
Saturday, February 06, 2016

Fabric Everywhere...

I'm cutting out another topper in a tweedy fabric pulled from the collection...but I am a little blaise about sewing today.  When cleaning off the sewing table, I found the new crochet pattern books I purchased a couple of weeks ago. Which made think maybe I should work on one of the projects in them instead.

A while back I put all of the skeins of yarn I own in a bin that's currently residing behind my cutting/sewing table. When I pulled it out today to go through it, because I want to crochet a cardigan, I found fabric stacked neatly at the bottom.  

This fabric ~  
A silk with embroidered roses, blue/white gingham in shetland wool
beige corduroy with a toile print and yellow/white shetland wool

...all I could think of was really? Really more fabric!?! My shelves are overflowing...I have stacks of fabric everywhere...

Both of these piles are around the cutting table

This one is by the front door as you enter the Sewing Cave,
though I did remove the top pile after taking this picture

When I find more fabric stashed in places I didn't realize, I'm amazed at just how unhappy I was in my last job. See I bought fabric ~ yards and yards of it ~ almost weekly at my old job. It did bring temporary joy and unlimited daydreams that I used as a way to deal with the fact that I HATED that dayum job...but now I'm dealing with the overflow. Especially since I'm not sewing nearly as much as I did before. Hey I used to pound out a dress a weekend, now sometimes I don't sew for weeks!

I really don't want to store more fabric in the garage because y'know, out of sight out of mind, but I'm running out of creative ways to store it in the cave. It's one of the reasons why I'm not fabric shopping. Guess I need to shake myself and work on that topper today because I need to move fabric out of the cave a lot faster! 

Why did this come up today?  Because Fabric Mart is having a 60% off sale on pontes. I love ponte fabric. I own a lot of it with 90% of it purchased from Fabric Mart. I'm usually good about ignoring solid colored pontes but right now there are three pretty amazing printed pontes on the site at only $4 a yard! Let's not forget this amazing faux persian lamb... 

So if you need a fabric fix, why don't you surf on over and buy up the reminding yardage. It would help me out because even though I'm overwhelmed, I'm tempted!  *LOL* always more later!


  1. That darn Fabric Mart and their sales! I do love a good sale from them. I think they just have me on automatic order some weeks!!!! Their Ponte Knit it so nice too. When I organized the sewing room, touching all my fabric gave me more inspiration. Love looking at all your fabric!

    1. Thanks Bonnie! I love my fabric collection too and am finding some choice gems in it to sew...I just need to stay away from those FM emails!

  2. Replies
    1. Melissa - I've been wanting some of that for awhile and it seems FM always seems to have it when I'm not ready to buy any! *sigh*

  3. Don't worry about the size of your stash, it brings you joy and contains unlimited potential. During your unhappy period you could have spent your money on so many self-destructive things, like drugs or alcohol. Instead you invested wisely, stayed healthy and built up a legacy! You go girl!

    1. This is such a nice perspective. I was reading the post thinking "I can completely relate to all of this".... Now I'm (almost, haha!!) patting myself on the back. Thank you both!

    2. Kay & the craftytraveller - I almost wrote that paragraph into the post! *LOL* Yes it was a much healthier way of dealing than some other methods! And while I have a can carry me into the future so just gotta figure out what to do with it!

  4. Oh man! I was perusing this sale this morning. I had several yards in my cart ready for me to purchase. I just bought a bunch of lace from them right before it all went on sale too.

    1. Sarah - FM has been having some amazing sales lately haven't they!

  5. Replies
    1. Faye - I hope this means that you went over and bought something!

  6. Oh sewingfanatic, I am in a similar place and I am a beginner. Ne fabric haul from my trip to NYC, and less time to sew. Sending you blessings...

    1. Iris - you would think that since I'm based in NYC in the heart of the garment district that would be a problem! But I seem to be able to control myself better or maybe it's cause I have to get up and physically go there. My computer, iPad and phone are just too convenient to shop!

