
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Vogue 8935 - Finished

This took a little longer to complete than I thought it would...but sometimes that's just how it works out.  I have a queue of fall garments to wear and the temps just haven't dropped enough yet to wear them.  So I guess my sewing mojo has taken a bit of a hit due to that...

Anyway here is Vogue 8935...

A few stats...

Pattern ~
Vogue 8935 - the pattern consists of a loose-fitting, pullover top with a collar sleeves with a button pleat and stitched hem. A straight skirt without a waistband and a pair of straight leg pants are included in the pattern.  It's a Very Easy Vogue pattern that any level sewist could sew up easily.

Fabric ~
Navy/beige poly/wool blend pinstripe from the collection by way of Fabric Mart
White cotton pique from the collection by way of

Notions ~
Navy blue rayon bemberg lining
9" navy blue invisible zipper
A pair of 1/2" shoulder pads
navy blue rayon seam tape
2 - 1/2" pearl ball buttons
2 - 1/2" clear & gold buttons

Construction ~
Pattern alterations for the top are contained in this post.  For the skirt I used my TNT pattern because why mess with what works.

  • I used fabric to give this pattern some pizzazz.
  • I also cut the pinstripe on the bias for the skirt to add some visual interest to the outfit.  Though to be perfectly honest, I did a so-so job in cutting it out and matching the chevron'd pinstripes.  Because the pinstripe is pretty subtle it doesn't look terrible but it definitely could have been done better.
  • The collar and cuffs for the top were cut from the contrast cotton pique fabric so that the top would look like it has a shirt under it.
  • The top was given a closer fit to lose some of the boxy-ness that the pattern envelope displayed.
  • My neckline is low cut.  I could have fixed it but I didn't want to have any trouble getting this top on and off.  So I'm opting to wear a cami with it.
  • I added a pair of 1/2" shoulder pads to the top because even though I narrowed the shoulder seam, it laid kinda flat on my shoulder.  Adding the shoulder pad gave it some ummph and squared my shoulders off. 
  • There is quite a bit of hand stitching in this garment - hand stitched the collar neckband down.  Hand stitched the hems in the top & the skirt and I even hand stitched down the waistband.
  • Used two buttons & buttonholes for the waistband closure.
  • Two pearl buttons were used on the cuffs - it really adds to the business vibe of the white collar/cuffs and the pinstripe fabric used in the body of the outfit.
  • The skirt is fully lined.
Construction Pics ~

Sleeve cuff with pearl button

Inside of the cuff

Close-up of the collar

Two buttons on the waistband with invisible zipper

This is a nice outfit and will play well in my work environment.  However, this is a one and done use of this pattern...something that's infrequent in my world.  It is an easy sew and I knew this pattern had a lot of potential when it first came out. It was just a matter of bringing that potential out so that everyone else could see it.  As stated above, choosing the right fabric was crucial to making this outfit work but I don't need another outfit from this pattern.

A few more pics...

The chevron pattern looks pretty good on the skirt
despite my concerns...

Trying to give off that "Pro-fessional" Look! hahahaha

Mary Beth this crossed leg pose is for you! *smile*

This is my third garment from the Five in Five grouping.  I won't be working on the last two dresses for awhile because I need to move onto my Butterick coat since it's due by the end of the month.  I will pick the Five in Five project back up after the coat is finished.

Finally, thanks for the love on the Internet post.  I read each and every comment left along with several that were sent to my email address.  I appreciate the fact that you enjoy sharing my creative journey and that I've encouraged so many of my plus size sistahs to sew again! Halfway through the day, I thought maybe it wasn't the best plan to write that as a blog post but at the time I was very annoyed. Truly the comments written by that person should have been like water off a duck's back, but isn't that how people get away with having those kinds of attitudes when no one shines a light on them?!  Anyway, have no fears, there was never a chance that I was going to quit blogging...I'm having too much fun here...overweight styling and all! *LOL* always more later!


  1. You are one classy lady and that is a very classy suit. Love it. The pin stripes give it such a high class look.

  2. When I first saw this pattern I did not think I would like it. Your choice of fabric and the contrast between cuffs, collar and the rest of the outfit really makes the look. Love it!

  3. This is a really awesome looking outfit! I really love that white collar! It really, really looks great on you! If you are done with that pattern, would you consider selling it to me?

