
Saturday, October 19, 2013

Saturday Miscellaneous

I will be working on my coat project this weekend but I'm taking today off since I seem to have caught whatever is making the rounds this month...

However, I have a little unfinished business...neither Elizabeth who won the SugarPlum pattern giveaway or Robinsnc, who won the monthly fabric giveaway have contacted me about their winnings.  Please get in touch with me by Monday, October 21st or I will pull other names for the giveaways.  You can reach me via email or by leaving a comment on this post with your email address and I will get back to you.

And finally I found this quote on Pinterest and I wanted to share it...

...this is how I feel about you my fellow sewists and what I'm attempting to do here on my blog, in my corner of the internet... always more later!


  1. You certainly inspire me and your feedback during my TNT trials was really helpful.

  2. You are inspiring! You are a big part of why I started blogging in the first place. Thank you!

  3. *You* absolutely inspire me. You encourage, give helpful and insightful comments that make me think. You challenge me to step outside my comfort zone and know that nothing horrible with happen if I do. You keep me going when I think I can't. Every single time I head down to my sewing space I think of You. Thank you my friend. g

  4. I love your corner of the interweb x

  5. Ms. Carolyn it is because of you I know that I can make clothes that make my full hips look good, it is because of you I know the possibilities that come in a single pattern, it is because of you I know that I a woman can be stylish at any age, it is because of you I don't give up when something just doesn't work out I'm still learning a lot, it is because of you I know that there are many great things and ideas ahead in sewing and I'm working my way there :-)

  6. Dear Carolyn, it is because of you I have regained my sewing mojo, learnt many new and useful skills, and have a stash of fabric and patterns waiting to go! I think of you everytime I'm in my sewing cave too.

  7. "Because of you, I didn't give up!" Thank you, dear Carolyn!

  8. you got me. because of you, i'm inspired to sew BETTER. absolutely undeniably most definitely.

  9. Miss Carolyn;
    One of these days when we can't make out bodies make the effort to sew any more, as much as we might want to; you will be able to look back on all you have sewn and shared with all of us and think... I did it because I loved sewing! And it shows. Thanks for sharing all that you share, the good and the not so good (although, we know that all of your stuff/work is wonderful!) any mistakes and all. We have learned a lot from you and it's a joy to read the things you share!

  10. If Elizabeth doesn't respond, take me out of the drawing. I've ordered the SugarPlum pattern. Keep me in the fabric drawing. If Robinsnc doesn't respond, she's going to miss some beautiful fabric. "Because of you I didn't give up." Thanks! Feel better. I look forward to reading about the coat.

  11. Love the inspirational quote. I know what you mean - sometimes you go to great lengths to share information, techniques, etc., if is that it reaches, touches, or inspires just one that is what matters most.

  12. You always inspire me! I don't know if you remember me asking about how you finished a neckline on a red and black knit dress you had made. You put a black and white ribbon on it and wore it with a broach (see I am really looking and reading. I made pretty much the same dress, minus the ribbon and I can tell you it is one dress I get an amazing number of compliments on and most don't believe I made it (you would think they would know after all I have been sewing for over 35 years!). One last thing, your body shape is very similar to mine and so I find you a great source of inspiration because if it looks good on you I can usually assume it won't look too bad on me (just sometimes with colour changes!).
    Thanks so much, your posts are the the one thing that really brightens up my day.

  13. And you do it well! Feel better.. K

  14. I'm glad that you recognized yourself iin the quote! :) Count me among those who are inspired by your projects and graciousness.


  15. Your work is very inspirational! I love seeing everything you sew! And if you don't get a response on those giveaways I know someone who would still love to win either :D and you are super generous for hosting these giveaways. I'm drooling over that fabulous fabric stash of yours and hoping that someday mine is half as impressive

  16. The post you wrote recently about plus sized sewers not being well inspire me to try. Then try some more...& eventually I'm hopeful my things will look as pretty as yours, AND as well fitted!

  17. And... can I pretend I'm Robinsnc? (just sayin...)

  18. Well there you go. Mission accomplished. I can't tell you the number of garments you have inspired in my sewing room, the UFOs completed after I saw a solution in one of your posts.

    And to see a realistically-sized woman who makes beautiful clothes and wears them elegantly is a real inspiration. It keeps me looking to create beauty for myself instead of thinking that beautiful clothes are just for smaller women.

    If this is your blog's mission statement, I would say you are pretty successfully fulfilling it.

  19. I hope you will feel better real soon and not be too knocked out by whatever the "bug" is you caught. Despite the beauty of this time of year, we also seem to become more prone to catching those nasty critter "bugs", and I wonder why that is? I've never gotten a satisfactory answer, LOL! That's a great quote you posted, and one worthy to which to aspire. I have had lots of people inspire me to do better, reach higher, try harder, do more. Maybe they've never even realized it. I hope, in my turn, that I've done and will continue to do the same thing.

  20. I love reading your blog and seeing your interpretations of current fashion. You are so inspiring to me! Thank you for the invitation to your corner of the world!


  21. You are an ongoing inspiration, indeed, and thank you.
    Your latest pinstripe suit is very, very flattering. I'd hang on to that pattern a while yet!

  22. Great quote! You inspire me as much as I hope I inspire you. Keep up the amazing work!

  23. You are too fabulous! I'm so inspired by you all the time. :)

  24. That why I stop by to visit your corner of the internet, because you do inspire me.

  25. You succeed in that, Carolyn!

  26. Your blog is definitely one of my favorites to read :)

  27. Oh darn. I guess I was the Elizabeth that won. Is it too late?

  28. Carolyn I absolutey love that quote! And I'm so glad you're feeling better. Take care now...

    Gail D.

  29. I love your blog. I am amazed by your sewing, but I also need to tell you that you inspired me to start watching Scandal after you raved about it. What a great show!


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