    2. Probably because online you can click "P" and get all the ponte right there. In the garment district, it's a bit more complicated. Plus you have to go there and carry the bag home. FM delivers. :)

  7. Oh goodness....I can totally relate to ALL of this. Thank you for posting! The cycle of retail therapy and guilt/astonishment that you have so much fabric! I am still a beginner with no sewing cave and a stash that can't get any bigger than my small NYC closet. No telling what my stash would look like with a sewing cave. Congrats on finding a job you love. You are very blessed!

    1. Claire - yes, I'm really happy with my new job and it definitely means that I shop less!

  8. Have you ever thought about offering some of your fabric to sewing bloggers/friends from your area? It's sad to see all the beautiful fabric collecting dust :( You could even throw a "fabric party"!

    1. Ola - I've done giveaways here on the blog and when friends come to visit they are allowed to take a piece or two with them. I really need a year or two of more output and less incoming!

  9. I can't even open the fabricmart emails- tooo tempting!

  10. There was a time, way back, when lunchtime forays to a fabric store kept my sanity in a very boring job. I found little time to sew but those trips to the store used my imagination bigtime and buying the fabric at least made me feel like I was planning something creatively, almost as satisfying as making it. I totally understand.

    That little stash you found is stunning. Nice choices!

    1. Bunny - isn't it interesting how you go through cycles and how some part of sewing always assists us in dealing with our life situations? I truly believe that this is my season to sew more and acquire less!

  11. Since you have my hands tied behind my back... I may as well skip on over.

    1. You do that Miss Sheila...I'm sure you will make something awesome with whatever you purchase!

  12. It is interesting how a change in your life can effect other areas of your thinking. I am feeling like my excess fabric is causing me stress. I have realized that some of it I don't really have a use/plan for, or don't really like it but got it cheap. So, I am slowly selling off some of my stash.

    I guess it just reminds us how much our emotions effect our behavior.

    Sue C

    1. Sue or how sewing is the foundation/rock of our lives. I haven't gotten to the point where I want to sell off my collection yet. I still have plenty more years to sew and if I put out more than I take in I should be okay.

  13. The joys of fabric sales makes me want to purchase a lot of fabric. Add that to the fact I work part time in a fabric store. What keeps me sane - doing cash as I don't really see the fabric the people bring to the register. My demise is cutting fabric and cleaning up the bargain center and deeply discounted fabrics.
    I am trying to use up my stash but have bought some new fabric to sew. It is much more fun to sew the new fabric than the old. But, I keep chipping away at it. I have had to limit myself to buying only what I need to finish up craft and garment projects plus what I want to make for 6 garments from new fabric to showcase at the store. It is working out okay. Like you, I have to stay strong. I know how hard that is to do.

  14. Thank you for letting us know and I can definitely relate to sewing to relieve job stress!

  15. OK - as I'm in a phase (pre-renovation) that has me using every last yard of yarn in my knitting stash (sewing has been on the back burner due to lack of energy) - let me assure you that you have an entire fabric store 3 seconds from your computer! You really don't need that ponte (nice though it would be). I bet, if you go to the garage, or the cave, you'll have the perfect ponte in your hands in 2 minutes. And you'll feel like such a good planner!

  16. So happy to hear your crochet plans.....please share those pattern books and yarn on your blog. I can just see you in one of Doris Chan's crocheted cardigans with coordinating printed dress underneath! Hook on🌺🌼🌸

    1. Peggy - I haven't crocheted in so long that it will be simple designs and I'm making them to go over leggings and jeans. It's so darn cold right now!

  17. I totally relate to stash building in response to stress. When I was keeping my BFF company during her chemotherapy treatments I used to stop at Vogue Fabrics on my way home from every treatment. Buying fabric helped with the emotional pain at the time, but like you, I now feel burdened with too much fabric. This must be one of those can't win, catch 22s.

