
Saturday, June 21, 2014

One Special Piece...

Truly I haven't been purchasing fabric.  I have alot of it and lately haven't wanted much. However, a very kind friend gave me a gift certificate to Elliot Berman for my birthday.  I wanted to savor the opportunity to purchase one special piece of fabric with this precious gift.

After several trips and a lot of drooling at the Elliott Berman site, I received an email that had Designer Fabrics 20% off...and I knew what I wanted...this Milly piece...

I bought three panels to make a dress - seriously what else would I make! *LOL* But I wanted you to see how this deliciousness arrived...a good presentation always makes me swoon...because to me it means the seller loves the fabric as much as I do!

...and the actual fabric laying on my cutting table...

Now and again, I've used a piece of fabric from the collection and some of the comments have been that they wished they'd been able to buy a piece of the fabric at the time I purchased I'm telling you that if you like this, head on over to Elliott Berman's site where it's still in stock and pick up a panel or two.

Now the amazing Heather B., bought a piece of this lusciousness from Ann of Gorgeous Fabrics fame.  And after checking out Gorgeous Fabric's awesome new website (seriously, y'all need to head on over and see it for yourself!) I couldn't find any on the site so it must be gone. However, Heather made this wonderful dress from the fabric.

I will be using my piece of fabric sooner rather than later...I really don't want it to linger in the collection too long since it will make a great summer frock. And I have a wonderful idea for it, something that follows along with my new sewing idiom (a distinct style or character in music, art). It's number four on my new sewing list - the one I'm actually going to sew - if you know what I mean!

BTW, I've decided to feature on the blog a piece or two of fabric that captures my eye during my travels through the online fabric sites.  I will tell you what I'd like to make with it and then if you like it or not, purchase some or don't. I do have to tell you that I don't discern between higher priced and lower priced pieces of fabric - it's how the fabric speaks to me and if it's a type of fabric that I enjoy sewing with.

Okay...I have a very busy weekend.  The grandbabies are here for the day and I have some other things up my sleeve. always more later!


  1. Very pretty fabric find!

    Oooh I like this feature :) have a great rest of the weekend!

  2. This is truly gorgeous fabric, I love Heather's dress using this fabric as well..

  3. Wow, that is such beautiful fabric. I can't wait to see the dress you'll make. Heather's dress is gorgeous.

  4. this fabric is seriously *lovely* and crazy awesome! I can't wait to see what you make out of it. :)

  5. That is a very lovely piece of fabric. Looking forward to seeing your dress.

  6. What a gorgeous piece of fabric!!!! Can't wait to see the dress! Have a fantastic weekend!

  7. Stunning, can not wait to see your dress!!!

  8. Beautiful fabric! I LOVE Elliott Berman -- the selection and the service!

  9. This fabric right here? what I'm talking about! Gorgeous!!!!

  10. STUNNING. and i love this new feature idea!

  11. I love border prints, they are one of my favourite fabrics this year (good to know I've moved on from penguins I guess). Glad this is high on your 'to sew list' as I'm really looking forward to seeing it as a dress!

  12. That fabric and your vision will make a lovely thing- can't wait to see!

  13. I can't wait to see your version. After looking down at her shoes, all I could think was "What shoes will Carolyn choose to wear with this?"

  14. Ooooooo, that's beautiful! Can't wait to see it come together!

  15. Great blog entry! I love it!

  16. OMG OMG OMG!! I have this fabric!!! Kashi at Metro Textiles said that it would be perfect for me and so I bought the last of the bolt (back in April). I love it! Did NOT know it was Milly. Just really liked how cheerful it was. Cool! Can't wait to see what you do with yours. I like that dress you show above. Very Cute!

  17. This fabric is definitely worth blogging about and I totally love heathers dress. can't wait to see what you do with it xx

  18. Sorry, if this is a duplicate, for some reason I have a heck of a time making comments. But, I love the fabric, can't wait to see what you make. As far as commenting goes have you thought of giving the option to people to use their Name/Url as a way to comment. I think for Wordpress users using Open ID does weird things. Anyone, I'll keep trying because I love your blog.

  19. Oh Yeah, sew that baby up quick! My dress is still one of the "top" makes of the year. I know you'll feel the same about the dress you'll make out of this fabric. :)

  20. THANK YOU!!!!! After seeing your post I hopped over to Elliot Berman and snapped up my own piece of this fabric. I've loved it since I first saw Heather's dress and now I have some coming to me too!! Yay! Thanks so much for posting. Perhaps I should extend my online fabric drooling to include more sites. Feel free to post more awesome finds, but only if there's enough for me!

  21. Stunning fabric!!!! I'm pretty sure you'll do it justice!!


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