
Sunday, February 02, 2014

Sewing Totals for January 2014

January is normally a good sewing month for me.  Usually I take several vacation days at the beginning of the month and there is a three day holiday (Martin Luther King Day) that allows additional sewing time.  This month I even gained a snow day.  It didn't hurt that I only sewed basics this complicated designer new pattern to figure out...just regular ole simple sewing. So nine garments made it from flat fold fabric into my closet.  

Two lined dresses... 

Three pairs of pants... 

A Pantsuit...

Technically only the tunic top was completed 
in January...the pants were finished in Dec.

The plaid and leather skirt...

and a flared skirt, plus a long straight skirt...

I used 13.5 yards of fabric...loads of pretty linings and a little piping to get these new basics into my wardrobe.  I also had two pretty good photo shots with my camera & tripod. Now all I have to do is learn how to work the remote with it.  I'm finally comfortable goofing around the house with the camera/timer/tripod set-up but I will need to get a lot better so that when spring comes, I can slip in and out of the house quickly with everything!

February will have more of the same type of sewing. Although I'd like to work on a few more pieces from the Crazy 8 about dragging out a sewing project! *LOL*  There's another three day weekend in February so I'm looking forward to more quality time in the sewing cave.

Anyway here's to my sewing adventures in February...hopefully they will be as creatively fulfilling as my January ones were. always more later!


  1. That must feel very satisfying to have those items in your wardrobe, well done. Looking forward to your finished Crazy 8 wardrobe.

  2. That's a lot of sewing and you've created great additions to your wardrobe.

  3. A job well done and lovely clothes to wear. Your wardrobe is so polished and professional looking - perfect for your job.

  4. That's great! And I bet Soooo satisfying to have all those wardrobe holes now filled!

  5. You were productive! I really love that pantsuit, especially the tunic with the leather pockets.

  6. Your stash is going to be depleated in no time at this rate ;)

    1. LOL! Rhonda ~ you, me and 4 or 5 others could sew for years before we depleted my fabric collection! I am truly a Fabricaholic!

  7. You are an absolute sewing "machine"! Great work!

  8. Boy, I love all your creations! And while you always look spiffy and professional in black, I think the navy is actualy your best color. It really pops your face, and the lighter shades in your floral jacket are truly happy happy. Would love to see you explore more shades from cobalt to a perfect, intense sky blue more. Not the shades that have a tinge of yellow or gray in them, but the perfect, clear, intense, bold shades from the original pre-sale-sale-of-business Carole Jackson "Color Me Beautiful" palette that look so spectacular on you. I know you're focusing on basics this year, but maybe pop them with tops and jackets? You always surprise and delight with these contrasts, and I look forward to seeing your lovely basics and gorgeous creations this coming year.

  9. You are so prolific and it iis all such quality work and results. Looking forward to what February brings!

  10. They are all nice items, but that is what you always produce :) Happy February sewing.

  11. Wow! Nine garments?!?! I'm impressed!

  12. I am so inspired with your work. You produce so much and it all looks so fabulous on you! That comes from knowing yourself and your needs and meeting them with your favorite hobby.

  13. Wow, all in one month. A totally new wardrobe, nice!

  14. Holy cow, that is productive! I'm curious to know (maybe you'll do an update sometime soon?) about how many yards you've gone through in the process of your fabric sabbatical.

  15. Productive month and all the pieces are great basics and versatile.

  16. Amazing output for 1 month, you certainly have your patterns down pat and your sewing methods determined. Love all of them and they are diverse as well as being good basics.

  17. Wow Carolyn! What a productive month! And gorgeous classic items.

  18. Looks to me like your winter wardrobe is just about done. Good thing you have been able to produce so much. I understand the groundhog said you guys are in store for six more weeks of winter. I bet you're looking forward to sharing your spring/summer wardrobe more than I'm looking forward to seeing it.

  19. День добрый! Мне очень понравились Ваши работы! особенно платья, жакет с цветочным принтом, блуза с карманами в комплекте с брюками и юбкой (с полосками сбоку). Радует Ваш позитив )) Удачи Вам! Продолжайте творить и дальше!!!

    1. Bol'shoye spasibo za vashi dobryye kommentarii ! - Thanks so much for your kind comments!

  20. I'm impressed with how accomplished you've become with the camera and trips! I haven't even taken any pictures lately. Sue C


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