
Saturday, February 01, 2014

Human Error and an Update

I want to start this post with the Human Error portion...

Last week I posted that I would have to take my sewing machine back to my sewing machine dealer because it was jamming.  Well it hit me that maybe I should give them a call to see if my machine was still under warranty since it was just a year old.  

I spoke to the store proprietor and he told me to sit in front of my machine and follow his instructions.  Of course, I was at work when I called but I wrote down what he said and went home to try it.  He was confident that this would make the machine work and said that if I wanted to bring it in to be looked at that he would do that. He also said that he wouldn't charge me unless a part was involved then I would need to pay for the part.  

I moved the 8900 back into place.  Followed the instructions and of course the machine worked.  Basically I was doing something wrong and he told me how to correct it.  My sewing machine is working was just HUMAN ERROR.

The moral of this tale ~ is that a good sewing machine dealer is worth their weight in gold!!!

+ + + + +

I know I mentioned earlier this month that my daughter (my personal photographer) was nearing the end of a very difficult pregnancy.  Well her third child was born yesterday morning at 8:58am, after a labor and delivery that was very hard.
This is Samantha Meghan who weighed 7lbs, 9 oz. and is 19" long.  They are calling her Sammi...

...and of course here I am the proud Nana holding my second granddaughter! She looks exactly like her mother did when she was born.

My daughter says that this is the last child for them and I believe her.  This one was so hard to bring into the world and they are now outnumbered three children to two parents. always more later!


  1. Congrats on your new granddaughter.. Sending prayers for both mama and baby..
    Proud your sewing machine was ok...

  2. Awww congrats! I wish you, your family, and your machine a nice happy and healthy life!

  3. She's so beautiful. Grats to all.

  4. Congrats to you and your daughter! What a sweet little bundle of joy! I am also glad your other little baby is well, and you don't need to go to the SM clinic!

  5. What a beautiful baby! Best wishes for a long and happy life for her! (Did I say she looks a lot like her Nana?)

  6. Awwww....Congrats on the sweet new little girl! Nana will teach her (and her elder sibs) to sew, right? Mhmmmm.

  7. Awwww! Congrats on your new granddaughter. What a beautiful little girl. My mom is called Nana as well, which I really like. Also, I'm glad you have such a nice dealer. I need to find that kind of person here in Seattle... Happy sewing! And grandbaby spoiling!

  8. Congratulations Grandma! Sammi is lovely! Glad to hear your machine problems were operator error - regardless of how frustrating that was! g

  9. What a gorgeous girl! So sweet in those photos with you. And I'm very happy for your daughter that the pregnancy has ended successfully and she can begin to regain her strength.

  10. Oh my gosh, what a beautiful baby! I'm so happy for your family! So glad everything went well!

  11. What a beautiful baby--she's so TINY! Congrats to you and hope your daughter recovers from the birth quickly!

    And yay about getting your sewing machine back up and running!

  12. She is so sweet! Congrats on your new grandbaby! What a beauty! I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've dealt with my own human/user error. Glad to hear your favored machine is back up and running!

  13. She's soooo tiny! I can never get over how tiny little humans are when they're born. And so cute!!! Sammi is a cute nickname. Congrats on your grandbaby! You look so happy in that last photo. I'm glad that the tough pregnancy is over for your daughter and that you all can welcome the new tiny (adorable) little human home! :)

  14. what a great post, congrats on the little cutie and glad mama and baby are doing well.

  15. Wonderful news, and a beautiful baby girl. Congratulations to all! Great new re the sewing machine too. Happy Sewing!

  16. Soooo cute! Congrats to the family. So glad she entered this world ok and hopefully mom will get over the difficulties really quick. I had trouble having my daughter and she had complications having hers too - but it was all so worth it in the end!

  17. Oh my land.. what a beautiful baby! Congratulations! So glad your machine is better too!

  18. So happy to see another one of God's beautiful creations, your precious granddaughter! I'm sure seeing her face helped your daughter forget about the discomfort in getting little Sammi here.

  19. Sammi is beautiful...congratulations!

  20. Blessings and congratulations to your daughter, her family, and to you... what a precious sweet child!

  21. Congratulations on that gorgeous addition to the family!

  22. Mazel Tov! She's lovely and so lucky to have a Nana who can sew beautiful clothes for her. Another little girl to dress--what fun!

  23. Congratulations what an adorable little girl.

  24. Fabulous news - on both counts! Congrats to all!

  25. Congratulations, such a cute baby, love the proud grannies pic

  26. Oh congrats! Beautiful baby.

  27. Awww, congratulations Nana and family! She's beautiful. Hope Mom is getting lots of rest and feeling better soon. And so happy to read that the machine is working.

  28. Oh my gawd - she is just too cute - very gorgeous. Congratulations to all. When you have time you might post what you were doing wrong. I am sure that many others are doing the same.

  29. Congratulations to you and your daugter. God blass her and her little baby.

  30. Congratulations to you and your daughter. I agree with her, three is plenty!

  31. Congratulations ~ so glad both mother and baby are happy and healthy ~ lots of fun times ahead ... J

  32. What a sweet, precious baby! Congratulations grandma! And, thank goodness the machine is working w/o taking it in. :)

  33. Awww precious...Congratulations.

  34. Oh what a cute bundle. Glad all is well with Mum and baby.

  35. So beautiful! Congratulations all round :)

  36. Congratulations, Nana. Cute little bundle.

  37. What a darling new little person! All the best to her, her parents, her big brother and sister and her proud Nana!

  38. Many congratulation to all your family, what a beautiful baby. I hope your daughter is soon feeling well.

  39. Many congratulation to all your family, what a beautiful baby. I hope your daughter is soon feeling well.

  40. Beautiful baby! Congratulations to all.

  41. Lovely little baby. Congratulations!

  42. welcome to the world beautiful Sammi!
    thank you for the smile this morning, she is so sweet and pretty, she brought tears to my eyes.

