
Thursday, December 08, 2016

I think I left some for you!

My fabric buying has been off the chain!  I don't know if it's because I didn't buy a lot earlier in the year or if the sales have been especially great this fall, but quite a few boxes of goodness have arrived. 

Some of it is my Christmas fabric buying - I always purchase flannel for kid's pjs and some fancy fabric for scarf gifts around this time of year - but there's a whole lot that arrived that's just for me.

I haven't done a fabric post in awhile so let me share some of what's new to the sewing cave.

Now while I know that some people abstain from the Black Friday sales, as someone who has worked in retail and understands how those sales fuel the entire Christmas season for some stores, I happily participate. However, all of my purchases were from small businesses, so there is that!

First up purchases from Fabric Mart ~ 
Yeah, yeah I know. I'm addicted to Fabric Mart and their sales. I have to admit that I don't even remember what the sale was, oh yeah Black Friday! I wanted velvet - so I bought a few pieces - and one more piece of shirting.

Grape velvet, black/brown animal print cotton velveteen 
and blue/white check shirting from Fabric Mart
The gray velvet (2nd from top) is from Chic Fabrics

Next up Michael Levine ~
I saw this amazing denim on their site about a week before the Black Friday sales and waited for the 20% off offer.

As you know I'm currently collecting denim and whenever I find something spectacular I'm purchasing a few yards of it. Three yards of this amazing fabric now lives with me!

The final Black Friday purchase was from The Smuggler's Daughter ~

2 yards of cut out blue/gray pleather & gold/black burn out velvet

Another weakness of mine is unusual pleather fabrics. I have quite a few of them in the collection - usually only a yard or two - because I want to primarily use them as accent pieces. You don't need 5 yards of accents ~ well I don't! *LOL*

So I bought these three pieces from ~

After my daughter and I decided we wanted to sew pjs for the grand babies (yes we're sewing together! kinda excited about that!) I pulled out the flannel supply and realized we needed to add a little to it. 

One more Fabric Mart purchase ~
My last purchase the one that I had to get permission from Miss Gaylen to buy was again from Fabric Mart. But I have a really good reason, they are having their pyramid sale and if you buy $100 worth of fabric you get 60% off. That means you only pay $40 for $100 worth of fabric - it was too good to pass up so I bought these ~

Rayon knit for t-shirts for the grandbabies

5 yards of midnight blue denim with spandex for my denim collection

Burnt out olive green velvet for Christmas Scarf gifts

Some discounts ~
As mentioned above The Fabric Mart pyramid sale is going on now. Check it out here. BTW, today - 12.9 - is the last day for the pyramid sale so if you're interested, check it out now!

Also Smuggler's Daughter is offering 30% off all regular priced fabrics until December 31st if you're a member of their email listing. The discount code you need to add at checkout is included in the email.

Conclusion ~
A couple of days ago I wrote on IG that I was done with fabric purchases for 2016 and hopefully that's true...cause there are 23 more days left to December and the Sewing Cave is bursting with fabric!

Thank goodness I will have 11 days off during Christmas with quality time to sew! I'm not making a list this year...I'm going to work from the very long one that I'm presently toting around. always more later!


  1. Some beautiful pieces there and I look forward to seeing them in 3D when their time comes.

    1. Sharon - I love this comment especially since you realize that there could be some time before these actually see 3D form!

  2. I read another blog where a lady keeps a tally of all the meterages of wool she buys and uses over the year. The following year she only allows herself to buy half of the meterage she used the previous year so that she is using up her stash, but also it gives her incentive to knit because the more she uses up the more she is allowed to buy the next year. I think this is a really good idea and am considering adopting this myself.

  3. Beautiful fabrics. Enjoy sewing with them.

  4. Gorgeous fabrics! Love that olive'll make fabulous gifts! I've got to learn to resist sales earlier in the year so that I can indulge in the end-of-year sales without pushing myself past parity....(notlookingnotlookingnotlooking)

    1. You looked didn't you? Tell the truth Lisa, you know you looked! *LOL*

  5. A beautiful haul! I had also been eyeing that laser cut pleather from Smuggler's Daughter and, knowing your fame and infuence, I had to rush over to buy it before it disappeared. ;)

  6. Lovely fabrics-can't wait to see finished items

  7. Gorgeous fabric haul and totally loving the border print denim and laser cut leather.

  8. OMG your burn out velvet's are lovely!!!! I'm in the process of downsizing and when packing my fabric well its eyeopening to say the least! I have been restraining myself - not an easy task!!

  9. Very nice choices! I got roped into buying some fabric during this sale season too.

  10. I've been buying fabric too. I finished work yesterday (at a university) and we're on break, so now the quest is to see how many things I can make to take with me when we take a little trip to the coast to celebrate our anniversary. Next Wednesday....

  11. Thanks! I didn't get to Fabric Mart for the pyramid sale. I couldn't find enough of what I wanted. But then I went back today and your blue stripe was just $5.99. I got it and lots of ITY which was 60% off. My stash thanks you!

    1. I saw it at $5.99 today and stopped for a minute to think if I should own more...*sigh* but I decided nah, others should have some too.

    2. I am always on the lookout for navy fabric. Everything in winter is black and I have more than enough black. it is hard to find any that works for winter and will keep me warm. So this was a must have. Now I just have to figure it out for short me. I also want a cardigan.

  12. I LOVE that embroidered denim. Is it heavy enough for a jacket?

  13. What gorgeous fabrics! I love the Michael Levine denim - the print is so pretty.

  14. I hate it when I get behind on blog reading...I miss great stuff like these sales!!! I love your fabric purchases Ms. Carolyn! That Olive Green Burnout is absolutely stunning! You mentioned you may be making scarfs out of it, those will be awesome and who wouldn't love to get one as a present (I know I would!!)

  15. I have some fabric envy going on here after seeing your latest fabric collection additions!!!


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