
Wednesday, July 27, 2016

The Springfield Top by Cashmerette

Y'all know how this goes, I tested this pattern for Jenny.  So drop out now if you don't like pattern tester reviews...

First, I have to tell you that this didn't work for me. Which is a first for me. I am selective about what styles I pattern test for Jenny because I don't want to waste her time or mine. I sent her an email detailing all of the things that didn't work for me. She sent me back this amazing email with some suggestions YET she said if it really didn't work she understood.

Her email was so kind and understanding that I was like, "dayum, I need to put on my big girl panties and see if I can make this work." So I recut the front, fixed the armhole on the back curve and added some lace to the hemline and got this ~

A workable Springfield made from a washed silk duppioni that I added a 6" embroidered lace to the hemline. I like the fit on the back the best. It's what drew me to the top - that back detailing. The front still needs some work because it's pulling on the sides but it's wearable.

I want to remake it in a drapier fabric to see if this really will or won't work for me. Honestly though, you shouldn't decide whether to purchase this pattern based upon my experience. I know we as testers usually rave uncontrollably about a pattern - hey I shouted from the rooftops about the Concord Tee! 

I think you should decide to purchase this pattern based upon whether you'd like to have this type of garment in your wardrobe, using a pattern that will need the least amount of pattern alterations for a plus size woman. A pattern that was tested by a variety of women like Grandmaelaine's version - here...or Megret's version.  Need more convincing, Weboughtamanor made three amazing versions.  

In all honesty, I want a woven tank top but every time I make one I realize that it's not a style that I like to wear or even likes the way it looks on me. I like casual clothing but not this casual. Those are my issues - not the pattern's issue. So if you're a plus-size, curvy, big busted woman who wants a woven tank top and wants it cut in your cup size (C-H) and your garment size (12-28), give this tank a try.  Jenny even makes it easy for you to try this out because she's selling kits to make your own.

Mine is nice and I probably will try another one but seriously try this pattern out for yourself. You will be happy you did!

Now to leave you with one more pic of me in the tank...but look at the background and see that no matter how hard my daughter and I try...we just can't keep the little people out of the shots! always more later!


  1. I really like this top on you Carolyn, but understand when something just isn't what you would prefer. I think adding the lace detail, truly kicked up this top several levels. I agree, that the back is spot on! I love the shape of the back of this pattern, as I seem to be drawn to this shape lately.

  2. I like the yoke on the back, and I would like to add this tank to my arsenal. I do have my doubts - I have a workable tank of this nature - but I would like to vote with my feet for Jenny.
    Mostly I want the blue ginormous gingham in the pattern photo......

  3. Sorry to hear this one didn't work for you, but that pink is definitely your colour.

  4. I think the top looks amazing on you. Very 'smart' casual.
    There is a question I would like to ask about the pattern - does it have a bust dart? I looked at all the versions and I think so but not 100% sure - I do like this but never wear tops without a bust dart. I couldn't tell if that was a slight crease or a dart on yours, if it is a dart could I suggest that it's maybe placed a little high for you. Sorry, I was studying it really closely to look for the dart.
    I do love this outfit though and I am seriously thinking of 'stealing' your look.

    1. There is a dart in the top. So go ahead and buy the pattern because I know that Jenny has made tweaks to the dart to give it better placement.

  5. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this top with us, Carolyn. Friend and I were discussing the whys and wherefores about it, but not made it yet, trying to decide if it's for us or not. I had an idea just now. I've seen several tops lately that have combined knit and woven fabrics. Might it work with a knit front?

  6. I can see why this is not the top for you - the front does not look like it fits you under the arms to the bust (it looks too tight here). But the back is amazing as is the fit around the armholes. That is where I think most sleeveless tops look so wrong (even on non-plus size). I think another version with a few tweaks in front would make it perfect! And I love the color and fabric you chose. It is a great color on you!

    1. Patricia - I was obviously not very clear when I said that I don't like this style on me. I keep thinking that I can make a woven tank that will work for me when I so clearly prefer a knit one.

  7. So cute. It's a basic tank and it has so much potential. This is a great interpretation.

  8. The little people make the shot! :)

    I am over the woven "tee" and with it "tank". Not to rain on Jenny - I am ecstatic that someone is finally tackling non-tent like plus patterns (well Burda is awesome but I know many are turned off by the tracing and Style Arc can be hard for some to try because of the single sizing).

    It isn't a style I care for either so I hear you there. It's supposed to look effortless but when you have a prominent bust - it seems it never does! It's fussy. Casual shouldn't be fussy.

    With all that said - your work, as usual, is fantastic. I love that border and the back! That was the first thing I noticed about this pattern - the seams are fantastic.

    1. Kisha - I think the reason that wovens don't work for me is because I have too much butt and belly. I can get them to fit in the shoulder and bustline but then I have issues with the bottom half of me.

