
Thursday, June 26, 2014

No fabric buying so I buy patterns instead...

Let's be real.  I'm not a big Simplicity pattern owner or sewist.  Most likely because Simplicity hasn't learned the value of a good online pattern sale the way Butterick/McCalls/Vogue has.  I'm sure I own so many of their patterns because of BMV's amazing sales...but back to the topic on hand.

So over at PatternReview, they are running a sale on Simplicity Patterns for $2.99 each through midnight tonight EST.  Sorry about the short notice but I just read the email late last night/early this morning. Which was enough to make me partake, especially since they've included the Early Fall patterns in the sale.  

So this is what I bought...

You know I have some faux leather waiting to become this dress!

I know this looks like my TNT but the 
maxi version with the cut in armholes!!!

Seriously piping in seams in a dress?
I'm so there!

The Dress - I must have the dress!

This skirt because Anne B. made such a wonderful version of it.

I'm sure quite a few of these will end up in the pattern collection untouched for now...but I always have plans...and it's better to have the materials in house when inspiration strikes...y'know what I mean!?!

I'm starting to get a little antsy with the no sewing that's been done.  I'm missing my sewing zen state and how it smoothes out a week...can't wait until next week when I will have some quality time in my newly cleaned sewing cave! always more later!


  1. Since you might not read your own blog, I didn't know if you knew that an advertisement pops up every time I try to read your blog now. It's a full page ad, and you have to wait for 30 seconds. Maybe it's from your blog host?

    1. I don't get an ad when I read your blog.

      Love your choice of patterns.

    2. I certainly feel you Carolyn. I'm on a secret self imposed fabric diet myself. Shhhhh don't tell any body. Besides there's nothing in my local fabric stores that has grabbed my attention. Thanks for the pattern sale info.

    3. I have no idea what that's about...will have to look into it!

    4. Mountain Woman, that has happened to me, too, even on my own blog! It's spamware that's been installed on your hubby did a search on it but I can't remember what the name turned out to be. It gets bundled in with downloads and you have to specifically say NOT to install it.

    5. Thanks for that tip. I'll try to look for it. However, it only happens when I look at this blog. Odd.

  2. I can't do any sewing at the moment so I have been buying pattern too. I do like the "Amazing Fit" ones even though I still have to do an FBA. Thanks for the heads up. Pity it costs so much to ship to the UK. x

  3. I too got a full image ad when I tried to read your blog. I love your choices, especially 1314!!!!! That one is amazing!!

  4. I almost bought 1314 at the sale even though I know they'll be on sale soon at Hancock or JoAnn.

    Love your selections!!

    1. Nakisha - my problem is that I don't have a Hancocks near me and I don't cross the threshold of the craft store masquerades as a fabric store so online pattern purchases work for me!

    2. Hahaha! Touché!

      They still see my face because my Hancock has about three shades of Gutermann. But I hear you. They are the worst.

    3. Oh you should buy thread from Wawak when it's on sale. Every color under the sun on a spool of 1100 yards instead of 110 yards for $1.99.

    4. You are a bad influence you know... :)

      I do need Wawak. I was unaware that I was way overpaying for zippers. Way.

  5. I was just thinking the same thing a couple of days ago while purusing the simplicity's site. Have to check out the sale.

  6. I saw 1314 a while ago on eBay. It is such a great pattern.

  7. I really like that first one, 1314. Just added it to my list of patterns to buy. (btw, I don't see any ads when I visit your blog.)

  8. No ads here either. You all might try AdBlock which works wonderfully well.

    Love 1314. Since I DO enter the craft/fabric store, I'll get it when the sale is on in a couple of weeks.

  9. Great minds think alike!!! I have just finished 1357 and love it! I also bought 1466 and hope to cut it out this weekend. Thanks for inspiring me to sew again!!! Have a great weekend!

  10. Nice choices Carolyn! I especially like 1466. FWIW, I do not get an ad on your site. I have ad blocker software installed.

  11. The photo for the 1314 is off-putting, the angle and the wrinkly bodice are not very flattering. But I'm having a devil of a time getting good blog photos whenever I step into the frame, so take that as you will.

    The pattern sales at JoAnn's have overstocked my larder the past few years. I have always picked up patterns just to read, but 5 for $7 and 10 for $10 has expanded my reading list tremendously. I keep a list of #s in my wallet for such 'emergencies'.

    (edited for clarity)

  12. I know what you mean about patterns ending up in the collection ~ but it is so nice to have them there when inspirations hits :) Our local fabric store will no longer be selling Simplicity so online will be the only way to get them. I love Cynthia Rowley.
    (I am having trouble posting comments today-so not sure if this will be the second time posting this comment)

  13. Mountain woman, check your programs file and look at the dates of the installations. If you can remember what day this started you can study those programs/dates and remove the culprit. I use CCcleaner and Malwarebytes and have no problems.

    I hate, hate, how ths crap comes in on what appear to be necessary downloads/updates to other needed software in the computer. Our tech guy told us not to update anything without calling him first and we do. Living in a small village helps with things like that.

  14. Oooh, I never thought to buy thread from Wawak, I buy lots of twill tape and other supplies. The shrinking spool size of C&C thread and the move to all poly really irritates me. Thanks for that comment.

    The pop up ads are on the viewers computer, not on your blog. She needs to fix it as per Bunny's instruciton

  15. Aren't patterns fun? Full of potential. Unlike everyone else, I'm not much on the Cynthia Rowley - so many seam lines seem choppy. However, I'm sure that when I see your finished dress, I'll love it and go look for the pattern, find it and say 'her dress is THIS pattern?!?' Happens all the time. :) I like 1466 and the skirt pattern. Very cute. And thanks for the WAWAK thread suggestion. Great idea.

  16. Oh yeah! I have most of these (Hancock sales!) And I cant wait to see how you demystify them for me! My skirt and I are courtsying at you shyly!

  17. Me too, I picked up Simplicity 1466 and have yet to start on it. I am on the fence about 1662, I seem to always miss Simplicity pattern sales at Hancock Fabrics, uggghhh. So Joanne will be seeing me this week. All Mattel lines are on sale so I am going to stock up too. I love how you take them to another level too. Freakin AWESOME!!

  18. I recently purchased two of the above patterns at JoAnn's for $.99. How can you turn down that price? I purchased 1466 and 1458. Enabled by reviewers on Pattern Review.


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