
Friday, August 31, 2018

Buying Fabric Online

There are soooooo many quality online fabric sources available now and I honestly look at 90% of them to see what their selling. Cause say it with me now, "I LOVE FABRIC!" LOL!

photo courtesy of

Honestly as much as I love fabric - I've spent some time destashing quite a bit so while I look I don't buy much these days. However, when I do look at a piece of fabric to buy it has to pass these points to make it into the cart ~

1. Do I presently own something like or similar to it?
You would be amazed at how many pieces that disqualifies - or maybe not. *LOL*

2. Do I have an idea of what to make with it?
No idea...can't come home with me. I own loads of pretty fabrics already I don't need more of them.

3. Do I really need it?
This is a tricky question because do I really need fabric...but every now and then I do need to quench the fabric thirst. So the question probably should be does this fabric satisfy my creative & fabric urges.

4. Is this fabric at it's best price?
Peeps if you visit a lot of online fabric stores, you will see alot of the same fabrics over and over again at various price points.  So while you may like a particular piece of fabric is that the best price for it?  That stops me from purchasing some pieces too cause I hate overpaying for fabric.

If it can pass those four questions, then I really think about buying it. There is one final test it must pass though. If I'm really hot for it, I leave it in the cart for 24 hours unless it's a buy of the day. If I can't stop thinking about it 24 hours later, I buy it. Oh and that 24 hours can't fall during work hours. I'm no longer allowing myself to buy fabric at work because most times it's emotional buying and I'm trying to curb that! 

This new order of business has really reduced the amount of fabric making it's way into the sewing cave. Cause let's be real, I'm never going to stop buying fabric but I do need to be smarter about what comes to live here now.

Finally, do you have favorite online fabric stores that never disappoint? They always have something new?  Or they have the fabric that works just right for the season we're in? And, they ship fast with good tracking information?  If so, please frequent them.  Honestly, the days of the brick and mortar fabric stores in almost every town (in the US) are pretty much over. These new online fabric stores provide a much needed resource to us as sewists, so let's support them as best we can!

Tomorrow is September 1st and September is National Sewing Month.  Come back to the blog to see what I am planning to celebrate National Sewing Month because believe me, you don't want to miss out! always more later!


  1. Excellent questions to ask. I have cut down recently as well as my stash rivals yours. What helped me was to unsubscribe from the email notices. I kept one, Style Maker, as its local for me and I really like what they stock. And when I get a craving, I know the all the names to Google. I do miss the sales that way though. But the sales were getting me in trouble. Really enjoy your blog. Jean

  2. I have a medium stash, not too large, but I appreciate the tips. And a heads up, tomorrow is 8/31/18, Saturday is 9/1/18. Love your blog!

    1. Ignore the date thing. I'm in Hawaii and I read it on 8/30/18 where I am. :-)

    2. It's okay...the time changes do that to me too! :)

  3. My rule is they I only buy in the sales unless it’s for a specific project and I am always allowed to round up my spending to capitalise most on the shipping lego if I can buy 10m at one shipping then it goes up I buy 10m. If I can get free shipping over $100then I might round up to cover 100. I hardly have any stash at all though really all mine is leftovers from projects the big issue for me with online shopping is only being able to buy whole metres so I Fien end up with.5-.75 m leftover

  4. My question, as I destash, is, "am I really ever going to sew this fabric?' That's my reality checker. Great subject! As far as on line purveyors, I like Apple Annie, Emma One Sock for quality consistency and service but I am also a happy user of I do so miss handling real fabric when I shop and buying on line sorta sucks in quite a few ways but it is what we have and we need to support it so it stays. For me the vendors that provide LOTS of information on the fabric are the best, ie, great washing instructions, can I iron it, etc.....

    1. Bunny - personally I think we should realize that like everything else we can do on the internet that buying fabric online is where we're headed. Warehouse space is cheaper than storefront space/leases and you only have to pay one shift. The overhead is much lower and if we want to keep brick n mortar stores besides Joann's, we as sewists have to be willing to pay the price per yard to support the owners.

  5. One way I have reduced my ordering on impulse is to Pin It. I do this with both patterns and fabric ideas. That way I still have the information if I truly want it but it also gives me a chance to slow down and rethink the need/want ratio.

  6. I am also an Emma One Sock fan. Thorough info about the fabric, lots of coordinating fabrics suggested, and excellent customer service and shipping.

  7. IndieSew does a lot of testing with their fabrics and suggests patterns, with visuals! By testing, I mean, 10+ washes to determine if that rib knit will pill, testing!
    Grace from Maker Mountain Fabric does videos to show you how fabric moves and if it is opaque. She's also great with helping find coordinating fabrics.
    Harts Fabric is a brick and mortar, but they have *great* online help. I asked if a fabric was too sheer for leggings and received an email with photos of the fabric stretched over a hand with a light behind it to show how opaque it was!
    While I sometimes frequent, I tend to use it for something I know is good (art gallery knit, etc) instead of worrying about unknowns from them.

  8. Unlike must other sewists, I have a TWS (tiny weenie stash). And I have nothing to destash! I need to purchase more fabric so I have something to reach for when I need it! I so agree with you about the “brick and mortar” fabric stores...they are almost a thing of the past already! I almost always purchase online now and probably why I don’t have a large stash...I’m not making time to go and take a look (especially when they have sales!). I do plan on changing that soon though!

  9. I am a bit like Myra. I have a small stash, and buy mostly what I need. I also like to plan ahead, and buy off-season in anticipation of sewing for the future, but my stash still stays relatively small. I love buying online from FabricMart Fabrics, but ever since I found an awesome fabric store near me, I tend to frequent there for projects I am sewing. Oh, and 75% of what I sew is usually from my stash. But I still LOVE fabric as much as the next person, lol!

  10. These are good questions. I have fallen down on the 'not buying more' train I had going, and I'm going to use these to curtail that issue. As ever, thanks.

  11. Lets face it there is only so much room for more fabric. I go through an almost identical routine for buying fabric. One of the best things about buying on line is that it really does reduce impulse buying. Not always, and I bought something recently that really was an impulse buy; I didn't let it stay in my cart for 24 hours. I buy from Marcy Tilton a lot lately. I used to think that she was a little overpriced, but she has unique knits and fabulous basics that fit with my aesthetic better than any one else does at the moment, so I buy. In fact I just put something in the cart that I am letting sit to see if I still love it tomorrow.

  12. I need to drink the "kool-aid". I am a sewer because of my love of fabric. I am a big fan of Fabric Mart. Their pics are wonderful, they use in house photographers who drape, swirl and measure. Their employees both on-line and in-store are kind, helpful and understanding. I am a FM junkie.


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