
Sunday, April 06, 2014

A Quickie ~ The Blue/Black Print Skirt

When I work the hours I've been working lately, my sewing mojo hibernates...and an involved project just irritates me.  If I'm going to sew, I need something quick and easy.  Something I can sew up in a weekend but brings a little ooomph with it. This piece of fabric arrived in the last Fabric Mart haul and I knew I wanted to make a quick skirt as soon as I pulled it out of the box...even though that's not what I bought it for!

BTW, it's still on the site, here.  Now to be perfectly honest, this fabric looks better than it's hand feels.  It has a lot of polyester in it with a slightly brushed back...and even though it's not a natural fabric, the resulting skirt is kewl...which reminds me of this black dress made from some very poly fabric from Fabric Mart too. However, the fabric was perfect for what I needed to sew this weekend. Plus it will be hardworking as well as hard-wearing!

I really did make this pull on skirt as simple as possible.  There is no lining. The only complicated thing was that I bound the hemline and the elastic casing. I couldn't totally toss my "couture" ways to the wind! *LOL*

Full inside view

Binding on the elastic casing

Binding at the hemline

So here's the skirt...

The stats ~
*1 yard of Ocean Blue/Black/Multi Zig-Zag Weave Abstract Suiting
*TNT elastic waist skirt pattern 
*1" wide non-roll elastic
*2 yards of black cotton bias binding

More Construction Details ~
I did peg the hem of the skirt by taking in an additional 1.5" on both sides of the skirt.  The hem was machine stitched down.  Believe me besides pressing the binding in half, this was the easiest sew possible.  It only took me two weekends and all day to do, though! *LOL* But I wasn't rushing this, I just needed to sew something.

More pictures of the skirt...which as you can see are taken out on the porch. It was pretty warm today and my youngest daughter was around and volunteered again to take pictures.  I think it's because she is enthralled with my camera.

I did cook today and I also got the fabric pretreated for my OFQC dress.  All in all a very successful day.  I won't be wearing this skirt until later this month...this week I will be in my black suits with my new black 'n white slingbacks.

Finally, these pictures were taken by my youngest daughter who makes me laugh really loud and act silly so here is an outtake...

I've scheduled a few posts for this week so I won't be leaving you alone like I did last week. Next weekend I will be working on my OFQC dress because that April 30th date is fast approaching!  I've decided not to make an Easter Dress this year instead I'm going to wear this one because I've only worn it once...

Last thing...Jenny who writes the blog, Cashmerette, wrote an awesome post called, "One stop guide to sewing pattern sizes" that compares all of the sewing pattern companies (Big 4 and Indies) in one chart so you can see what size range you fall into, which is especially helpful to my plus size sistahs. But it was really wonderful of Jenny to do this and I think we all can benefit from this knowledge.  So bookmark the page and reference it whenever you shop for patterns!

Oh sorry, one more last thing...I received a book in the mail to review so that will show up on the blog shortly. always more later!


  1. I love your new skirt. That fabric looks gorgeous even if it isn't as good a feel in life - it looks fabulous.

  2. this is so lovely! the sweater is a great match :)

  3. Lovely skirt.... love the print.

  4. Sometimes there is nothing more satisfying than a simple skirt sewn in a fabulous print. :)

  5. Yep, I know the feeling of being bogged down at work and not wanting to sew! Just gotta get through it! In February, I did the same thing, sewed something easy and quick - a green maxi dress I named Cora Gwendolyn.

  6. Wow, what a fun print! That's a great way to sass up a TNT pattern! Oh man, you're reminding me that I REALLY need to make an Easter dress this year... I've wanted to make one the last two Easters and time just got away from me. Not this year!!!

  7. Love that fabric and skirt. I hope you do get the chance to sew on your dress next weekend

  8. This is is pretty! And your outifts are so well -coordinated. I love wearing pull on elastic waist pencil skirts but I have not sewn one in a patterned fabric before. I will have to keep this in mind for my ever growing to-sew list :)

  9. Oh Carolyn, I'm glad you got to sew today. That skirt is lovely! But that cardi - I love that lace front cardigan. Hope work isn't too horrible in the coming week. g

  10. A cute quick skirt, Carolyn, and I love your Easter outfit, with that awesome hat!

  11. Cute skirt Carolyn. Btw what's non roll elastic?! I think I need to get me some!

  12. Fantastic skirt, love the colours in it!

  13. What a great skirt! The colours are divine. I think I need to find myself a quick and easy little sewing project to help me get my mojo back.

  14. That's a really pretty skirt - great colours. Glad you are getting a little bit of sewing time amongst all the work madness!

  15. That fabric is perfect as a skirt!

  16. What a pretty pretty outfit! The color sings and the cardigan goes beautifully with it. Great outfit!

  17. Fabulous skirt! I love those colors and how you paired it with blue and white on top. Very pretty. Bummer that it doesn't feel quite like you expected. It looks great.

  18. Fabulous skirt exactly perfect for the fabric

  19. That skirt makes a lovely outfit!

  20. That skirt makes a lovely outfit!

  21. the skirt looks fabulous, and must feel all the more so for its quickness :). and as always beautifully finished!

  22. Oh that is cute. Love those near instant gratification projects!!!

  23. I love it! The colors and pattern are indicative of what I see on display at work everyday. Your skirt would fit right in with what's on shelves now!

  24. Lovely, Lovely, Lovely skirt. The fabric looks amazing.

  25. I really like your new skirt, great colors.

  26. I love your skirt - incredible fabric and colours!


    In Stitches: A Cross-Stitch Blog

  27. The skirt looks fabulous. I don't think I'd ever be clever enough to imagine that fabric as a skirt, but it totally works.

  28. What a great skirt and outfit. Looks very good on you!

  29. Very chic and versatile and the fact that it is quick and simply made is a great added benefit.

  30. Gorgeous skirt! That print is fabulous. I'm with you on the quick and easy makes - sometimes a speedy sew is just the thing.

  31. That fabric is stunning and the whole outfit looks lovely on you! You have such a good eye... I would NEVER have chosen that fabric at all. LOL

  32. I'm so glad spring has finally sprung in your neck of the woods. It's so nice to see you in bright colors again! Love that blue sweater matched with the ocean blue/black fabric. Is that your 2014 Easter ensemble? You look great in it... along with that fabulous Sunday Go to Meetin' hat :).

  33. I just love the entire outfit! Gorgeous cardigan and a fun yet classy skirt. You look terrific!

  34. I love everything about this outfit!

  35. Beautiful skirt Carolyn, and I love the finishing details!


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