have been reading your blog for over a year. Please count me in for the giveaway!!

  121. Would love to win this! I've seen awesome versions popping up in the blogosphere and I want in!

  122. If the packaging is any indication as to what's in side...Wow just can't wait to win:). Thanks for this awesome opportunity!

  123. I would "sew" love to win this pattern! Pick me! Pick me!

  124. Visions of sugarplum dance in my head. (Pick me, please.)

  125. This is a double treat!!

    I come to your blog to get sewing inspirations and now I get to even participate in a draw for a lovely pattern? I call this a double treat :-)

  126. My favorite book as a child was called Sugar Plum and was my inspiration for wanting to learn to sew.

  127. Pick me, I would love to try Sugar Plum

  128. What a great pattern. I like the package design as much as I like the dress! I would love to win this!

  129. I hope to win, will keep my fingers crossed

  130. I've been eyeballing that to be in the drawing!

  131. I've been eyeballing that to be in the drawing!

  132. Thanks for a chance to win a great looking pattern.

  133. I would love to win this pattern AND participate in the sew-a-long. I am a beginner and I have just completed my first sew along with an Indie pattern company. I find Indie patterna a little easier to learn from, and the sew-along process is great for newbies like me. I hope I win!

  134. I would love to win the pattern. Then you and I could have dresses from the same pattern. Oh wait we already do. I made a great B5147.

  135. I'm very curious to try the pattern. Thanks for sharing it!

  136. I missed the deadline! I love this pattern. Every version I've seen of it are so great!

  137. Ooh, I've just read about this giveaway over at Lolita patterns blog. How lovely, I'd love chance to win such a pretty pattern, thank you !


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