
Sunday, January 22, 2017

NEXT...Sunday Miscellany

First, you may have noticed this year that I didn't do a tribute post for the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. I don't even know the last time I didn't write one and am to lazy to look it up. There was a two-fold reason for that, that whole Twitter war with Congressman John Lewis just gave me the hebbie gebbies but most importantly I was SICK as a dog and had no energy to move out of my bed!

Instead of blogging and sewing on Monday, I was laid up watching QVC. I don't know how much you know about QVC, the television shopping network, but every day they feature a "Today's Special Value (TSV)" which is supposed to be the best buy of the day. Monday's TSV was a pair of denim jeans by Isaac Mizrahi.

Isaac appeared in about five shows during that day...each one started off showcasing those jeans (btw I did not buy a pair) and then all of these tops he's designed. I didn't buy any of those either but after watching about 10 hours of jeans and tops, cardigans and jackets, I got a clearer idea of what I need/want to be sewing.

See I've made some tops but I just don't get that down in the bones thrill that I get from sewing a dress. I'm sure some of this is because I didn't really need tops in my former life. I made a couple here and there but they weren't up to the standards of some of my dresses. I didn't even have a TNT top/blouse pattern which is why I've probably been flailing a little when it came time to actually sew them.

Of the tops I made my first year only the button down shirt - Butterick 5678 and the tunics from McCalls 7095 are still being worn. I've worn both of the Simplicity 8094 tops a lot since making them and I've actually thought of another version I'd like to make...other than that I've struggled.

Now that I have a clearer idea of what I want to sew and wear, I'm revising some of the top patterns that I shared on Instagram. I have another knock-off from QVC that I want to make using Simplicity 8094 again...well y'all know I like a TNT pattern! *LOL* This one is so comfortable to wear that there will probably be more incarnations.

So tops will be up next...

More Simplicity 8059 Cardigans ~
I finally got some sewing done.  I made four versions of Simplicity 8059. I started these around Christmas time. I got it in my head that I needed more of them and then I just started cutting fabric and making plans. I had a fifth one in my head but I need to move on, there are so many more things to sew.

Here's a quick peek of them, I'll have a blog post as soon as my daughter arrives to photograph me in them.

Meeting Claire Kennedy ~
I've wanted to meet Claire Kennedy, who blogs at Sew Artistry for some time. Claire has impeccable skills and sews for very high end clients back in Oklahoma. For some reason Claire seems to really like my sewing and features it in her newsletter for which I'm so honored. 

She is in town this weekend (probably flying home as this is posting) and we connected at Metro Textiles for some fabric shopping with her and her companions, Susan Theobald from Oklahoma City and Susan Knowles from Shreveport.

Kashi doing what he does best!

I was lucky because Friday I had time to spend with them since hardly anyone was in the office, so I took a long lunch and headed to Metro Textiles. 

Here are a few photos of their adventures ~

Susan, Claire & Susan checking the stretch on a knit

Claire and Susan checking out the wools

Claire checking out one of the pleated polyesters

Let me say these women came to shop! I loved how they went through and pulled fabrics in their colors, for their needs, and bought at least 5 yards. I got a vicarious thrill just hanging with them! Of course some of that fabric shopping rubbed off on me and I did need some retail therapy to soothe my aching soul since it was inauguration day...*sigh* 

Here is what came home with me ~

3 yards of an embroidered denim

3 yards of a border print ponte

While they were shopping, I had time to speak with both Susans and Claire. Susan from Shreveport showed me some pictures she'd taken of an Alabama Chanin skirt she'd recently completed. It was sooooo beautiful. She graciously shared some pics with me...

Detailed view of the hand stitching and beading

Susan wearing the skirt with a black turtleneck

Back view of Susan wearing the Alabama Chanin skirt she made

It's a gorgeous skirt isn't it? I'm always in awe of sewists that take the time to make garments using the Alabama Chanin stencils and hand stitching!

Saturday's Womens March ~
Lastly The Women's March was yesterday. I had planned to go to the march in NJ with my daughter. However, I'm still coughing up a lung and I didn't think another weekend out in the elements would help me get better any sooner so I stayed home and cheered from the sidelines.

I posted this to my Instagram account early Saturday morning ~

I'm so thankful to all of the amazing women who came out and marched both in the US and around the world! It made a statement that we are not going quietly into the good night! May I add that we have to follow this up with activism both politically and contributing to the institutions that this administration is threatening the existence of ~ even the National Endowment of Arts is being targeted!

Finally, I did get to spend some quality time in the sewing room this weekend. It has leveled off my equilibrium and while I still have a cough, I now feel more like myself!

This is what's currently laying on my cutting table ~ always more later!


