
Sunday, July 24, 2016


This post is a conglomeration of things that are too short for their own post but have too much info for two social media outlets. As a digression, I admire all of y'all that Instagram, Facebook, Tweet, Periscope, Snapchat and then remember to write a blog post or two. That's just a little too much social media exposure for me but power to you for getting yours in! as I started to say, this is a bunch of little things that have been hanging out and I'm putting them all together in this post. I need to clear out the space...get these talked about and move on.

So first up is a Washington Hack: 

Let's state this upfront, if you have problems with pattern testers you can hop out now!  I was one of the pattern testers for the Washington Dress. I know it was released awhile ago and loads of versions have shown up on social media. When Jenny first sent out the test versions for this dress, I thought I would be able to incorporate this pattern into my new lifestyle but honestly I was still very challenged by the casual workstyle at my job.

So even though I love, love, love this pattern - I never moved pass the testing stage until later last summer when I needed a new maxi dress. I was tired of wearing the McCalls 6559 versions I'd made and was looking for a new silhouette. So I hacked my test version into this:

I really loved the fit of the top of the Washington Dress. I'd never had such a good fit without jumping through hoops with other patterns and seriously this fit is out of the envelope. So I added a yard of a knit floral print again from Fabric Mart to the bottom of the top. This made a great casual maxi to throw on and wear through the last of the hot and sultry summer days.

Just for comparison here is a very bad pic I sent to Jenny along with my comments on the pattern:

As you can see the pattern with the band fit me well. I do have plans to make another one this summer with the band and a maxi length skirt, even have the fabrics set aside to make it. Just need time! 

So a few more pics ~

Jenny has a gift for fitting the shoulders, neckline and bustline of a plus size sewist. I highly recommend that you give her patterns a try because they are wonderful as is or as a jumping point for whatever you can imagine. You will see more versions of this pattern on the blog!

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Mentioning Jenny, I highly recommend that you sign up for her weekly newsletter on her blog. I love the weekly roundups that The Foldline does, or Fiona's Indie Pattern Review and especially Heather's of Closet Case Files...seriously wait for Heather's every Sunday. However, as much as I love those round ups, they don't predominantly feature all of the plus-size/curvy girls going-ons. Yes, we're mentioned every once in awhile but if you're looking for ALL plus size/curvy girl doings ALL the time, Jenny has it! Sign up on her blog -

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I love Instagram, truly I do but I love blogs too! I try to read all that I can and leave a comment to let the author know that I stopped by.  I'm not always successful at leaving a comment but I try. I know that commenting on blogs is down these days since it's so much easier to hit a "like" button on other forms of social media. It's just that sometimes it's I have a little more to say. At those times, I turn to my blog.

I've been sewing a lot this summer. Moving fabric out of the collection into my closet and reigniting my creativity has made this a very calming time for me. When I was working on my latest garment, up on the blog soon, I realized that either I have a Fabric Mart, or a tag by me on almost all of my fabrics. I love that those tags tell me the history of the fabric. Because as we can all admit I own ALOT of fabric! *smile*

It's amazing the value of some of the pieces that are in the collection! Take the cost per yard of this rayon suiting that I bought from Fabric Mart - seriously $2.40 per yard - that I used in the McCalls 7385 maxi dress, coming soon to the blog. That little tag just thrills me.

Since I've been sewing primarily from the collection this year, I've accumulated several of these fabric tags, pictured below ~

I've just been hanging them on the edge of my sewing table by the serger. It's silly but I like seeing the collection of them there. It's like a testament to my resolve to sew from my fabric collection and it makes me happy. Happy that I'm fulfilling my resolve and also that I'm sewing garment after garment.

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Even though it's hotter than Hades here, I have to be honest, I've started to make a fall sewing list. Yeap, I've started a new page in my notebook writing down new ideas to sew. I know, I know but I don't want to lose any of the I've officially started thinking fall...but I will be sewing summer until at least the beginning of October. Y'know why? Because I love sewing for spring & summer...dresses...need I say more!

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Of course, I've sewn quite a few pieces since these photos were taken so look for more outfits on the blog soon. And if you want to keep up with my sewing in real time, there's always my Instagram account where I post quick pics of what I'm making, as well as, progress shots. always more later!


