
Friday, January 20, 2017

The End of an Era...

Earlier this month I celebrated my 11th anniversary of blogging, during that time Barack Obama has been President of the United States for the last eight years. 

Today a new administration enters the White House. It is the natural progression of events in our national politics. I don't need to reiterate how I feel about the incoming administration because my views haven't changed AT ALL since November 9th.

However, since change is coming, I am acknowledging that fact by giving my blog a makeover. It is with so many mixed feelings, I'm removing President Barack Obama's picture from my side bar. While leaving the background color the same, I am making it cleaner and simpler...removing some things that have been around for the last eight years...moving forward lighter and leaner for the fights that I will be passionately fighting along with my fellow Americans in the next couple of years.

I will continue to keep this as my safe sewing space but know this, this election has made me more determined to be active in and protest for the things I care about. To donate my time and money to a more compassionate, inclusive America where every citizen is free to pursue life, liberty, happiness and the American Dream. To love who they want to vote and work...for women to have the right to their own bodies...for immigrants of any color to come here and seek the American Dream as immigrants have come in the past. Also know that there will be times when an opening line will be, step out if you're not here for politics or religion. My thoughts.

On that note, I was suppose to head to Trenton this weekend to march in my state's Women's March but I still haven't managed to kick this cold. The cold that has impeded my sewing so far this month. So I will be in the Sewing Cave choosing not to watch the pagentry and spectacle that is happening in my Nation's Capital this weekend...cause in the cycles of grief I'm stalled at anger...and while the new occupant of the oval office will be President of America...he's just not mine.

Hopefully new items will be coming to the blog sooner rather than later. Also, I feel compelled to say now that if my attitude disturbs you and you'd rather not come back to visit, I totally understand...and I offer the love of Jesus and his blessings upon you and your family!

For everyone else... always more later!


  1. This was everything I needed to read. I'm petrified and a bit overwhelmed by what's to come, but I know I'm not alone. Thank you.

  2. Carolyn, I recently became aware of your blog and read through the last two years one evening. The one after the election mirrored my thoughts and feelings. With the set back, your voice is more important that ever. I look forward to reading more. Jean

  3. Have you read "White Rage: The Unspoken Truth of Our Racial Divide" ?

    I'm with you for both the sewing and the organizing. The constitution and our laws are just toilet paper unless we hold our public officials accountable.

  4. I understand. I have been intensively caught up in therapeutic sewing for the last two days (OK, it's been more like cutting out a whole bunch of new UFO's...)
    I will be marching with the League of Women Voters in my state and I am dragging my sons and daughter with me.
    May I suggest you listen to Omar Ahmed's TED talk: Political Change with Paper and Pen (6 minutes)

  5. Thank you for all your speaking out, both about sewing and about your beliefs! I wish I could be marching with my friends and some of my family members, but my dodgy legs will not allow, so I am doing what I can by making phone calls and sharing information. I will be very sad to no longer see Barak Obama's face on your sidebar, even moreso not as the President...

  6. Thank you for putting into words all of the whispers, nudges, and callings of our hearts as we literally march for and into the future together. Your blog never fails to comfort and inspire. With each entry you send another infectious smile out into the world!

  7. Dear Carolyn, I am a woman, a mother, a daughter, someone's wife and white,educated in drawing and sewing couture and I am from the Netherlands. I am following your blog for a long time now but never leave a message, till now.
    Please be you! And keep everyone awake....bring it in the world... Did you watch the woman's march in Israel in October 2016 on you tube. We here in Holland not have heard it in the mainstream media at all..... It was a march of woman of all religion and colour but we didn't know. So your blog can be a wakeup call for many.

  8. I'm cheering for you, politics and all, from here In Australia. I love your passion! 😍

  9. From New Zealand, well said. Kia kaha, stay strong.

  10. Caroline, we feel your pain too, we may be a long way away, but it was with tears in my eyes that I read your blog this morning, keep strong and I will be with you in spirit on that march.

  11. Carolyn, I'm a sometime commenter to your posts, but I read everything that you write. Thank you for being strong and vocal about your beliefs. I, too, will miss seeing Obama's face on your sidebar. His integrity as a husband, father, person, President, won't be duplicated any time soon.

