
Saturday, April 05, 2014


It's been a long six days full of 12-13 hour days and absolutely no thoughts of sewing.  So after sleeping late this morning, then having lunch with my Mom and daughter, doing a little shopping and sneaking in an afternoon nap...

I was thrilled to enter the sewing cave for the first time in a week.  I actually have no plans to desire because I'm still so tired...but I'm sitting in my favorite place at home... sewingcave just as it clean ups here...though I probably should!!!

This is what's laying on my sewing table...

...a simple skirt from the last Fabric Mart haul.  Finally these shoes, followed me home from shopping...they match a handbag that I bought from QVC (yes it's as treacherous to me as Fabric Mart is! *LOL*). I've wanted a pair of black and white slingbacks for awhile because black and white is hot for spring. I actually have a few black and white outfits planned to sew. that's been my day.  Tomorrow I'm going to cook a big dinner for the family and prep for work because I have another week of 10-12 hour days. If I feel like it, I'm going to prep the fabric for my Oona Fat Quarter Challenge. Of course, I'll keep you updated! always more later!


  1. Great shoes and handbag! Love that you shared photos in your sewing cave. It's inspirational just hanging out in the sewing room. Hope work gets less crazy for you!

  2. I feel your pain. Between work and the commute, I clocked in almost 75 hours last week and it is going to be the same for the next 3 weeks. I have been sewing a little bit. I learned my lesson last night when I got home and decided to cut leather for trim. It ended up too short. I gave up and went to bed. Get some rest.

  3. I know your pain as well, it has been a made 2 weeks for me at work and no time to get into my sewing room. Did manage it today and there is no way I am cleaning/tidying up, I need to sew!! Love your shoes and wish the Australian retailers would start getting the 2.5" heels, so many of us would love them.

  4. Wow, what a stash you have. Love the shoes and handbag.

  5. GREAT shoes! I can't wait until I can afford to buy shoes and fabric again. No sewing here either ... just lots of packing. Moving next weekend.

    1. Debbie - so thrilled to hear you found a new place! Hopefully the move will be fast, easy and painless!

  6. LOVE the shoes! I hope you get to go into your sewing room soon for an extended stay, and can make friends with your sewing machine again soon. She misses you! ;-)

  7. You have the best shoes! I'd love to see a photo of your shoe closet. ;)

  8. I feel for you - not being able to sew off the days stresses is so frustrating - it's what is needed to recharge. And it takes energy, and if it is all going into long work days - the result is not a happy one. Hope things settle. Love your cosy little cave.

  9. I feel your pain. I had over a year of weeks like that and come the end of it I wasn't sure if I even knew myself anymore. Even now, 6 months later, I sometimes catch myself flipping out! I hope things get down to a manageable level soon, and by that I mean that you are able to manage some sewing time. The shoes are lovely - will they be worn with the lace/silk tunic hanging in the background per chance? (And which is inspiring me to make a similar version for upcoming weddings). Rachel ☺

  10. Well, let's try to see the glass half-full: once you have more time, your sewing mojo will be out of this world and you will have lots of energy to tackle more complicated projects. I am sure that working hard is also making you feel good bout yourself. Hang on there, sewing will come :)

  11. I am in absolute awe of your productivity. I find it hard to fit in work family and house work. Sewing is a rare luxury however I can always fit in reading your blog. I love your creativity and seeing patterns turned into real sized garments. You are an inspiration

  12. Sometimes, just sitting, surrounded by the stash, is enough. This weekend, I was picking through, organizing. It's always fun to pick up something and become reacquainted with it!

  13. Always glad to hear your news. Made a trip over to FM recently and it seems like they are getting a higher level of fabrics again. My other local fabric outlet told me all the good stuff is going to FM. STILL think of the fun trip we had there together!

    1. Peg, that was a good weekend! I agree that the quality of fabric from Fabric Mart is definitely better than it use to be.

  14. i need to sneak you away from work for minute. do my eyes deceive me or is there a very fancy store opening soon nearby??

  15. Man, I hope you get some rest soon! I had the same kind of week and I'm absolutely exhausted, but I've been pawing around in my sewing space all morning just looking at my fabric and organizing a little. It gives me so much joy just to look at my fabric! I hope you're having the same kind of day!

  16. Love the shoes and bag! And you can wear them straight away without having to sew them up ;)


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