
Saturday, December 03, 2016

Simplicity 8059 and some wool jersey

This is another one of those Simplicity patterns that was issued in spring/summer but I knew when I saw it that I wanted it for fall/winter.

So even though it has a cool summer vibe, I knew it would work paired with a sleeveless turtleneck for fall/winter.

Supply List ~
Dusty Blue/Navy Graduated Stripes Wool/Lycra Jersey Knit purchased from Fabric Mart during one of the recent sales.

Ltwt. Fusible Interfacing from Fashion Sewing Supply

It was the fabric that drew me in and called to be made into this cardigan. I knew I didn't want a plain/ordinary cardigan. It was all about pattern piece placement to bring out the beauty of this stripe...especially since everyone says that horizontal stripes don't work on plus size bodies.

Design and Construction Details ~
I chose how I wanted the stripes to work on the cardigan and then I cut each piece out separately. It was important that the main blue stripe was across the bustline.

Laying the cardigan front and facing out

After the pieces were cut out, I laid them next to each other to confirm 
that the stripes matched all the way across

Actual construction of the cardigan is simple. I even inserted the sleeves flat instead of in the round like the pattern suggests. Although there were a lot of pins involved so that the stripes would match when the cardigan was sewn together.

I omitted the elastic piece on the back of the cardigan. Not for any particular reason because I cut the piece out. It's just that when I tried the cardigan on I liked the flow of it and left it off. 

It's also closed with a pin from my pin collection. That will be changed. My daughter was here and I wanted some pictures taken during her visit.  So I quickly finished the cardigan and realized as I was hemming it that I'd omitted the ties. 

When I bought this fabric, I bought way more than I needed to match the stripes and to make a top to go under the cardigan. I haven't made the top yet so will add the ties to the cardigan before I shoot it with the matching top.

A few pictures of the cardigan ~ 

Conclusion ~
I'm thinking about making another one this winter, however, I will definitely make a spring/summer version in a lightweight knit. I really like that you can make this in a couple of lengths, that future versions could have the elasticized back so that each one is different, and that various fabrics can change the vibe of the look. If you made all four pieces, it would be a great weekend/vacay look for any season.

One more shot of the cardigan ~ always more later!


  1. What a great look, Carolyn! Putting the wide stripe on the bust was a good call. I love seeing your new casual looks!

  2. This is definitely your style. I vote that you make many more. It looks very good on you.

  3. I think a lot of silly fashion rules, like horizontal stripes make you look wider, are just made up to make women feel bad about themselves. Your cardigan looks fantastic!

  4. Love the fabric, looks great on you.

  5. The cardigan is beautiful and suits you perfectly. I hope you don't mind my saying so, but I think the look with the pin is much more classy than it would be with ties.

    1. Peggy - don't mind at all! I'm thinking that I'm leaving it as is because when I wore it to work it was fine but that's probably because I spend most of my day sitting!

  6. You look wonderful/beautiful in this!

  7. The stripe "rule" makes no sense. Balance and proportion are all that matters and you hit the nail on the head here.

    The colors are gorgeous and the cardigan looks like a great wardrobe piece!

  8. Love it from a cardi lover. Great look!

  9. I love this cardi-duster; the soft, flowy fabric suits you very nicely. And, I second the opinion of leaving off the ties; the pin gives you the versatility of closing it if you wish; I personally like the casual, I'm-just-gonna-throw-this-on attitude. Definitely your Chico's-chic vibe!

  10. Great piece -love the color & stripe placement .

  11. You are a genius with stripe placement!

  12. I love it! The stripe placement is fantastic.

  13. The perfect long cardigan... the fabric has such a lovely drape

  14. WOW you have such a great eye! The placement of that wide black strip on the upper torso gives perfect balance to your outfit. This is a truly outstanding look. Cindy (Creative Hormone Rush)

  15. Very,very well done. I would have never thought of that fabric for that pattern, it is perfect. I have to ask, when are we going to see more outfits for your daughfer and the little ones. I love your sewing and I have a grandaughter in their age group. I get lots of inspiration from you. Thanks!

    1. Ann - the daughters clothes will probably show up at the end of December and the next sewing for the babies is pj pants for Christmas.

  16. Yay! It looks great! You sold me on this pattern!

  17. Very nice! Just in time for the cold forecast.

  18. I am a huge navy blue fan and love this. Great fabric and great pattern choice. Alas, I am too short and would not be able to pull it off.

  19. Very smart cardigan, and I like the back without the elastic.

  20. A very useful garment to add to your wardrobe - for winter, spring and autumn.

  21. Drool. Seriously love this on you. The color, fabric drape, stripes, all of it. Winner, winner...

  22. Love it! The style and colors look fabulous on you.

  23. Carolyn, OMG I love this look and that pattern!!! (I had not seen it before and now you're an "enabler", LOL!!). I love the top on this pattern too! You new style I'm really loving!!! Great work on this and I know it's going to be adorable with the matching top!

  24. Beautiful cardigan! I saw that fabric on a flash sale, and passed, but now that I see your cardigan, I want it. Great job on the matching of stripes.

    1. Ann - you should get some while it's on sale now. It's only $8 a yard now and there's loads left! It's a beautiful piece of fabric!

    2. I picked some up on sale and I just got my email yesterday saying they shipped it. I love your cardigan and I'm even more excited for my fabric to arrive now. I'm planning on making a dress out of it that will probably be the same length as your cardi, so I might copy your placement of the wide stripe because I like how that looks on you.

    3. MizzSmartyPants please let me know when you make the dress I would love to see it

  25. Oh WOW! I really need something like this (maybe exactly like this) in my wardrobe. I remember seeing the pattern but unlike you, I failed to see its potential. Thank you for inspiring me again!!

  26. I have this pattern! And haven't done anything with it yet. What a fantastic job you did. You inspire me to get the pattern back out and find some fabric.

  27. I bought this fabric too, though I am still stroking it and asking it what it wants to be. It looks great as a long cardi.

  28. Love looks fantastic on you too!

    I JUUUSSSTTT picked up this pattern because my mom wants a floor length duster. I think I might leave off the elastic back as well. This look so nice!

  30. This is gorgeous. This is on my to sew list and to use a heather look sweater knit so I can wear it now. Love the stripes and of course you did an excellent job with the layout!!!

  31. I love your cardigan! I made this one with a thick sweater knit a while back and I love it. Your stripe placement is PERFECT! The pin closure is a nice touch.

  32. The more flowy back is really nice on you. Great job!

  33. Gorgeous - it has a lovely swing to the back of it!

  34. You cardigan looks great and I love the fabric I have loads I need to use before I buy another piece and thanks for the tips for matching the stripes I have a strip I need to match

  35. Its $6 a yard now. It looks great on you. And yes, it has enabled me! I want to use it for a waterfall duster. How does the inside look, could it show, and not look strange? The pattern I want to sew, shows the inside of the fabric. Do you think it would work?


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