  12. I shall miss Mr Obama's icon on your blog. It was a great reminder of how someone can try to change, of fairness, compassion, grace and hope. I watched many of the final interviews with Mr and Mrs Obama.... Michelle Obama said, when a child hurts themselves, they look at their parent to see how to react.. and the parent reassures them it is all ok, the child learns how to respond, and that is how her husband was looked to in his terms in office. They were real and not cartoon characters, created a feeling of inclusion and that will be missed all over the world.

    1. How true! When I watched that interview with the First Lady it explained how I felt for 8 years. Someone was watching out for us in every way, just like a parent. They made it look so easy. The grace and strength they shared with us was a temporary blessing. I'm so sad to see it gone.

  13. I can only concur. I was on the mall eight years ago and I planned to be there again today. Alas, I'm not for obvious reasons. Keep up the struggle!

  14. I respect and applaud you. I will always be interested in what you have to say. It's your blog - it's your voice.

  15. Hello Carolyn, you're a great woman and I admire you very much!
    Best wishes

  16. Thank you Carolyn for speaking your mind. In tears reading this but anger used positively a better response. in your sewing cave today some of your readers overseas (like me in UK) will be reaching out to hold your hand. Hope you lose the cold soon.

  17. Oh, I love that photo of a graceful and gracious couple. All the best, from Down Under, Australia.

  18. I love your words and I love how the crafters, knitters and sewers, whose blogs I follow all feel similar - trepidation but with the resolve to resist. Sending solidarity from Ireland.

  19. The new look is lovely and as effortlessly chic as are you.

    I'm also from Aus, between the USA & UK, 2016 was a little too interesting for us. All power to you for your activism, may it be always effective.

  20. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May your time in the Sewing Cave be therapeutic and restorative to both your body and your spirit. I will be attending a 3 day quilting/sewing retreat today through Sunday, so a slightly different form of therapeutic sewing, in the company of others. At least one of the other ladies who will be attending also follows your blog, and whenever we see each other we catch up on what we've been learning from you, se we'll be with you in spirit and though our bodies will not be marching in public, our needles will speak on our behalf.
    Though you may be alone in your sewing cave this weekend, know that you are not alone in your grief and dismay over the position our country is in, nor are you alone in longing for a compassionate, inclusive America. God knows our hearts and hears our prayers.

  21. Carolyn, I just want you to know that I agree totally with your feelings about the election -I am heartbroken and scared by the new person who will be in the White House, and like you I plan to be much more politically active than I ever was before! President Obama was the best! Thank you for your blog, I learn so much about sewing from you- you are inspiring in every way! Kathy

  22. I feel the same, Carolyn. I'm ignoring the inauguration, parade, and performances. I've never felt this way about an incoming administration. I'm marching in my state's march tomorrow . . . It is a march of solidarity, of unity between like-minded women and men to band together for strength. We are not alone. We did not elect this evil man.

    I hope you feel better. Please know that like you, I am ignoring the pomp and circumstance of this pitiful idiot being inaugurated today. He is so far out of his depth. I do not look forward to the changes that are coming.

  23. Hi Carolyn - like wenhkc, I read everything you write, although I don't always take the time to comment. But I just wanted to say I agree with everything you've written here, and like you, I'm stuck at anger. I truly appreciate how clearly and openly you articulate your thoughts and feelings.

  24. Words fail me today, but I felt I should send an "I'm with you" from Denmark.... <3

  25. My husband and I talked about going away today to a retreat far from the news. But instead we are taking a staycation day - still away from all national news, but in our sewing and woodworking caves respectively. Thanks for your blog and your sentiments.

  26. With you all the way--today is a news-free zone because I just can't deal with the horror of the new administration. God Bless, Carolyn. (and see a doc if the cold continues--it has a bad way of morphing into worse things).

  27. Please wait and see what the new president will do before judging. Tolerance needs to come from both sides.

    1. This man has been in the public eye for my entire lifetime. We already know what his character is, what he values, what he's said, and what he's done. That's why we're so fearful.

