
Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Yet Another "Thoughts While Sewing" Post...

I love the space I occupy when I'm knee deep into a sewing vacay.  I love how my mind starts to clear out the driftwood of life - those concerns that overburden us - and makes way for the soul cleansing that spending time being creative brings me.

  • The way I feel about sewing and who I want to be when sewing has changed now that I work a job that I love. While sewing has always been a creative haven, it's no longer a refuge from a cruel work space but a totally uplifting and healing space.
  • I worry that I won't be as creative now that I don't have dresses to sew. I'm thinking that I will turn my dress ideas into tunics to wear over leggings and slim legged pants while I wait out the winter...cause dresses and skirts are worn all the time in the spring & summer in the office.
  • This fitting each and every pattern is a new thing to me.  There are sooooo many steps to make before I can get to the good part - the sewing!
  • My sewing is not perfect. Honestly, I'm not even striving for perfect. I'm striving to be the best I can be...and of course that changes from year to year. As I learn more, gain more experience, and figure out what I'm really good, at my goals change. However, perfect is not one of those goals.
  • When I get into the zone, I don't want to leave the sewing cave. I know I'm in the zone when the fabric tells me something different than I imagined when I decided to make the garment.  That's when magic happens - hahahahaha! Seriously though that's when the unique details get added to garments.
  • I use to make notes while sewing a garment. Now I start a blog post and drop my info right into the post. I don't have to remember everything I did later and I have a more complete record in one place when I want to make the garment again.
  • Sometimes I wonder if it's wrong to be so thrilled to spend all of my vacay in the sewing cave? To have had dinner plans with someone and they cancelled and be thrilled because it means another uninterrupted day in the cave. More time doing what I love...
  • It's amazing to me that non-sewing friends and family members think you should go into your sewing space and create a wonderful new garment in an hour or two. Really?  
It was a good sewing week. I did end up getting a lot accomplished - more than I realized. I do tend to lose perspective when I'm in the midst of the week grinding out garments.

There's only one more post of a new top to be shared ~ posting next. I will be sewing this weekend because I think I've found my way creatively. My sewing mojo is in full effect. So much so that I bought a couple of pieces of fabric during Black Friday weekend.  Not a lot of yardage but things that are lacking in the fabric collection. Hard to believe right?! *LOL* I will more than likely do a post on them because I'm pretty excited about these purchases.

I want to leave you with a collage of  the garments I made during my sewing vacay... always more later!


  1. Carolyn, you have always inspired me with your love of sewing. I always get my cup of coffee in the mornings and read your blog,and I am so glad to hear that those creative juices are flowing..

    1. Candice - thanks love! Have you got your new sewing space set up yet? I'm sure you're thinking of some amazing things to sew!

  2. I know sewing your new wardrobe has been and adjustment. But you have taken wing now. I can hear it in your words.

    1. Thanks Bunny - I do feel a little less lost! It's just going to take time to get back to wearing me-made every day. I do miss that!

  3. I loved the more formal clothing you used to make, and I love this new Casual Chic wardrobe you are currently making.

  4. Goodness me that job sounds a real blesing, and you look fantastic. Lovely to hear you so happy Carolyn, and excting that you are excited. I look forward to seeing what you make over the coming months.

    1. Thanks Heather and I do love my new job for so many reasons - the first one being that I have my life back and it's brought me so much peace.

  5. Wow! That's a lot of sewing. And such lovely tops for the effort. It's nice to know that there are others in this world who are happy to spend time sewing.

    1. Irene - to borrow from Disney - "happiest place on earth" is my sewing cave to me!

  6. I also start a blog post and write about what I am sewing as I sew it. Otherwise, it's easy to forget little details that make a difference, especially if you refer to your post again for another make.
    Working at a job you enjoy makes such a difference to the rest of your life, doesn't it?

    1. Paola - yes to working the job that you enjoy and yes to you understanding about the blog post. I know y'all read along and I appreciate that but so many times I go back to see what I did so that I can repeat it! Putting the details in as I do them is just easy to me.

  7. How wonderful you have found a job that you love. And that you are finding your way with your new work wardrobe.

    1. Vicki - yes and yes cause I KNOW y'all were getting tired of me whining about it! *LOL*

  8. I'm so happy for you that you have found a job you love - it makes such a difference to one's life. Your creativity is flying now, and all your tops look great....but I love the turquoise one best of all :)

  9. Having a job which nurtures makes a world of difference to all aspects of our lives. Thankyou so muvh for the comment you left on my blog. It gave me a real thrill !

    1. Janine - your top is really cute and I just added you to my blog roll so I won't lose you again! I love finding new sewing bloggers!

  10. You are such an inspiration & I love your new voice !!

  11. Love your blog and uplifting attitude. I'm always just thinking 'wow'. You go...

  12. Your new wardrobe looks great, and it's so nice to hear that you love your shows in your face!

  13. Fantastic mini collection!

    I'm right there with you with "perfection". long as I give it my best which totally depends on the day. Some days my "best" is zipping a knit through the serger and slapping a twin needle hem and calling it good. ;-)

    Love that the juice is flowing!

    1. Kesha it just seems a silly thing to reach the end of the day if you did the best you could that day then you were a success - know what I mean?!

  14. You are so inspiring to me! Your results are great whether formal or casual. I love it all. I'm so glad that you are out of a cruel work environment. Life is too short!

  15. Beautiful heartfelt post, thanks for the wonderful way you described the creative process.

    1. birdandflower - I'm learning to appreciate and protect that process because it's my special gift/power and I need to make sure that no one is messing with it!

  16. The most important thing about this latest post is that you now have a job that you love. Secondly, none of your readers think a sewing vacay is silly. I'm retired now but would have loved having a whole week to sew while I was working. Thanks for your positive post! Karen

  17. After spending so much of yourself on the corporate job, I'm so sorry to hear that you have such negative feelings about it now. I do hope you still have a few well chosen friends from that time? Also happy to hear you love your new job and that your sewing mojo is back. It seems you have learned that common sense law of life...when life gives you lemons... make lemon pie!

    1. Denise - I worked there almost 10 years and I really only liked it for 2-3 years and that was in the middle of that time...hated it at the beginning and hated it at the end...

  18. Your sewing vacay was very productive!

    1. Linda - I didn't think it was when I was in the middle of it but when we went to photograph the garments I saw that I was a lot more productive than I thought!

  19. Well stated. Thanks for putting words to my passion. Shared this post on fb to help my non sewing friends understand-lol.

  20. Love your thoughts! Non-sewing friends of mine never think about the time in which I can complete something...they just want the item to be for them!! LOL!! Beautifull pieces you completed during your vacay!!


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