
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Indie Month Wrap Up

Of the four Indie Patterns I featured at the beginning of the month, I only made garments from two patterns. Part of that is because I lost my mind and made three Katies.  Another thing is I let one weekend go.  I just didn't feel like sewing so I didn't. Then the following week I struggled...seriously struggled. So at the end of the month I've only halfway met my goal.

The Katie Dress ~

I loved this dress...loved...loved...loved it! It was the kind of pattern that let me play. Gleefully play and I went a little crazy with the Katie love. So much so that there is one cut out waiting to be sewn and fabric bought from a recent trip to Joann's for another one. Yes, I know...but I don't care! LOL! I love this pattern!  

So this month I ended up making one sleeveless dress, the original that was cut as a dress but I wear as a tunic with black capri leggings and the dramatic shirt version. Before fall begins, I'm sure I will have five versions finished to wear through late summer and into fall.

Deer & Doe Myosotis Dress ~

I made the original dress from an embroidered gingham from Hobby Lobby. Even though it was short, I loved that dress so much that I made it again. My second version was made using an embroidered border print. Because seriously border prints and embroidered fabrics are so my thing right now that of course I went for fabric that married the two.

Can I tell you that I have another one waiting on the sewing table to be cut out. In my defense, I don't have a maxi version and I've been seeing this maxi, collared version in my head. So I have to make it...have to!

The Perth Dress ~
This is where I struggled. I used an entire weekend to make a pattern work and wanted to cry the Saturday evening I called uncle.  Bundled up all of the pattern pieces and put them in a folder.  See I ignored two of my sewing rules ~ one, never grade a pattern up to plus sizes. Nevah, evah, evah. I'm not a pattern maker and while I can do a few pattern alterations that's as far as my skill set goes.

Two ~ I'm a card carrying member of Team Tissue. All pdf patterns aren't created equal. Though I do have to say that one thing I did like about assemblying this one is that you taped three pages across and down then back up to add the next three tiles.

I'm crying uncle on this because Carolyn has released it as a plus size pattern and a tissue pattern is winging it's way to me from Australia as we speak. I will revisit it when I receive it because I really like the uniqueness of this dress. 

Kalle Dress ~
Ummm three Katies, a Deer & Doe and a failed Perth left no room for this pattern especially since we were out and about last weekend. Its on the cutting table with its fabric and will be sewn in September. This is good because I really wanted the version with the longer sleeves that I can wear over my skinny jeans and/or leggings.

Conclusion ~
That's my Indie Pattern month round up.  I have a few more Indie paper patterns (Style Arc, Hot Patterns) that I want to sew before it gets really cold. This year I've decided to try wearing a few skirts with tights and long sleeve Concord Tees and cardigans (RTW and handmade) with ankle boots for fall. Boy has my look evolved from those Corporate America days! *LOL* Right now I'm seeing more shirts and toppers for winter sewing but truly that's so far on the outer edges of my creative brain that they're a very low priority.

Now to talk fabric in/out goals. I'm not doing well here folks. I bought 12.5 yards of fabric this month before my weekend trip to Lancaster where I added another 10.5 yds. I sewed 10 yards of fabric (2 Katie dresses and one sewing fail). Which makes my YTD totals, 144 yards out of the collection. Thank goodness for the donation otherwise I'd just be breaking even or drowning. I continue to hope to have a few more fabric-less months but it hasn't been working out.

I have a couple of days off to sew for Labor Day Weekend and then I have a really busy September (work-related). But look for the Kalle, Katie and Myosotis to make an appearance on the blog during September. always more later!


  1. Glad you have found your way, away from corporate life. You are having so much fun and your style shows it. The fact that a lot of your fabric out is in donations is so wonderful. I work one day a week at a thrift store that benefits our local food bank. There is a pattern/fabric section and I donate to that also. I love it when people come up with a bundle of fabric (sometimes mine) and we talk about what it will become and our love of sewing. I get to thin out the stash and still have room to add more beautiful pieces that I cannot resist. And I can also help others that do not have the money to buy the fabric for their hobby. Talk about a win/win!! Thanks for donating some of your stash and brightening others lives. I am glad you are enjoying the new pieces you are adding too.

    1. Ohhhhh that's a good idea. I don't thrift but maybe I should look and see if there are any in the area that take fabric! Cause I could give away a little more. Was waiting for my local high school to open to see if the drama department wanted some too.

  2. I love all of you Katie’s. Your making me want to sew another one! It’s such a nice pattern. Your embroidered Myosostis is really cute and will be great transitioning into Fall.

  3. I love reading your blog and seeing the garments you create as well as the adjustments you make to customise them!

    As a New Zealander I’m honour-bound to point out that Australia is where Perth and Carolyn are located :-*

    I look forward to seeing your version of the Perth dress when you get a chance to make it as buttonholes are not my friends!(Yet…)

    1. Thanks for letting me know! I went back and forth because I thought Carolyn was from Australia and then at the last minute changed it to New Zealand. It's fixed now and thank you, thank you, thank you!

  4. What a fun month!! Even though that one weekend went bad, you got some really nice dresses out of it :) I really love that D&D pattern.

    1. Thanks Keisha! I really like the D&D pattern too and understand why so many of them have been made!

  5. What a wonderful collection of garments for this month! I like them all, and the variations you made. I am looking forward to seeing what you are sewing for September. It is so nice to sew garments when you get all the fit, adjustments, and construction worked out. I enjoy repeat sewing myself.


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