    2. He has shown us what he's made of since he came on the scene in the 80s. All those millions never seemed to help any fellow citizens. And to garner the top job, you need those fellow citizens to think you're going to put them first. The ball is in his court.

    3. When someone shows you who they are, believe them. -- Maya Angelou

    4. I agree with you. We should just wait and see what he does before we condemn. As for me I am so sick of professional politicians only worrying about their own pockets that they forget about us. I just hope they do not throw a lot of roadblocks on the changes that need to be made for the betterment of our country. I am an Army Veteran and my dad a retired Marine. We just pray that he can put us on the right track. We made an oath to protect and defend our flag and our country years ago when we enlisted and we have always adhered to that. No matter what, he is our president, like it or not, and his office should be respected.

  28. Well said, beautiful woman.

  29. Reading comment from all over the world gave me hope but also reinforces the despair I am feeling for my country. Thank you for generating this blog...thank you "sisters in sewing" for keeping American in your thoughts.

  30. Thank you for sharing your feelings and mine. Mr. Trump will be my new President as I believe in the democratic passing of the torch, but I am extremely sad today - more sad than I can remember in my lifetime - not because a Republican is taking office, but because Mr. Trump is taking office. I am sad that there are men and women in our country who believe he is going to be the answer to all the problems. Luckily, I have been invited to lunch with my like minded friends and I will be marching tomorrow to stand up for my values. For those who try to say my feelings are invalid, I hope that you are so right. Only time will tell.

  31. I feel some of your same sentiments Carolyn. Love your blog and keep saying what is on your heart.

  32. I will remain your loyal reader, for what matters LOL

  33. Thank you for writing this. I appreciate that you are speaking out -- it means a lot to others like myself feeling similar emotions now.

  34. Am right there with you. Thank you for making this a safe space. Sewing doesn't care about politics, even though the sewists do. I can explain the safety pin I wear on my collar every day by simply saying, "I sew."

  35. I have been with you from the beginning. Please keep your honest and compassionate voice . I will always be a fan. Concerned about today but will wait and see the outcome in the early months. I am speaking from Midwest-flyover country. I too will miss our classy and activist Obama family.

  36. Thank you so much Carolyn for your thoughtful insights. I have been depressed watching the nomination hearings on tv the last 2 weeks. Your words give me courage and faith to see past the next four years.

  37. Whenever a new President is elected someone is disappointed. That's the way it is. On another note. I really like your new blog style.

    1. I agree. I understand the disappointment of many at the outcome of the election, but the fact remains that SHE LOST. And it helps to remember that, if the counties of Los Angeles and NYC are removed, she lost the popular vote as well. Which is the point of the Electoral College. Lecture over.
      I like the blog and respect your right to an opinion, but I wonder if such negativity is the way to improve things for the country?

      On a side note, I have had the privilege of meeting Mr. Pence more than once, and don't claim him as a friend, though my next door neighbor can. I believe him to be a deeply religious, honorable man who wants what is best for the country. Please keep that in mind.

    2. Vickie and mkhughes,

      You are both correct, Hillary did lose. However, please note that no one has complained here today about Hilary losing. Also please note that we are all bemoaning the fact that President Obama is no longer President. Finally please note that if we want to have a pity party, moan and roll around, tear our rags and sit in ashes, we all have the right to do so.

      Thank you though for pointing out the obvious.

    3. Sorry Carolyn that you feel we point out the obvious. If you want to roll around having a pity party, go for it. BUT I don't think you really need to be quite so insulting or condescending. And BTW Mr. Obama would have been gone in any event; but I seriously ask you this: would you be carrying on so if Hilary had won?

    4. I'm always interested in arguments that if you don't count the votes your opponent won, then she lost. I believe if we don't count the votes in Texas, Ms. Clinton won both the popular vote and the electoral college. Or if we don't count the votes of men. Or White people. But of course, that's not how voting works, at least in a democracy.