  4. Love it! Always amazed by your ability to see the potential in a pattern - I always struggle with that. When this pattern was released I flicked straight past it. The choice of fabric and the contrast is awesome!

  5. You have definitely taken this pattern up a whole lot of notches with your choice of fabrics and fit, it looks fabulous on you!

  6. Once again the way you see past a meh pattern envelope to the potential in a pattern is so inspiring. Pinstripes and accent are perfect. Love the pearl buttons. Fabulous job - very classy and corporate chic! g

  7. Your version looks awesome! This is one of those patterns I totally skipped by (and, honestly, still don't think it would be the best silhouette for me), but you have definitely maximized the potential with your fabrication. Looks practical and stylish.

  8. That looks like a workhorse outfit to me - I.e. one that would get worn and worn and worn in my wardrobe. The right mix of function and form.
    As to staying around, styling it up on the internet: great! Rachel :-)

  9. You look sharp! The contrast collar and cuffs completely change that pattern.

  10. Your fashionable outfit is proof vision can really upgrade a blah pattern. terrific outcome!

  11. what beajay said way up the top there. all class. you handled the comment super well, and that suit is flash! go you. love from a delurker.

  12. This looks awesome on you! It's a shame you don't think you'll make this pattern again, because I think the silhouette is great on you.

  13. Carolyn, I love all that you sew. As a plus size, I can relate to wanting beautiful clothing that fits properly. Keep on posting your lovely clothing. It gives me a lot of inspiration.

  14. Looks great. Very professional. I thought of you today when our daily email came around the office advising on meetings on etc. Well there is always a quote at the bottom - today it was "great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people". Lots of ideas discussed here!

  15. Fantastic work outfit, especially when worn with your pearls and beautiful heels. Your choice of fabrics, especially the contrast is so much better than the pattern envelope

  16. The outfit looks great! I like it that you cut the skirt on the bias. Matched stripes or not, it does add a lot of interest to the skirt. You chose to do the collar and cuffs in contrasting fabric, and it looks an extremely good choice! Really! Well done!

  17. The way the chevrons work and the way the skirt is cut is very flattering on you, a really nice drape. You've got one great looking work outfit here.

  18. This outfit looks really good on you, very work professional but the white puts a feminine edge on it. Great job.

  19. Wow! Your version is so much better than the pattern. I would have never purchased this pattern based on their rendition! Excellent job!

  20. I love this outfit and collar and cuffs just elevate it to business. I actually sewed an outfit that could be this one's twin in 1981, but it was in a pale pink floral cotton! I so prefer yours. I will have to get sewing this one.

    P.s. I didn't get a chance to post yesterday but you don't know how much an inspiration you have been to me. Keep on producing your wonderful and classy clothes.

  21. What a wonderfully professional ensemble you've created. You look FAB in it!

  22. Love your outfit and fabric choice.

  23. I noticed the bias cut on the skirt immediately - I do think it gives the outfit pizazz! You look very pulled together and classic.

  24. Great outfit and I love all the details you give!

  25. The pinstripes on the skirt look awesome! I like the chevron effect- possible that it's slightly off if you look closely IRL, but via the interwebs it looks lovely. ;)

  26. First of all I love your finished outfit! So cute.

    Second, I'm sorry I missed that post and was not able to comment about that woman's awful comment. What an awful human being!!! I love your posts! I love coming to see what you have made and am always inspired by what you sew. Sure we are not the same size. So what!!! Who cares. You sew beautiful clothes and there is no reason I cannot be inspired by what you sew just because I am a different size than you are. That is completely ridiclulous! You could just as easily say the same about something I sew if that was the case. I can be inpired by something by something anyone sews, not matter what shape or size they are. I just have to picture it in my size. That is what creativity is all about. If you cannot picture somthing in another size and shape then maybe you really do not have any creativity of your own :) Can you tell that the comment she made got me all fired up ;)

    Keep up the great work. You inspire me everytime you post something new!!!

  27. What a great look! Comfortable and professional at the same time. Very inspiring!

  28. I was watching this outfit come into being with much interest as I have a similar pattern (Simplicity 8180, copyright 1977) and while I thought it had potential, it also looked somewhat boring. By putting the contrasting collar and cuffs on your top, you have shown me exactly what to do to make my pattern work!

    thank you!!