  1. I LOVE the Washington dress on you! Both the hack and the tester version - it looks fantastic! I can't wait to see the other versions you make. I agree with you that Jenny's patterns are great - I'm loving all the versions I'm seeing in the blogs :)

  2. From Creative Hormone Rush: Oh, I love this dress with its lovely neckline and perfect sleeve length, and can hardly wait to see what you do with other fabric combinations. It'll be interesting to see if you flip it and put a pattern on top with a coordinating solid color on the bottom in one of your versions. Or mebbe you'll sneak a sexy slit into one of the seams? :)

  3. The tester version!!!! Omg!

    Honestly I didn't care much for the Washington when it was released. But I love, love, love yours. The combo just works and the fit is amazing on you! Amazing!

    The maxi version is cute and the solid bodice + print skirt combo has been on my list of things to try.

    Fall! Yay! Lol :)

  4. I love both your instagram feed and your blog! Thank you :)

  5. I almost never comment, but I have been enjoyed your blog silently for so long that I felt I should today. Also, even though you noted that you don't feel as comfortable in the casual Washington -- you look fantastic even in that quick snap. Thanks for taking the time to share your sewing adventures!

  6. Ha! I love your Fabric Mart tags on the table - I do the same thing! I also love both of your versions of the Washington dress. Keep these blogs coming - I am a great fan of reading your blog (and the others you mentioned) and am not really 'into' other social media sites. My morning routine is to get my cup of tea and go through my Bloglovin' feed - I so enjoy reading sewing blogs - it is very inspiring.

  7. Hello Carolyn, I noticed your blog for the first time a week or so ago and decided that I "needed" to become a follower right away. Have been enjoying your sense of style (both in terms of what and how your sew and the way you talk about the process.)
    Seeing those tags lined up on the table by your serger made me feel like we could be related. (I may even have some of that same ivy design shelf paper.) I especially love seeing how you create various incarnations of a pattern and the privilege of following someone who is has an investment in stash fabric and isn't afraid to use it.

    1. Hello Helenanne - so thrilled that you've decided to follow along on my journeys. Though I have to tell you that the commitment to sew from stash is a new journey for me. One that I'm really enjoying!

  8. Hi Carolyn, I'm one of your silent readers. I so enjoy seeing all the wonderful things you do and listening (well, reading) about how you take patterns and fabrics and make them work together properly for a good fit. Thank you very much! I am happy for you that your new job and world order seem to have been a wonderful change for the good! Thank you for all your writings and musings. They're much appreciated!

    1. Thanks Erika's Servant for stopping by and saying hi! It's always nice to hear from a silent reader!

  9. I enjoy pattern testing, even if I don't get results worth blogging about all the time. Mostly I have to cogitate on the design and figure out what it really wants to be for me, and that often takes more time than I have as a tester.
    I'm just here for the instruction rewrites.....

  10. Hi Ms. Carolyn, I enjoy reading your blog! You are always so imaginative in your creations and this maxi dress is no exception, I love it! I don't mind reading testers results (wish I was important enough to test someone's pattern! LOL!!) Time has truly been an issue for me especially having all of the media outlets I am trying to maintain. I have most of them...FB, IG, Periscope (I am on a lot) and Snapchat in addition to my blog (which is suffering seriously). I also below to a FB Sewing community group which absorbs a lot of my time too! Social media is now a major time consumer in our life and if we are to survive using it efficiently, we have to find which are really the most important to us and manage it wisely. (If you figure that out before I do, please, please let me know!). Either way we continue on our merry way getting done what we can, when we can!

  11. Love your Washingtons, both the hacked version and the tester version! I know what you mean about too many social media feeds. No more Twitter, just use Instagram now and it's linked to my Facebook page, so I can post in two places at once. Going through my blogs on Bloglovin', it seems that a lot of bloggers aren't blogging as often now and are instead using social media - I don't blame them, it's easy and convenient. But I miss reading some of my favorite blogs that don't really post anymore. Thank you for keeping the blogging going!

    1. Lucinda - blogging definitely seems to have fallen out of favor, though I so appreciate the bloggers who have continued. I love seeing pics, hearing details about construction and reading about their process. I guess I just love hearing the garment's backstory!

  12. I too think that the tester dress with the black waistband is very cute! I thought the Washington was very boring and puzzling, but you are selling it! I would caution against leaving the Fabric Mart Fabrics stickers on your fabrics. The glue on the back can transfer permanently to some fabrics or dry out and leave a colored mark behind, depending on how long the fabric remains unused. Sorry, museum tech here, obsessed with preventive conservation issues.

  13. okay - first, I need to stop leaving comments in my mind and actually type them. next - I think the floral you used for your maxi is the same as my birthday Appleton. Love that fabric! more - you made Jenny's round up two weeks in a row! finally - I hope you are finally finding your grove at the new workplace. It's hard making that change from corporate to ultra casual. g


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