    5. I tried not to jump in here but...
      Carolyn, I know this is your blog but I don't think of this as a "pity party'. I am finding this a good and necessary step filled with understanding that helps and helps all of us move forward.
      Vicki: this is not about who lost. The election is over. It is about the conduct and attitude of who won, someone who has been in the public light for more than 40 years-and as Maya Angelou said: "when someone shows you who they are, believe them"
      Without debating the deficits and merits of the electoral college, a fundamental principle of the American ethos is one man, one vote but the new Administration has rejected the values of the half of the American voters who did not vote for him. That is unAmerican. It is vital to American democracy that there is a strong, informed, and vocal opposition. The system of checks and balances that are supposed to make this country great go beyond the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches-especially now when there are few checks on the Executive. American Democracy need a free and transparent press and an informed and participatory populace.
      Carolyn has provided us with a safe place to be patriotic and thoughtful Americans and move forward.

  38. Carolyn. I'm not going anywhere! Hugs from Canada!

  39. Thank you for speaking your truth. I feel hope in knowing that you will continue to do so. I love the photo of the Obamas you have on this post and will miss them in the White House. But I feel hope in knowing that President Obama will continue to speak up on behalf of our core values of democracy. Do feel better and know that we will be marching on Saturday for you here in Southern Oregon. - Susan

  40. I too, am having a news free weekend. I can't bear to see or hear that orange homunculus all weekend. The next four years will be plenty.

    I'm sorry to see President Obama missing from your blog, but I like your new look.

    Take care Carolyn. ♥♥♥

  41. your words reflect all i feel (except the cold). hope you feel better soon. thank you for voicing a lot of people's feelings. Caroline

  42. I am beyond depressed today. I have to work tomorrow so I will not be able to attend a march either, except in spirit. I'll miss seeing the Obama family on your blog and in the White House. I do like your site style changes though--they look great! Hope you feel better soon.

  43. Sending good vibes over from our small island in the Netherlands, I feel for you...

  44. The problem with asserting women's rights over their own bodies is that it denies the rights of the fetus to the rights of his/her body. I can never support the right of the powerful over the weak.

    1. Julie, thank you so much for the voice of the unborn baby..May God bless you. As a woman, a mother, and a grandmother, I too, could never support the right to a child being aborted. The right of this unborn child must be remembered.

    2. I'm going to be real honest here...thank you for your opinion and I'm not going to remove it or act like it's not important to you. Because I stress that this is a place where every sewist can have their say.

      However this is like coming to the wake of someone's beloved and telling the grieving relative that I'm glad he died because he was "fill in the blank". Please know that I understand and respect your rights to your beliefs BUT lately Julie this is the only time you comment on my blog.

      I'm speaking directly to you because we know each other AND I know you've held this position for as long as I've known you. Maybe this wasn't the right time to tell me yet again that the life of an unborn child is more important than a woman's who has to make one of the most heart rending decisions of her life.

      So thank you again for sharing but maybe you should write a post about your belief on your own blog. Personally I need time to grieve.

    3. Carolyn: That's a sad comment it seems to me. Julie's opinion is that of many. If you don't want to hear things with which you disagree you are living in a one sided kingdom. Grieve away if you need to; I can understand that. But remember that there are indeed at least two sides to this issue and the issue of Mr. Trump in general.

    4. Vickie - I've typed and retyped my answer to you several times trying to remain civil and kind, trying to have a discussion. But I'm having some challenges saying something that isn't profane and unkind so I'm going to leave it with this. My blog, my thoughts, my writings, I don't need to agree.

    5. Absolutely your blog, your thoughts, your writing. Never have said to the contrary.
      I'm sorry I've driven you to profanity and unkindness. I can't say the same about my attitude toward your opinions, to which you are entitled. It's a pity to me that you can't have the same attitude to others with whom yu disagree.
      I don't need to agree and I'm certainly not threatening you. Sorry for your unhappiness. Have a nice evening.

    6. Vickie - I'm so sorry but you misunderstood. You haven't driven me to profanity or unkindness because if I was in such a state it would have manifested itself. Also since I haven't deleted or denigrated you for any of your opinions I am fine with you disagreeing with me. You would also have to admit that an open discussion has always been allowed on my blog.

      However, this has been a hard day for me...just as it was for many Republicans back in 2009 and again in 2012. At no time have I told anyone to buck up, accept it or move on. This is what I actually wrote on November 6th, 2012:

      "Finally, I'm closing the comments because I'm sure that there are some of my fellow Americans who aren't as pleased with these results as I am. Out of respect for their opinions, there will be no discussion."