  29. Amazing! You look like a Wall Street Baroness!

  30. I love this outfit!! And just as much ... I want one of my own. :-) I am in awe of the potential you saw in this pattern. All I could think of was "Blahblahblah ... what WERE they thinking?!!" LOL

  31. I love this outfit - it looks so professional and very nice on you. I'm thinking I should give it a try now - maybe in a cotton sateen? Thanks for the inspiration!

  32. Vogue should use your pictures for the cover of that pattern. Your version is so cute and interesting.

  33. You did a wonderful twist on what looked like a rather boring suit on the envelope, and you look great in it. I *still* think you need more V-necks in your wardrobe though.

  34. A classy suit for a classy lady!

  35. What a sharp look! I love the collar contrast and the chevron effect on the skirt. Here's a pattern that I didn't even glance at, and you have made it into perfection!

  36. This outfit is classy with creative use of a pattern. You look so professional - go get 'em! I didn't comment on Sunday's post about Tailleuse's blog post because I was so annoyed. I don't want to react to nasty with nasty although I'd still like to give her a reality shake. You continue to inspire me as well as many other women of various sizes. Glad to hear that you are going to continue blogging.

  37. Another fantastic transformation of a ho-hum pattern to a professional outfit.

    I wish I could see what you see when looking at patterns.

  38. What a great interpretation of that pattern. Most would have not thought to change it that way. And it does look like its a separate shirt underneath. I like your creativity and how you challenge and carry through with those challenges. Many talk ourselves out of challenges. But your forge ahead, and that is what creativity is all about. Creativity is not about dress size. Keep on Keeping on.

  39. Fabulous outfit and you look fantastic!! I, too, liked this pattern and have it with me. Well done, Carolyn, as always.


  40. I bought this pattern after seeing Barbara of sewingontheedge's gorgeous red version. I love your rendition too. Love all the details. You look so sharp!

  41. Love, Love, Love you suit!!
    It so screams PROFESSIONAL to me!!
    You did one AWESOME job!!!

  42. I love your interpretation of this outfit! When I saw the original in the Vogue Patterns magazine, I admit I did not see the potential. The combination of boxy fit and blah color really turned me off! I love the look you have put together here, and will be tempted to shamelessly copy it in the future.

  43. that is a great outfit and a perfect choice of fabric. when that pattern came out I thought it was blah (didn't help that they showed it in a neutral) but you have interpreted it very well. I can see that as a serious meeting outfit :) looks very good on you.

  44. what a lovely and easy work outfit. You really made it look great with the collar and cuffs.

  45. Amazing! I love it! I never would have considered that pattern, it looks so boring, but you really found its full potential! Great job! You look fabulous!

  46. OK, I'm wrong, your right, I'm sorry! I thought no one could do anything worthwhile with that pattern. I love it...your version that is. Very business chic.

  47. I love this as a chic suit alternative. Really really sharp!

  48. Love your outfit! The contrast between the collar/cuffs and the shirt body really up the style. The bias cut of the skirt adds to the whole outfit.
    I think this outfit goes beyond just work, it would be great for dinner or other events that are not fancy but not low-key either.
    Another home run. Thanks for all your inspiration.

  49. Holy moly, this is a terrific outfit! I have to say, I didn't see the pattern's potential the way you did. But it suits you so well!

  50. You've made something far better than the original. Love the corporate vibe from what is essentially a blouse and skirt. Looks fabulous on you.

  51. You've elevated a basic (and kinda plain and boring) pattern into a classy outfit. Beautiful and flattering.

  52. I like the white detail and how it lifts the pattern from boring. But no matter the blah of the pattern it is a workhorse of a style - I have a similar pattern from the '80's that has been made up hundreds (I kid you not) of times for many different figures as a kindergarten uniform always slightly different to individualise. The great thing with such a basic is that it can suit almost any figure with tweaks.

  53. Nice job, Carolyn. I didn't think much of this pattern until now. Thank you for sharing the what and how of your changes!

  54. You are a beautiful and caring person. I admire your work and your personality.

  55. That. Is. GORGEOUS!!!!! Honestly, that's my favorite outfit you've made for a long while, and that's saying something (in a good way)!

  56. Just beautiful. Perfect corporate wear.

  57. Well darn if my comment here didn't get zipped into cyberspace
    in the wee hours this morning.

    I love it on you .. total Ms.
    Executive Suite. It's the
    perfect, elegant business ensemble.

    Love the cuff and the fantastic
    button detail. That adds so much.