  43. Congrats on the safe arrival of Sammi and that everyone is doing well. So happy to hear that your sewing machine just had a human error problem.

  44. Oh what a blessing little girl babies are! Congratulations Carolyn. As a grandmother of five grand-daughters and one grandson, I feel your joy!

  45. God bless her! Like Rhonda, I had tears in my eyes looking at her pictures. She is a darling!! Think of all those doll clothes in your future, Caroline!!!

  46. Congratulations on your newest granddaughter - she's beautiful! Promise us that you'll post any clothes you make for her - please.


  47. !!!!!!!!! hello sammi !!!!!!!!!!

    congratulations to you all-- holy cow, that took some time.

  48. Congrats on the beautiful new baby. I have a new granddaughter born this last week too! Mine is a preemie and I can't hold her yet but when I do, I will look every bit as happy as you do.

  49. Carolyn don't scare us like that! :) As soon as I saw the headline and the photo I thought "Ohnooooo...". and then I read further and I was "Whew......". She is an absolute cherub . When swaddled babies have their tiny hands peeking out like that I just LOVE it!

  50. Sammi looks sweet and smart--as Faux Fuchsia would say, I give her 11/10! All the best to the hard laboring mom!

  51. Oh, congratulations on your granddaughter! What a beautiful baby!

  52. Awwww, your grandaughter is a cutie!!! I'm glad she and your daughter are alright now! Congrats!

  53. Congratulations on the birth of your lovely little granddaughter. Sending a little sewing fairy dust her way, hoping that she will one day sew as well as her grandmother :)

  54. Congratulations to the lucky family!

  55. Your granddaughter is precious, congratulations.

  56. Beautiful little girl! Congratulations! Glad everyone is well.

  57. Beautiful baby!! Congratulations to your family!

  58. Congratulations! So happy for you and your family. Health and happiness to all!

  59. The portrait of you and you new little angel is wonderful. She is beautiful!

  60. Congratulations to you and your daughter!

  61. She's a cutie. God has truly bless your family. Give her plenty of hugs and kisses.

  62. She is beautiful!!! Thankful her mommy has all that behind her and that it has produced such a precious baby.

  63. Congratulations Nana, she is just beautiful. Now you have another grandchild to spoil.

  64. Aw, Congratulations Carolyn!! I'm glad your daughter made it through okay. Your granddaughter is so precious.

  65. Great news about your machine. Your newest granddaughter is just precious! Congrats to you and your family.

  66. Congratulations to you, the parents, and entire family. Such a bundle of peace and joy!

  67. Congratulations to you and your family! A new baby is just the best news!!

  68. Congratulations! What a sweet little beauty!

  69. Congratulations! Hope Sammi is great and your daughter is resting and healing! Enjoy those baby snuggles- she is beautiful!

  70. Congratulations on the arrival of the newest member of your family! Hoping that your daughter recovers promptly.

  71. Sammi is gorgeous, congratulations on her safe arrival!

  72. Congratulations! What a beautiful baby!

  73. She's beautiful! What a gorgeous picture of the two of you. i am so glad she has been born beautiful and healthy. Best wishes to you all.

  74. Congratulations on a beautiful granddaughter! You look very proud, and have every right to be :)

  75. What a beautiful blessing! She is gorgeous. You are so lucky to have your daughter and grandchildren so close! Congratulations and best wishes to your family.

  76. Congrats to you & yours on the beautiful new addition to the family Carolyn :)!

  77. Congratulations to you all, a beautiful baby girl. Welcome to the world Sammi and now the fun begins.

  78. What a beautiful, healthy baby! Congratulations and best wishes to your daughter.

  79. Congratulations! Such a beautiful baby! I love the name of my classic favs for a girl.

  80. Congrats on the new grandbaby. Do your job well and spoil her rotten.

    Don't feel bad about the human error thing. I've got two 'human error' stories that I am almost embarrassed to share, but will do so just to show that none of us is perfect. Both of them involve threading... one threrading error involving my serger. My excuse is that I had been sewing/serging all day long and was very tired when the 'error' occurred. While re-threading my serger, the needle threads - both of them - missed the tension discs. The result... the serger didn't sew a all. Thankfully, when I took it to a friend who happens to own a sewing machine repair shop, he took pity on me and didn't charge me anything for not paying attention to what I was doing.

    The second was somewhat forgivable... only somewhat. I was working with denim on my Singer industrial. The needle bent and I replaced it with a denim needle rather than one of the needles that I normally use. When the hand wheel wouldn't turn, I thought the needle had messed up the timing and immediately called the serviceman. Now this thing is gigantic and requires a house call. It cost me almost $100 for this man to tell me what I actually knew from the very beginning but forgot in a momentary lapse.

  81. I missed this post and re-directed myself here after reading your reference to it in today's (Feb 10th) post. Congratulations!!!!!! Babies are sooooo darling! And good for your daughter stopping at three. It's a good number - I should know! :)

  82. What a beautiful baby - and proud grandmom! I am particular fond of the baby's middle name since I named my first child "Megan". Congratulations.


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