      I accept the fact that we disagree and that you don't understand how the majority of the people who have spoken here feel especially when you ask what are we afraid of.

      So let's agree to disagree and you have a nice evening too.

    7. Carolyn, I have been blogging on this very issue for 9 years.

  45. I really like the new header you put on your blog and I hope you're feeling better soon.

  46. Thank you for this post. My anxiety has been really bad of late and so I'm staying away from social media and the news. I am disappointed in so many people and things right now. Enjoy your sewing cave and be good to yourself!

  47. Thank you for this post. I will be marching for you and all of us tomorrow in Spokane.

  48. Like the new look very much Carolyn. As a 60 something woman there have been elections before that have left me disappointed and sometimes angry. This is the first that has left me really frightened about our all our futures. We all need to keep speaking out. Thank you Carolyn.

    1. As a fellow 60 something woman I understand completely how you feel. How so many of our fellow citizens could think this crude, lout of a man is the person for this job is what continues to stun me.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. I feel likewise. Thank you for speaking truth to power.

  50. I'm Canadian, but I stand with you and all the men and women in the world who fight for equality and change. It always made me happy to see Obama on your side bar and his absence will be felt on so many levels. I hope you kick the cold out. I'll be marching virtually since my disability prevents me from being there in person. <3 <3

  51. I also thank you for this and all of your previous posts - sewing related or not. I agree and am still in the denial stage of grief - as much as I try to pull out of it I haven't been able to to date.
    I have been very teary this week watching all the lovely tributes to the Obama family - such class.
    I will continue to connect to you and your blog on your journey and cheer you on as a kindred spirit.

  52. Thank you, Carolyn, for this wonderful blog. Thank you for insisting that the whole person is writing the blog, not just the part that sews.

  53. I will miss your photo of our classy former president, and will be staying with you through the upcoming years ... for the sewing as well as for your insights and opinions.

  54. Carolyn, I wish a speedy recovery for you! And the new blog look is sleek, airy, and open. Congratulations.

    May we seek justice and fairness and equality. That arc is bending toward justice. We still have much more work to do. Remember, we are the people. We are the ones who can make the change and we are the majority. So, let's exercise great self-care as we move to do the people's business.

    Sending Light for the Highest Good!

  55. Your blog looks lovely with the changes but I will very much miss the photo of the Obamas I've come to expect on your sidebar. It always made me smile to see it. I know that was a hard decision for you but maybe you can snag a pic/link/logo from the Obama Foundation to take its place? (And maybe join too?)

    1. Debbie - thanks for the link! I watched the video and signed up for updates.

    2. Great Carolyn! I am looking forward to more great things from the Obamas. They are both still young and have so much time and ideas and action left to contribute.

  56. I always thought that photo added a unique touch to your blog. I made the mistake of watching the inauguration while at work and now I"m worn out from anger and worry. There is so much we cannot control, such a wise move on your part to channel your energy into controlling something that you can - like revamping your blog layout.

  57. Well said Carolyn. I will be marching tomorrow here in Juneau,Alaska. The march will be short only about 45 minutes. Speeches at the end inside.
    I like the changes you have made, but will miss Obama's face.

  58. I will miss the photo of the Obama family on your blog as well! I do think the new look of the blog is done in a clean, beautiful way, and I look forward to seeing what you sew in the future. I can't say I will tune in to the politics, but I respect your opinion, and still enjoy reading your lovely blog. Also, I pray you feel better soon. It always stinks to be under the weather.

  59. Sad not to see the Obama's on your side bar. I will miss them. I will miss a First Lady who can actually speak in her own words. For a president who is actually presidential, reasoned and thoughtful.
    I am still angry as well as scared. The cabinet scares the hell out of me as much as he does.

  60. Well said Carolyn. I'm sorry to see Obama go, both from our capital and from your blog. I admire the grace with which you've responded to some of the comments here. Many of us could do well to learn from your grace.
    I'll be marching tomorrow in Chicago, and will imagine you marching with us.