    Glad you're not going to let any ugly invade and change a thing of
    all the valuable information you
    spend so much time here sharing
    your sewing journey. It helps so
    much in pondering my choices and
    decisions to see your creativity and skill at work.


  58. Carolyn,
    When I saw this pattern, I did not give it a second thought because the top was so boxy. When you selected it, I was anticipating how you were going to work your magic to make it look good. I must admit, once again you have inspired me to purchase a pattern I saw no use for. You look awesome in your new suit.

  59. Just beautiful. I may have to re-think this pattern now that I've seen what you've done with it! I love your blog and have linked to you on mine since I started it, and have shared your wonderful blog with friends. I'm glad your letting that one nasty comment roll off, some things aren't worth spending the emotion on.

  60. You truly made this pattern more attractive than the one shown on the model. Love the white contrast, perfect for the striped fabric. You look very professional and polished, but then you always do!

  61. All I can add is that you have done it again! Please know that while I am a usually quiet follower, you truly inspire me with every post.

  62. Like others, when I saw this pattern I thought it was very "meh". But your fabric choices and styling make it look fab! I love the pearl buttons. Such a nice touch.

  63. Another great outfit! I did not get a chance to comment on the hater post earlier: size is irrelevant, style is what matters and you have that is buckets!

  64. This looks great! Can't wait to see your coat!

  65. This outfit looks great! I honestly thought he shirt was a jacket/blazer. I love it!

  66. when I first saw this pattern I loved it but talked myself out of it because...well I don't need anymore patterns. I'm getting this one! I LOVE IT...AND I LOVE IT ON YOU!!!!! You must be so pleased...yeah you're pleased! Great craftswomanship too! I love the texture of the collar and cuffs. Thing is...I may have to copy you....EXACTLY!!!! Fabulous....just fabulous!

  67. I really like the contrast collar and cuffs, makes it look like 3 pieces; your rendition is so much better than the pattern photo.

  68. Very classy. I love the pinstripes and the white collar.

  69. Very chic and professional look, I can see the pattern's potential after seeing your version. What an inspiration! Thanks!

  70. From the first picture I thought "oh Carolyn has made a suit. Boy she sure sews fast!" How cool that it is really a top and skirt. It is a nice alternative to a suit, but looks just as professional and classy.

  71. I am a little late to the party on this one, and very rarely comment on blogs, but I just had to say how much I always enjoy reading your blog and how inspired I am by your flawless finishing. I was really sad saddened by your recent post featuring comments about your blog from someone who obviously wasn't a fan. I used to not want to write a sewing blog because I was embarrassed to post pictures of myself in the things I had made .... Let's say that I've got over it now! I believe very strongly that men and women of any size and shape and age should be able to wear whatever they feel like. I am aiming to be the crazy old lady in the purple novelty print dress when I am older! ;-)

  72. I try to read your blog everyday, and i'm inspired by your creativity. the one thing that keeps me coming back is your wit,being yourself, and your ability to see potential in patterns. I'm definitely one of those people who don't change a pattern. but with reading how you are so free in using a pattern as a jumping off point is just amazing, also how you replicate designer fashion is just awesome. Keep it up and I'll try to loosen up (LOL)
    Jocelyn in NC

  73. I confess, I wanted nothing to do with that pattern when it was released (I mean, the envelope art is sooo borringgggg), but you've really made it shine! It looks great on you, I love the fabrics you chose!

  74. This looks fabulous! I thought the pattern was pretty lame when I first saw it, but this is a great interpretation! Love all the little details you added to make it really special!

  75. Well, looky here. Somehow I get to leave a comment but I forgot what I was going to say. Wait, yeah, I love the white fabric for the collar and cuffs, very nice. I would steal the idea if I had anywhere to wear a business suit these days, but nooooo.
    PS: you don't qualify for a nasty foot crossing comment. Better luck next time.

  76. So sorry to have discovered your blog so late in the party. I love your creativity and skills. Your ability to see the incredible and then to have the skills to pull it off.

    By the way do you ever do the detachable collar and cuffs? I hate to wash/clean the body stuff as much as I want to do the collars and cuffs.

  77. The bias pinstripes are a subtle but really nice design feature. Very professional!

  78. Love what you did with those stripes. So many people are afraid to try putting stripes on the diagonal because matching can be a challenge. You did an absolutely perfect job! Thanks for continuing to inspire and stir up my own creative juices.

  79. Now this is one classy outfit. Love the use of stripes!


Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment! It is so appreciated!