  9. Thanks for the review. You did a good job of salvaging this one. I was literally just looking at this pattern a few minutes ago. I've tried for years to find a woven tank that fits well, doesn't show a bra strap and can be easily made.

    I finally found one that meets the first two criteria in, of all places, Walmart. My husband buys batches of gym shorts there every summer. We went about 2 weeks ago and I grabbed one of the tanks, as I always do, just to try, completely not believing it would work out since none of them ever has.

    Now I'm seriously wondering if I shouldn't make a pattern of it, or at least mark out how it fits so I'll know what measurements to transfer to other tank patterns.

    Has anyone done this? I was thinking I would check you tube for directions.

    It gets super hot and humid here and I like to wear cotton tanks with a super light weight kimono jacket in the summer.

  10. Going to the last part first, ... and why would you want to leave those 2 adorable munchkins out of the shot!

    As to the top, I think you are right that it requires a more drapy fabric. Also, it looks like the dart is a bit high, both on your version and the versions in the pattern introduction pic. Do you find this?

    Thanks for your review and pictures. I really like Cashmerette's patterns, so I will have to study this one (online) a little more before I commit.

    1. Kay - we made our versions from the test pattern and almost all of us told Jenny that the darts were a problem. They have been fixed in the pattern that's for sale now.

  11. thank you for your honest pattern review! I'm glad you could salvage the top. I love the border and the color on you!

  12. This was a great save. I'm glad you put the time into fixing your fancy fabric! I also love that you just happened to have a border that would work - I mean, of course you did ;) I'm with you on the added lower assets - as I have too much of them. I like my tops to end a bit higher, thinking it doesn't accent the lower half as much - I guess the cell photos JB took will tell the story, right? g

    1. Ummmm no I didn't have the trim! I took a swatch to Joyce Trimmings and bought this based upon the swatch. See this is why they are my new obsession AND right around the corner from my job! Can we say "DANGEROUS!" LOL!

  13. I love the fit at the back. The shaping provided by the darts is perfect.

    I too would need to make the top longer. I like my tops to hang below my belly roll. The trim you used works well.

    I think this pink tank would look lovely with a navy bottom, either skirt, leggings or slacks.

  14. I really like it with the lace. I'm glad you were able to make it work for you.

  15. The detail in the back is superb. I love yokes. As I looked at the wonderful detail and fit i the back, I thought what a cute summer dress this could be if you lengthened the top just a little before adding the embroidered lace. That said, cute as is and should give you some good wear.

  16. I really enjoyed reading your post! Always good to read a thoughtful post that isn't a rave. ;) I tested the pattern too, and sewed it up for my sister instead of myself - she loves it and asked for another (and oddly, we didn't have dart problems, tho I'm going to go back and look at our pictures to check). For myself though, I just knew I wouldn't choose to wear a woven top. I can't stand the back feeing tight when I move my arms forward! Gives me a headache and paniced feeling just thinking about it. I guess i'm a knit girl for life!

    1. I saw the pics of the ones you made for your sister and they are very pretty! I'm sure she's going to enjoy wearing them!

  17. When I saw that this was the latest pattern, I sighed. Really? Another woven tee? Gah! I wish the front had princess seams like the back. It's good that Jenny listened to the testers and adjusted the final pattern. But still...princess seams!

    I'm glad you were able to save it. The trim adds a nice touch.

    1. L - I understand what you're saying but there seems to be a large component of plus-size/curvy sewists that want the same type of garments that are offered for the thinner sewists by Indie designers. I tried the pattern because I forgot that I don't really like this type of garment. But I'm sure as a pattern owner Jenny has to respond to a very varied sewing audience, so some patterns we'll love and some we won't. Hey I still don't understand the wrap dress love but quite a few sewists love and sew a lot of them! That's the thing about being a business owner, you have to have a little bit of everything so you're touching all segments of your market. This wasn't for us but maybe the next pattern will be?!

  18. Well, here I am late to the party again. (And I love those little people who snuck into the frame!) Your tank is very nice! But I get if it's not really your thing. (It's not really my thing either.)

  19. From Creative Hormone Rush: This is a great pattern with a silhouette that I think looks good on you, particularly the neckline. I'm thinking you should give it one more try. Both of the fabrics you used in this version are absolutely scrumptious, but the balance seems off. You know how they say "The emPHAsis is on the wrong SylAAAHble"? A curvy woman might not want all eyes traveling right to the 'ol buttski, as that beautiful, eye-catching embroidered pink on white band demands. Perhaps a lovely patterned fabric on top and a solid colored (and perhaps even interestingly textured) band at the bottom that picks up the darkest color in the pattern? That way the band might function as a supporting actor rather than the main event, and the brain notes that fact as the eyes are drawn to the good stuff -- neckline and boobs. That's what all great tops highlight, right? :) :)


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