  61. I've had this deep sadness, depression, disbelief, you name it, since the election. I've stayed completely away from any coverage today. I can't even stand to hear his voice. It's going to be a long four years. Sigh

    I do like the new look for the blog.

  62. Thank you for this blog post. I will miss President Obama's image on the right margin when I visit your blog but love the updates and the new logo is awesome! Keep blogging beautiful soul.

  63. I know exactly how you feel:

  64. I am so sad today, I can bearly hold back tears. I have tried to avoid the Media outlets and also just sew for comfort. Thank you for expressing exactly how I feel. I look forward to following your posts

  65. I knew this day was coming, I knew you would take that photo down, and as much as I love your face, I cannot help crying. I'll be brave tomorrow.

  66. I'll miss seeing President Obama on your side bar,too Carolyn. A lovely man with a lovely family. Hope you feel better soon.

  67. Thank you for continuing to hold strong to your beliefs and voice them regardless of whatever impact it may have to your blog readership. I'll be with you every step of the way during the next few years. Stay strong and stay vocal!

  68. Thank you for saying what a lot of us feel-I have followed your blog for years and appreciate your resolve. We need you to keep blogging and sewing and reminding us of what is important! Hope you feel better soon...

  69. Thank you for your blog. Your post was not disturbing but came from your heart. We all should feel free to speak from the heat.
    God Bless you Carolyn

  70. Carolyn, thank you for your dedication to what you believe in & your always gracious way of expressing it.

  71. My heart broke today when it actually happened. I can hardly believe it happened, but it did. I watched a kind, gracious, gentleman who has been our leader for 8 years welcome the new tenants into the nations home, and watched a buffoon leap out of the car, slam the door on his wife and gallop up the steps. I watched this mans wife get out of the other side of the car, by herself, get the gift she'd brought, by herself and watched the kind, gracious gentleman welcome her just as warmly, and extend a hand to her to help her climb the steps. I watched our First Lady welcome her with warmth and grace. I fear this is going to be the way of things now, because the gracious, courteous gentleman we've had has given us all he is allowed to give, and now we must tolerate someone that represents the lowest common denominator. I can hope against hope, but I'm not a Pollyanna sort of person. I am fearful for our future as a country with this man controlling it.

    I will miss the First Family. :(

    1. I can't bear to watch any of this and I am a SERIOUS news junkie so I've seen nothing and I'm trying to keep it that way. I'm not surprised by what you described because we know it's all about him but I'm sorry to hear it just the same. I think every married woman should be treated like a Queen. I know it's not always true, but it should be.

    2. Carolyn, As depressed and angry as I am, to hear your words and the concurrence of so many is heartening. It just feels good to know I'm in good company.

  72. Love the new look! The needle and thread looks much like what we just digitized for ASG. I have it on a hoodie. I buried myself in paperwork today. I only watched for a minute to see what Melania and Michele were wearing. That was all I could manage.

  73. Carolyn, thank you for your voice, because it is the same voice and feeling so many of us are having. About the only thing positive I can come up with for Mr. Trump is he is motivating more people to action. I too will be marching tomorrow. At the last minute my mother in law became ill and I'm not home to march in Alaska. So I will be marching with the folks of southern Oregon. Get better soon, miss hearing what you are working on.

  74. Count me among the broken hearted. We must hold tight to each other.

  75. Thank you. You put my feelings on moving to action and standing up for my beliefs into words.

  76. Caroline, your health comes first. I will be marching in Seattle and will hold you in my heart, as I will with all the women who want to, but are unable to participate. The march is symbolic. The real work, the work of becoming real CITIZENS instead of denizens, is what we do next. I spent today listening to Hamilton. And after the march tomorrow, I am going to find people who aren't like me, listen, and learn. The people of color in my family, my family with "non-traditional" gender identities, my family in the addiction recovery community, they will be my priority for the next 4 years. My representatives, local, state and federal, will hopefully recognize my name before we are in the next election cycle.

    I wept when President Obama won. I wept when Trump won. The difference is that I got complacent when Obama won. But I am #woke now and I will not go back into hibernation.

    Bless you Carolyn and feel better soon.


    1. Jodi - thanks for your wonderful response to unknown, I'm moving your comment here and deleting that comment. If it's someone who just found the blog AND couldn't sign their name, I have no problem deleting the comment.

