
Friday, December 18, 2015

Top 5 Sewing Hits & Misses-Highlights-Reflections & Goals

Every year Gillian of, Crafting A Rainbow, encourages us in the sewing world to reflect upon how our sewing has grown or changed during the year. I've willingly shared my ups and downs the last few years because I think it's a great chance to look back at what I've accomplished and to look forward to where I'd like to go.

Typically I've done two posts on this - one for my hits and one for my misses - but since I've experienced so many life changes this year, I'm going to add a third post on Reflections and Goals. 

So without further ado here are my hits for 2015 and you will be surprised to realize that two of them involve "unselfish sewing"!

Number One:

Dresses for Miss Sammy! Making these was such fun and I ended up making 10 in all. I didn't have to worry about fit and just went for it creatively.  The best part was when my daughter sent a picture of how she used the summer dresses for Miss Sammy at the start of school year! I will be sewing for Miss Sammy and Miss Lena more in the new year.

Number Two:

I made dresses for my daughter to wear to work using McCalls 6886. I've made this dress quite a few times already for her and I get more adventurous with each iteration. They went over so well that I'm making a couple more this weekend as her Christmas present...the only Christmas present sewing that I'm doing this year.

Number Three:

The McCalls 6559 maxidresses. It was a simple sew but I think these dresses reflect my lifestyle changes the most. Why? Because they showcase my love of vivid, bright prints, my love of dresses and my new casual workplace. Plus they allowed me to be well dressed in a casual funkysexykewl kinda way but not overdressed for work.

I even shortened the pattern and made a couple of funky versions again using pattern and print to make them work for me. I had ideas for a few more but the season got away from me so expect more next summer! It was a great yet simple garment to wear during the summer.

Number Four:

I'm sewing a lot of tops now and this was my favorite top pattern this year.  I'm sure that it will be different next year since I have a lot of top patterns and fabric sitting on the cutting table and percolating in the back of my mind. However, the top I enjoyed sewing the most this year was McCalls 7095. I've made it three times for fall/winter and have a few ideas for a couple of spring/summer tops.

Why was it my favorite? Because it gave me enough coverage (abdomen, butt, thighs) and it was fashionable and comfortable. I don't look like I'm wearing a muu muu over my leggings which is very important to me. Definitely making more!

Number Five:

I don't really have a number five. My wardrobe needs have changed so much in the last year that I'm walking a new path, daily trying to figure how I want to look but yet fit in with my work environment. So alternately I'm thrilled with my new wardrobe or worried that I will never sew enough to either fulfill my wardrobe or be creatively stimulated.

So this is my top 5 for 2015 - not much of a list but it's a start since I'm on a new sewing journey... always more later!


  1. Well you certainly have been busy at the sewing machine! Some fabulous new TNT's for all the family :)

  2. I too had a major change in my life in 2015, and during that transition period where you know you cannot go back to your old life but you are scared of your new emerging life, I took comfort in the things that had not changed like reading your blog. You are a source of inspiration, not just in your sewing but how you have handled change. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

    1. Sylvia - that is such a sweet compliment! I'm glad that my blog and ramblings brought you comfort during a trying time.

  3. You've made so many fabulous things! For yourself and for your family too. Those little dresses for your grand-daughter are just utterly adorable :)

    1. Carolyn - I loved sewing those dresses and will definitely make more outfits for both girls next year.

  4. The nicest part of this post or "episode" in your life Carolyn is seeing you burst into your new life with such pleasure. And apparently regain a lot of joy in life, sewing and otherwise. What a great year you have had. And some nice clothes too :)

    1. thanks Vickie - I think my year has been pretty interesting and I'm glad some of my joy has shown through here.

  5. Great year of sewing for you Carolyn even though you've been coping with changing body shape/ size and lifestyle! Hope it continues going forward.

    1. I think I've figured out who I want to be now so definitely will be more going forward! I mean I have a well stocked sewing cave so there's no reason not to sew!!!

  6. So many wonderful things to show for your sewing efforts this year! You really are an inspiration.

  7. I always enjoy your posts and love going down memory lane with garments previously sewn. Life is just one big journey with roller coaster rides along the way. It has been interesting to see your transitions.

  8. I think that you have an impressive list of sewing accomplishments this year - just like every year. I look forward to reading about the way your wardrobe evolves during the next year. Merry Christmas!!

    1. Thanks Rose - so glad that you're going to continue along on my journey with me! I appreciate it!

  9. Lucky Miss Sammy! What darling little dresses. I get so much inspiration from your posts and as we near the end of yet another year, I want to thank you for sharing so freely and encouragng so many of us. One of these days, I swear, once my joint replacement are behind me, I am going to run with all the inspiration you inspire and finally start making the wardrobe I want in the colors and styles I want. I no longer go out to work so I don't need a lot but it will be nice not to just settle for what I can find in the stores. I have started to follow so many wonderful sewing blogs through your own blog and I will forever be grateful to you for lighting that spark for creating when it has been so long dormant. (PS: Did you get my email about the fabric I want to send you?)
    Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family. How nice they get to share in your creativity and generosity. Miss Sammy's dresses remind me of a wonderful, similar pattern from the 60a that came with instructions to applique critters from the Pooh stories. Another pattern I used a lot for Megan was a similar shape as Miss Sammy's but criss-crossed in the back and buttoned on the shoulders. Thanks again for everything. Merry Christmas.

    1. Thanks for your holiday wishes Nancy. I did get your email and will get back to you.

  10. We definitely share a love of sewing multiples! I'm especially inspired by all your maxi dress versions - I"m a sucker for the Mission Maxi pattern myself, and while I'm made tons of versions, you are giving me ideas for even more!
    Thanks for joining in again this year! :)

    1. Gillian - I LOVE that pattern and will be making more next summer. I'm also going to force myself to use another maxidress pattern cause heaven knows I own more than one pattern. Also the Mission Maxi looks so much like M6559!

  11. Love all your inspiring 'makes' for the year. Sending Christmas blessings to you and yours. Karen

  12. Awesome highlights & reflections and sewing for others is so fabulously rewarding. Your g-daughter is so adorable!

    1. Sheila - I am biased but I love Miss Sammy to death! She is just the coolest little girl. There will be more sewing for both little girls next year!

  13. I loved (!) following your sewing evolution this year. I know you've always had joy in making garments, but it like you're reveling in freedom you never had before. I loved your maxi dresses especially - I bought the pattern because yours looked to good! Can't wait to see what next year brings!

    1. Tina - you are going to love making this dress. Definitely try it! Thanks for following along on my journey!

  14. Thanks Valerie - but I do miss sewing and wearing dresses! Still getting used to this new look.


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