  18. I can so relate! I love your blog.😀

  19. Say what! Four dollars / yard for ponte knit? Seriously? I never see a deal like that up here otherwise I would be in big trouble. I can relate to stress related stash building and have a fabric, button, and trim stash to prove it. Thanks for sharing your insight and honesty, it is why I love reading your blog. Thankfully we have family we can sew for as well.

  20. I totally relate. Because of you, I call it my collection instead of stash. But, it needs to fit in the (ample) room I've allotted and then it is time to deaccession.

    I put the stuff that I now feel meh about in bins and tell my daughter's sewing friends that they can take whatever they like out of those 'outbound' bins.

    Fabric stores need our patronage $ to stay in business, or they won't be there later. I continue to buy sparingly and deaccession stuff I bought earlier. This curation will improve the quality of my collection and my future sewing. ;-)

    1. I didn't say that I'd stopped purchasing - like that's never going to happen! *LOL* But I am being a better curator when I purchase now.

  21. I can relate to your fabric buying. I had a sh**ty job too and ended up with lots of it. Now i am making doll clothes and they don't use up mutch. Think you look geat by the way although you looked great before your weight loss too!

    1. Thanks Lizzie but I was looking at some pictures of me about four years ago and I finally can see where I've lost weight. It's taken a minute for my mental picture to catch up with the real me but I can finally see it. Thanks for the compliment!

    2. Wish there were a "like" button here. I too am "curating" my stash, yet again.

  22. I haven't sewn for years, but I continued to buy patterns, fabrics, trims, etc. I've been busy sorting and organizing and hope to start sewing again within 2 weeks! I'm so excited! But I cannot allow myself to buy anything for a long time--I am on Social Security now, and that helps curb my spending!

  23. Oh dear lord, I just found a chunk of that faux persian I was going to make a hat from. In 2014.
    Can fabric crawl and hide?

    1. Yes it can, as I find fabric crawled into another storage bin from time to time. :-)

  24. Carolyn, I have to say seeing fabrics stacked like that makes me feel better when I look at my stacks. Also when looking at your stacked fabric I see pieces I have in my collection also!

  25. I wish I could "like" all the replies. :) I have a ton of fabric, a sewing studio, and not a lot of time to sew. But oh, the planning and the fabric looking. Love it.

  26. LOL - I was just getting ready to ship a box to you. Best not huh?

  27. Oh man, I call my stash my fabric savings account! I bought so much when I was really unhappy at work and didn't have much time to sew anything- I loved just thinking about the possibilities of the fabric and imagining what I could make with it someday. Now I'm kind of glad that I stashed all that stuff away because I have a lot less disposable income and can't buy fabric on a whim anymore, but I have so many pretties to choose from in my stash! But I still do kinda hate myself when I realize I could sew for 5 years without buying anything at all at the rate that I sew!

    1. I understand because I am also grateful for my fabric collection!

  28. You have such a nice taste in fabric! I'm just starting with sewing my own things, and I have a feeling that these pictures are a glimpse into my future! I'm so excited to get started with all of my new sewing projects soon, and hopefully, I can build up my own little collection of fabrics as you have!

  29. Wait!!! You can put all the yarn you own in ONE BIN????? Oh holy moly. Want me to send you some? I have a knitting fetish second only to the sewing fetish. And we probably shouldn't talk about my spinning addiction. Maybe I should focus... Nah. :)

    1. Ummmm thank you so much for your very kind offer but no! LOL! I have enough fabric, patterns, and notions to sew for the next 20 years I don't think I need to add anything to that collection!

  30. Thanks for your blog. I regularly visit to see what fabulous clothing you've made. I have a similar job (pretty casual), so I've taken some of your garments as suggestions for my own. I'm also in love with your "blog roll". Best!!!

  31. I always enjoy taking a look at your fabric. I can only wish! It is nice to have it saved and ready when you are ready to sew and use it!


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