      Here is your comment and thanks again!
      Oh my. Unknown, throwing the word "racist" around here, when you "just found" this blog is quite inappropriate. You don't know Carolyn OR her readers. I participated in the Seattle march. What I saw were over 130K PEOPLE coming together to protest the rollback of advances made to the benefit of marginalized populations over the past 8 years, not the hatefest you described. Judging others has no place in the heart of spiritual peoples, and I embrace our diversity, with a heart yearning to serving the marginalized, just as Jesus did.

      I hope you find your own peace

  77. Carolyn, every time I clicked on your blog and saw our wonderful first family, I would smile. I had the exact one sent to me by President Obama after working on his campaigns in 2008 and 2012. It was in my sewing room and will stay there forever. I'm pretty old now, 66 to be exact, and have seen a few presidents and their families come and go. I was so inspired after reading The Audacity of Hope that I knew I had to help in some way to get Barack Obama elected. Never before had I been so moved by a candidate for office.
    I grew up in a wonderful home. My parents were kind hearted, open minded, loving people that taught me nothing but the best about how to live my life. The vision for our country I saw in Barack Obama's book echoed what I had been taught. The joy I felt for the past 8 years has not just simply gone away, it has been eclipsed by a nagging fear that our country is slipping into an abiss of negativity we haven't seen in a long time. I worked phone banks for Hillary in two states and the calls I made on the Monday night before the election were to registered Democrats in Florida. I knew it was going badly when so many of the folks I spoke with said they were voting for Trump.
    Sure we survived wars and tragedies, and we have had some less than stellar presidents, but we have never elected such a horrible person. I'm using my 66 years to allow me to say that! Please take some measure of comfort in knowing that your sentiments are felt by so many of us. Your blog is always an inspiration for us in every way,

  78. Amen. I have watched every president take office since Ike, but not today.

  79. A lot of us in Australia feel the same way.We are in a like situation.Businessmen do not make very good leaders for there countries
    Ours thinks everything comes from the super markets for gosh sake, there for farmers and trucks are not needed.on that mark sewing will keep us if not the politicians honest

  80. Hear, hear. Thank you so much for your honesty and integrity. I share your views. We have some heavy lifting ahead; I wish I shared President Obama's optimism that we will all be all right.

  81. I had to stop reading comments - I have to get some sleep for the March tomorrow! But I wanted you to know I share your grief and anger. And fear. I am very fearful for the future. But one thing gives me hope: the spontaneous resistance that has been springing up throughout the country (and the world!). Each of us can resist evil in his or her own way, but for suggestions on effective resistance, check out 'Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda' at It gives me hope, and a way to fight for justice.

  82. I had so much more optimism when I commented on instagram this Friday morning. By 10pm on my way to work, 99% of the optimism was gone and replaced by horror, fury, and real fear as I was picking up bits and pieces of how the day went. And then there are those staunch supporters (and I commend you on your dealings with one in particular here)! I don't get it. Thank you for your blog and your voice.

  83. Well said!
    And girl, this is your blog!! And if others don't like whatever you they say "bye Felicia "!!!
    Sew carry on!!

  84. Love the new look of your blog, although I will miss seeing former President Obama.

  85. I too will miss seeing President Obama on your side bar. I watched part of yesterday's events on my local UK news and saw the dignity of Mr Obama compared to that great lummox of man leaping up the stairs. I also do not agree with some comments- Hilary did not lose.....she gained 3 million more votes that the so called "president elect"

  86. Well Carolyn I for one will be upping my readership and commenting on your blog BECAUSE of your politics and views. I just marched in the Women's March in Wellington, New Zealand. Time zones meant that the 4 marches in NZ kicked off the global event. Best wishes to ladies all over the world - we're all standing together.

  87. It's hard to type through tears, Carolyn, but thank you for this post and so many others over these years. I had to stay away from online and the media yesterday. Instead, I tried to make love the focus of my of sewing by doing something creative, love of others by taking Lucky for his nursing home visit, love of family, friends, good food and my city by dining out in Baltimore for restaurant week. Love trumps hate. Your blog is always filled with the spirit of love. The same spirit clearly infused the Obama's and is why they are respected around the world. Hope you feel better soon. Sew grateful to you.