  1. How lovely to meet Claire Kennedy, she sounds like an amazing woman and I love reading her information.

    So glad you are feeling better and that dress is going to be amazing.

  2. Thanks for sharing all the pretties!
    Glad you are feeling better and sorry you missed the march - it was fantastic to be part of a worldwide movement in support of all human rights. Kicked off some "hopeful" that I had been missing the last week or so.

  3. Thanks for sharing the fun of a shopping distraction. I'm overwhelmed by the events of the past two days--the inauguration, the "alternate facts", then the glorious outpouring of marches all over, and just now the video clip of Obama taking Michelle's hand and kissing it.

  4. I hope you feel much better soon. I've also been away from the sewing space and missed out Woman's March here because of a tailbone injury. I would have participated if my back and backside were hurting.

    By the way, have you read "The Speech: The Story Behind Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s Dream" by Gary Younge? I'm currently reading it right now. If you haven't I sent it to you when I'm done.

    You picked out some beautiful fabric. I can't wait to see what you make with that border print ponte knit. Get well so you can get back to sewing!

  5. I thought of you as I marched on Saturday. Thanks for posting from the heart about things that matter.

  6. Glad you are feeling better. The events on Friday were enough to make anyone ill. Since I am a college music professor, targeting the arts as irrelevant is SO disheartening. Yes, we need to follow up our protests. The Women's March web page has a time line called 10 actions/100 days that is a great guide to effective action.

  7. hope you feel better soon, and that border print ponte is fabulous. looking forward to seeing what you create.

  8. Feel better Carolyn! You always score the best border prints. I am having the same "I want to make dresses/I should make tops" dilemma as you are so I'll be interested to see what patterns you use. I am so intrigued by Chanin projects but haven't bit the bullet and started one yet--that skirt is lovely and makes me want to try.

  9. GET BETTER LADY, I'm waiting on the sidelines. Need to be sewing but there's hope. I will crank up the sewing machine one day. And Hey, I'm from Shreveport, would love to get together with Ms. Knowles. At least say hi.

  10. Fabulous fabric buys, as always. :) I was at the Portland Oregon march, with 100,000 women. So amazing! I sure hope you feel better soon!

  11. I am sending you well wishes, in hopes that you feel better soon! It looks like you had a wonderful time in the fabric shop, and I like the fabrics you ended up with. That skirt Susan made is UH-mazing!!!

  12. Sending Light for a speedy recovery.

    There's that that expression from the South African resistance movement, ‘Wathint' Abafazi, Wathint' Imbokodo' (you strike the women, you strike the rock). YASS!

  13. Claire is so talented and lucky you to meet up with her. And how wonderful to be included in her newsletter!

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Check on PatternReview - they have a folder there to say what's going on with the forum!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I am a lifetime sewist that learned to sew at my mother's knee. As my body became more curvy over the years I gave up on fitting my fluff and solely sewed quilts and home décor. I found your blog this summer and you have inspired me! I have dived fully into learning to fit my curves. I love seeing what you will do with a TNT pattern next. I will be interested to see what you do with that gorgeous border print. I am never quite sure how to actually use them. Thank you for sharing your sewing journey!

  16. I sure hope you feel better soon. I love the fabrics you got, esp the border print ponte. It's going to make a beautiful garment.

  17. Love that last fabric. I rarely find anything that interesting. I will have to broaden my shopping horizons. As a woman in Australia I am watching with dread what will happen to you in America. I hope your civil liberties are not compromised too much. With you in love and hope. Judy

  18. Love the many versions of S8059. I just completed one and wore it yesterday to work. Love the fit and the feel of this. I want to make another one for transition to spring, yet I have so many other items I want to sew.

    I have been sick with the crud since right after Xmas and the cough with this is horrible. I have coughed so hard that I am concerned I did something to vocal cords as I sound squeaky when I talk all the time. Doctor said the cough could last to 6 weeks. I am on week 4. Love all your new fabrics.

    1. Linda - I think I'm finally getting to the end. I don't cough all the time or cough so hard that my core muscles hurt...and I can sleep at night without having to dose myself up. But this is not fun and it's taken forever to shake! Hopefully you will be at the end of this soon too!

  19. Carolyn, great post. I'm with you on the politics of the moment. I love your sewing plans! Question about the Joan Rivers jersey top - will you be able to find lace to match (if so, where?) or will you dye it?

    1. Cherie - I have lace in several colors with coordinating pontes in the collection. Right now I'm leaning towards a black top with black lace or using one of my cut out pleathers to achieve that look. I like the style of that top just not the pastel blue color - while I love the color blue, I like it in deeper hues.

  20. Thanks again Carolyn. We had a blast with you, and glad to know I'm not the only one who haunts the Riri isle at Pacific Trim!!! ;)


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