
Sunday, June 22, 2014

I cleaned my sewing room...

Yes, yes I did.  I used the vacuum cleaner to get all the dust bunnies from up under the fabric shelves.  I removed all the extra stuff and put my ironing board away (which broke into 2 pieces - what's that about?) Dusted the tables, put things away...generally made the room look neat and presentable.  I even opened the curtains to remind myself of all the fabric goodness...

The main fabric wall - that's been picked over!

View from the cutting table...
and yes that is an overstuffed bin of fabric by the door!

Added some shelving and moved my Threads Magazine Collection
 into The Sewing Cave

Pattern and serger thread stash along with my TV and DVD player

My sewing tools -  Janome 8900 QCP and Babylock Imagine
Did you see Lauren's video on the Imagine threading?

View from the front door

But still no sewing...and none next weekend either.  Next week is my family reunion so I'll be lounging around the hotel pool with the babies.  Speaking of babies, I spent the weekend with the grandbabies and took way too many cute photos of Miss Sammy.  Here is just one...

Posting will be light again this week...but I have a few days off for the 4th of July weekend and I'm celebrating the birth of my nation in my sewing cave. Look for some finished garments, then! always more later!


  1. Grand daughter is so gorgeous, and your fabric is so breath taking, I love your space

  2. I read your blog in Feedly and when I saw the headline I thought "Oh, this will be interesting" then when the first photo loaded by jaw fell open, Wow! Such a stash and it's all so organized. I love those shelves and you got a TV! I don't think I'd ever come out of my room, but I would like a balcony. Ya.

  3. I've heard about fabric stashes but this is the first time I ever saw one. I could sew for a long time from these beautiful choices.

  4. She is a doll! Enjoy the time with your grand babies!

  5. I need to show this post to my husband so that I can show him what my stash *could* look like if it were organized...

  6. Ummm, I will take anything you don't have room for. And that baby!!! Beautiful.

  7. Miss Sammy is adorable :) And your fabric-collection is awesome! I have got a sewing-room, which was perfectly organized when I moved into it in spring. But a few months later...

  8. Volunteering myself to "guard" that delicious fabric stash while you spend time pool side! (You may return however to a suspiciously diminished collection.) ;-)

  9. You have the most awesome fabric stash EVER!

  10. That little grand baby is adorable. :)

  11. Oh your stash gives me goosebumps (and make some feel better about mine!)

  12. Your fabric stash is grand! Very good organizing! I keep my patterns in the same plastic drawers, they fit perfectly! Your grand baby it the cutest!

  13. What a wonderful space! The collection is amazing!

  14. Now that you are well practiced, would you like to come organize mine? Please?

    Seriously, that grandbaby is gorgeous. :) K

  15. Thanks for the peek into your little sewing world! I now have such a case of stash-envy! Your little grandaughter is adorable! Enjoy your family time!

  16. It's tough to keep everything all neat and organized. You do a great job!!

  17. I am so glad to see your fabric stash!!!! thanks for sharing

  18. Granddaughter is really pretty! So cute!! Love the look of the room. Can you come to my house now and do mine?

  19. Sammy!!!!! Your sewing space looks so neat and tidy!

  20. Sammy is gorgeous and so is your sewing space!

  21. i think I'd like to hug that youngster and your stash wall too!

  22. Gorgeous pictures. Your grand baby is a doll.
    Thank you for sharing.

  23. That fabric collectionmakes me green with envy. Your granddaughter is so cute!!!

  24. Miss Sammy is just precious. Enjoy those babies and sun around the pool!

  25. OMG your sewing cave is awesome. My little stack of fabric wouldn't fill one column on one shelf. I want my sewing room to look like that when it grows upl

  26. Wow! Just Wow.....You have oodles and oodles of fabric. A miniature fabric store right in your sewing room. Now that's a fabric stash! What great choices to choose from. I can only hope that one day I can tote such a grand stash! Oops, great job on getting all the dust bunnies. I have the same problem in my sewing room. I have hard wood floors throughout our home and it just seems like dust piles up in no time.

  27. WOWZER! Your stash wall is a thing of beauty! I'm desperately trying to get myself organized, but I keep getting distracted by all the projects I want to start. I work better in a clean space, so I really need to find some self-control.

  28. Love your sewing cave! I'm very interested to see how other sewists organize their space. Mine is similarly organized but my stash is not quite as large! I also have all my "Threads" magazines (since 1985) in plastic holders and my machine threads in plastic tubs to keep them dust free. A large cutting table is in the center of my room and takes us valuable but necessary space. My husband enters this sacred room (located on our second floor) about once a month and comments that the floor could fall in any day but he knows this space makes me very happy!


  29. Wow, I don't think I've ever seen a stash this big! You have a nice sewing cave.

  30. I told Phin that this is a normal size for a stash... heh heh heh...

    Sounds like a much needed and deserved recharging of the batteries!

  31. Your grand baby girls is so cute! and your stash is great too!

  32. Hi Ms. Carolyn, Your fabric is beautiful. I don't think I never get tired of looking at stashes of fabric. I only wish I had a devoted sewing space. It's coming soon though. I hope you have a great time at your family reunion.

  33. Oops, I forgot. Miss Sammy should be in pictures. ;-)

  34. Your grand daughter is beautiful and, looking at the pics, I have finally found someone who has (possibly) more fabric than me. You cave looks like Heaven. :)

  35. No sewing but still surrounded by those treasury fabrics,... And all your beautiful clothes,... Great sewing space,... I could take a break like that too!!!
    Your granddaughter is a cutie!!!!

  36. Oh my goodness, what a stash! FABULOUS!!!! Have a wonderful reunion!!!! Miss Sammy is such a cute doll!!!!!!!!!

  37. Your grand-baby girl is darling! I love her hair. All of my baby girls were bald, and I expect more of the same when the grandbabies start to arrive.

    I'm jealous of your fabric collection. I have not touched mine, however, since before the holidays last year. I never find time during the holidays, and my dearly beloved had a triple bypass in January, so I've been in crisis mode ever since. Maybe this summer, after the oldest son and his bride return from their honeymoon and I'm no longer babysitting for their pets?

  38. LOL! This looks like "Grand (Sewing) Canyon" - tall walls of beautiful fabric with a small rivulet of intent activity going on down at the bottom. It looks like a dreamy place to relax and create. I am soooo jealous of your incredible organization, not to mention all your luscious fabric! Creative Hormone Rush

  39. So gorgeous! What a sweet little baby!

    You have SO much fabric! Some great choices though, I'd staring at it for ages before starting projects!

  40. Your sewing cave is my inspiration, Carolyn. We are currently renovating our entire house (one room at a time and it's taking FOREVER). The last room on the list is one that's been set aside as a sewing/laundry space for me! I love your organization - that wall of fabric!!! - and am looking forward to organizing my stash so I can see it when the renos are done around here.


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