  88. I also cannot believe 3 members of my immediate family voted for this terrible man. We were not close to begin with but now I don't even know who they are. Christmas was cancelled this year. One of my sisters is flying back home to D.C. from the Midwest on Saturday. I hope she had a plane - full and subway full of women marchers. So sad to feel bad feelings toward my own family let alone our government. Today I am not proud of America.

  89. Carolyn: I have just returned from my the march in my state capital-more rally than march due to the numbers.
    As I sit and unwind (and contemplate that pink top for my daughter that won't sew itself) I thought of you and your blog...I wanted you to know that the spirit of the March was hopeful, determined, and even joyful...Onward

  90. I love your new blog header, and I love your sewing. You have inspired me with your creativity on more than one occasion. Take care, and God bless you :)

  91. Thank you for your blog, I like your sewing news and political comments equally. Keep up the good work!

  92. Carolyn, thank you for speaking from the heart so thoughtfully, helping us all to gird our loins for the future under our new "president." Each one of us has to confront our new reality, get involved, and protect and expaand our gains as women, and your expression of intent motivates me to get more involved, too. Sewing is a refuge and a quiet space, for sure. But you're right to put it in context so strongly. Please do speak up whenever you need to. Yours is a very powerful voice. Cindy (Creative Hormone Rush)

  93. Carolyn I just got home from the march in London. I will miss your Obama button it always made me smile, Love the new layout. You are not alone in your thoughts, such a beautifully written post as always - we shall overcome.

  94. I don't really comment often, but I just wanted to say that I actually remember when you posted the picture of the Obamas on your blog, and I'm so sad to see it come down. I've appreciated your writings over the years, and will continue read (and try to comment more). We marched here in Whitehorse, Yukon in solidarity today - 200+ people braved the -40C/F temps to do so! <3

  95. Dear Carolyn,

    Thank you for articulating what I have thought, in your post after the election and now again. I have been a regular reader of your blog and an admirer of your skill and style, but have never commented. Your recent posts have been very compelling and as you have articulated, I too plan to support, participate, and engage in causes that are inclusive, just, and compassionate, causes that help us all pursue life, liberty and happiness. Thank you again. - Roopa
    PS: I will miss the Obama button. Did you really have to remove it?

    1. I struggled over whether to remove it but in the end decided that it was the thing to do. When the Obama foundation gets off the ground, I may add that button to the sidebar but I will see. Thanks for your kind words and for following along!

  96. Strength to you and yours, in your fight against this administration. I am honoured to know so many individuals striving for this common cause, blocking Trump's racist, sexist, classist policies. America deserves so much more than this.

  97. So eleoquent. I love the lighter gray and the whole look is much easier on my eyes. I do hope you are better soon. Big hugs sent your way.

  98. I think, Unknown, that you should have been brave enough to sign your name to that stream of consciousness :-(

    Carolyn, I love your blog and totally agree with you taking the option to post about more than sewing, important though that is to our lives! I am very unsettled and scared about what the next few years hold for us. I've never been scared of my country's president (I'm 68, so I've seen some winners!) but I am now. God help us.

    Keep writing and keep sewing. Reading with love.

    1. JoyceP - thanks I deleted the comment - it was a rant by some random person who doesn't even read my blog. I hadn't checked on this post in the last couple of days and just read that my blog I can do what I want...the comment is gone.

  99. Thank you. Well said as always. I will miss that photo.

  100. I to will miss that photo and will keep on following you and pray that the damage to the American people and the rest of the world is not too great
    love to you and thank you for your blog.

  101. Carolyn - well said. We all know that it's not about which party won but definitely about the person who won. We may not know him personally, but we SEE him! Love your blog.

  102. Well, we've survived. barely. lost lives, lost time, lost spirit. But we have survived. I choose to see the outcome in a more positive light, although very hard. I believe this has brought more people to speak out, to vote, to stand up. I choose to believe in the process that will ultimately bring us to a better people. It is hard, it is painful, it is sad. But I believe in hope. thanks for the look back. It gives me energy to look forward.


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