
Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A Few Thoughts...halfway through the year

I haven't sewn much this year compared to years past.  Probably because after so much sewing, I do have a pretty amazing wardrobe. I started filling one of the last holes in my wardrobe earlier this year by sewing some basics - I do have a few more solid color sheath dresses that I want to make - but on the whole I rarely wake up and stand in front of my closet saying I have nothing to wear.

So I've accomplished a goal that I set for myself about 6-7 years have 90% of my wardrobe sewn by me. Today I wore the updated seersucker suit. Someone at work asked me if it was new, did I just sew it. When I told them that I made the jacket & pants 7 years ago, and just added the skirt last month, they were amazed...and it is pretty awesome. If you will allow me, I'm pretty proud of that fact. I made a sewing goal, worked hard at it, stuck to it and now I can wear the fruits of my labor.

Why am I writing about this? Because postings are going to be sparse around here for the next couple of weeks...due to normal life busyness...and the fact that I have plenty to wear.

Like I said, this is what I wore today...exactly as it was photographed...

Tomorrow I will wear this orange linen dress that I made in September 2009 with a white RTW sweater...

...and Wednesday I will wear my "Designer Inspired" black linen dress with the short green cardigan...again exactly as photographed...

I spent the evening ironing both linen dresses to get them ready for work...and that's when it hit me. I have plenty of choices to meet any situation in my life. Which is why my sewing is getting more involved and taking longer to complete...cause it will be July before my Smugglers Daughter dress (Vogue 8972) is completed. I hope you'll bear with the silence for a little bit. 

I'd planned to meet some friends out of state during the 4th of July weekend but that little trip has fallen apart, so I will be home sewing instead. It will probably be the next time that I get to sew. I'm hoping that I don't go a little crazy without spending some quality time with my sewing machine! 

I'm sure I'll think of something that I just have to share between now and then but if I don't, don't worry I'm fine...just not sewing for a little bit. always more later!


  1. I can always think of another project to sew. And I have no real wardrobe needs. Or time; it's the working season for me.

    I really wish I could sew myself a new pair of sneakers. Mine are about past being repairable again with ShoeGoo.....

  2. Congratulations on achieving your goal and making a wardrobe of beautiful and practical garments.

  3. Thank you! It is wonderful to hear that you are meeting your goals. Feel free to share what you're wearing. It is inspirational to see how well your clothes last through the years. I don't comment often, yet I often go through your older posts. Thank you for sharing your skills with all! Sue

  4. You have every right to be proud. This is what I aspire to. You have build a wonderful wardrobe.

  5. Well done! You should feel very proud when you look at your gorgeous clothes!

  6. Agreeing with BeaJay & Vicki. You have worked hard and have every reason to be proud. I enjoy seeing your clothing combinations as much as the construction posts. You have a flair for combining prints, colours & shapes.

  7. I am glad you achieved your goal, congratulations on doing that. I am sure you will sew up a storm when July 4 weekend comes up. Hopefully you can post "what I wore" photos to keep us all inspired.

  8. Congratulations! that was a great achievement.

  9. Congratulations on meeting your goal. That is a huge accomplishment. Enjoy wearing every outfit.

  10. Good post. I'm pretty much in the same situation as you Carolyn. It's good to be able to look in the closet(s) and chose from collections YOU created. Also, like you I have to sort and purge the closets from time to time so I have room for all the new pieces. That's the hard part!

  11. Ooh, that orange linen dress is particularly fun!

  12. Congratulations on meeting your goal. You have a great wardrobe that meets your needs in style.

  13. I don't think we'll survive WEEKS without posts. So uhmm...yeah. Handle that please. :-p

    You DO have an amazing wardrobe so I can see not "needing" as many things right now. So I agree that you should give us recaps. Or teach us techniques. Or something! :)

  14. Still not there yet, I admire you for staying in focus for so long. I confess to stand in front of my closet with the feeling there's not enough for every occasion and/or wheather. Only this morning I had to dress for a meeting, it's chilly here. I have new dresses but not really something to wear over them, meeting the business needs. Something to work on... I feel inspired that it can be done.

  15. Wow. Just wow! That's a real accomplishment. Congrats!

  16. Ditto with the other ladies. Show us you work your wardrobe, adjust patterns, wearability factors in garments, etc. Your blog is in my top ten blogs, Carolyn. It's like hot chocolate on a cold morning. Are you gushing yet? Then my job is done. :)

  17. Love your outfits this week. Your wardrobe is not just made by you but it is worn beautifully by you!

  18. What a great position to be in! One of these days I hope to get there. Enjoy your "too busy to sew" season while wearing your beautiful clothes:)

  19. OK, Carolyn -

    I knew you were working on a skirt to go with your blue seersucker suit because you mentioned it in an earlier post, but I had no idea your jacket was so much like the light blue linen one I made. Mine is a modification of a casual jacket - Butterick B5821. I eliminated the elastic at the waist and wrists and added covered buttons instead of snaps. Gave the jacket a whole new personality. With the exception of the vents in the sleeves, both jackets are almost identical! Just goes to show you once again that GREAT MINDS THINK ALIKE!

  20. Each of these outfits is beautiful, Carolyn. I love the seersucker suit on you and the black dress is really flattering especially with the topstitching. And who wouldn't feel good wearing something that color of orange?

  21. Carolyn, I'm at the beginning of your journey. It is only this year that I have felt like I found my style for in RTW and me-made clothing. It is my goal to my my wardrobe at least 75% handmade and you're giving me the push to keep at it and that it might make more time than I initially thought. Thank you!

  22. What a great goal to achieve, plus it is summer enjoy!

  23. Congratulations, Carolyn, on meeting your goal! I'm just so impressed. :D

  24. Fantastic! How nice that you have sewn what you need, too, rather than just "sewing" for the love of it!

  25. That's a good look on you. I'm sure you'll think of other things to sew in the future. Perhaps you'll so sewing for your beautiful granddaughters!

  26. Have a happy holiday month!

  27. Hmm. Maybe now's the time to learn to knit some sweaters? Big congrats on reaching your goal. Rub elbows with me so that some of that good mojo rubs off a little. :)

  28. You have accomplished a wonderful goal! I am only in the beginning stages of working toward the same goal myself, and it encourages me to know it is POSSIBLE! : ) Whatever you choose to do, enjoy the upcoming weeks!

  29. I'm with you! Well-made clothes last forever and it is such a wonderful feeling to wear things we made almost a decade ago and feel they still look great. :)

  30. I know you love to wear dresses,Carolyn, but you look fantastic in separates like your seersucker suit!

  31. Congrats, you will need to sew more after I come raid your closet. Lol. You have done a great job building your wardrobe. It has been interesting and inspiring watching your journey. My journey is starting again and I will be copying some of your designs. Thanks for the inspiration.

  32. Everyone needs a break once in a while! Your clothes always look superb on you! Probably because you use a sloper/block/tnt for fitting. That is what many new sewists still need to learn. How, exactly, are slopers used in fitting a commercial pattern? You have so much knowledge and experience to teach/ share about this issue! And most fitting books don't go into the "how to use it" after you get the sloper made. Please tell/show us how, in detail!


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