
Saturday, January 19, 2019

Sewing Goals for 2019

As I said in my last post, I am sewing.  Just not taking pictures yet.  Though I plan to do that this weekend since I'm developing a backlog.

In the meantime, it's a holiday weekend here in the States, to celebrate the birth of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Also on the East Coast we're supposed to have some pretty wicked weather too, accumulating snow, ice & wind.  Perfect combo for staying in to sew especially since my sewing mojo is back and popping! *LOL*

Taken from Instagram at the end of 2018
My personal goal for 2019

While figuring out what three projects I wanted to work on this weekend (I'm home for four days so think three is a doable number) I came across this list I'd made during my holiday break. After re-reading it, I've decided I want to put it here...more for me than I will have a record to go back and assess my progress at various times of the year.

Here are my "Ten Sewing Goals for 2019" ~

1. Sew Purposefully
Sew what I need for my wardrobe. Don't go off on flights of fancy, follow social media trends or go down rabbit holes.  Be true to my sewing lists because they're devised from my wardrobe needs and encourage me to take wonderful sewing journeys.

2. Sew at least 10 garments from deep stash.
These garments should be from fabric that's been in the collection for at least five years. There's plenty to choose from - use some of it!

3. Donate more fabric
Check with local high schools to see if they need donations. The donation doesn't need to be as large as my last one but make a donation or two anyway.

4. Buy fabric purposefully
I'm not going to say don't buy fabric, it never works. Instead I'm saying try not to buy because it's on sale, because it's cute or to get carried away when I'm in a group. I own a lot of fabric and I need to pull the curtains back and use some of the amazing fabric I already own. 

5. Use some new patterns
I love my TNT patterns. I love being able to just sew because all of the fit issues have been resolved. BUT I own ALOT of patterns (old and new) and I need to use more of them. Before I wouldn't use some of my older patterns because I wondered which sewists had them or could relate to them. I need to get past that because so many older patterns can be purchased online at either eBay, etsy or online sites.

6. Continue to track fabric in/out and blog new fabric purchases
This one has a two fold reason. One - last year by blogging in and out numbers I was acutely aware of what was coming in and going out instead of guesstimating. The reality was brutal. I need that slap in the face to control my consumption. Pictures of fabric purchases on the blog allow me to link to fabric - where & when it was purchased, how long it's been in the collection, etc. All information I need when I'm writing blog posts.

7. Search the fabric and notions collections first
I dream up garments from inspiration pieces, from street inspiration and from tv, magazine and movie garments. I usually make up a list of supplies needed after I decide what to make. Lately since I'm working in the garment district, I think let me run by Joyce Trimmings or Pacific Trimmings and get the supplies I need. But I have a really deep notions and button stash in the Sewing Cave.  I NEED to look there first. Only if I find nothing suitable should I be purchasing new notions.

8. Move/Reorg fabric
This is twofold ~ the first is to move fabric around more often because when I do I always find something I've forgotten. Something I've had and should be using.  Two ~ I need to reorganize so I have more space. I'm not using my space well because I tend to just pile things up.

9. Don't fall for the Big4 Pattern Sales
I already own a lot of Big4 patterns...some that just need slight adjustments to look like what's current. I need to be choosier when buying new patterns and see #5.

10. Create an Art to Wear piece
I was looking through some of my older blog posts and in some of them I found a couple of artier pieces. I went through a period where I could only wear "corporate clothing" to work but I can wear anything I want now. I liked sewing those pieces. It would be a good challenge to come up with something different than I've been sewing.

That's it. Those are my ten sewing goals for this year and I will probably do quarterly updates to check my progress. Like I said in the beginning of this post, I'm sewing this weekend so finished garment discussions soon. always more later!


  1. Those are all fantastic goals! I like the idea of sewing from 'deep stash'...the stuff that's there that I've forgotten about. I don't know if emphasizing 'deep stash' will work with the current wardrobe plan but...maybe. Good to consider! Looking forward to seeing the 2019 projects come to life!

  2. I like your goals. I am going to borrow some of them. Somehow I keep moving my sewing area around, or looking for yardage requires me to pile/unpile things. Deep stash visitations are important. Also petting the collection. I've thought about logging the yardage and photographing the fabrics, but touching it gets the job done. Also stops me from buying stuff I don't need more of. I have set some things free, even today. And then something else followed me home (but it has tigers! Tigers!) from the donation place. But that's to be expected. I brought home less than I took in, and i left that sewing machine for someone else. I'm just that nice.

  3. Great goals! I am looking forward to reading about your sewing adventures again this year, especially artier pieces. XXX

    1. Linda - the thought of an artier piece or two is really exciting me now. I've wanted to dye, manipulate and cut up some fabric for some time now. Well 2019 is the time! I don't need to turn out garments as quickly since I have a basic wardrobe to wear now. I really want to explore what my sewing can become.

  4. If the fact that a pattern might be unavailable to others puts you odd blogging it (goal 5), think about how easily someone could tweak a current pattern to get the same effect (goal 9). I find your makes inspiring no matter if a pattern is new or old, and regardless of if I can follow a link to buy the fabric or if it's a deep stash exclusive

    1. Louise - I was thinking the same thing about the older patterns. Plus I'm sure I'm not the only sewist with a whole bunch of old patterns sitting in our pattern stashs not being used because we're chasing the shiny and new. Maybe featuring some of my older ones will inspire people to dig into their pattern stashes and use some of the old too.

      As for my fabric collection, you can find almost any fabric online now so it's just a matter of searching. But the deep stash sewing is definitely more for me! *smile*

  5. I like your goals. Do you have an inventory on Excel/elsewhere of your notions? It might be a huge task. Otherwise a 'wait 24 hours' goal would give you a chance to get home and have a good look.
    You've probably mentioned this before, but I currently can't recall. Do you have a method for storing future projects with all their supplies?

    1. Anna Katherine - no I don't have an excel spreadsheet or any system of noting what notions I have. And I have no plans of making one because when I say deep I mean deep. 17 floss boxes full of buttons besides several other containers AND a small bureau full of trims and notions. Nope not cataloguing...*LOL*

      I'm basically a one project at a time girl so there's no need to store everything together though I do pull all of the elements and have them close as I'm working on a garment.

  6. I enjoyed reading your goals and will try to keep to them myself, so thank you for sharing them.

  7. Each point of your list validates what I’ve been feeling lately, as well. You are much better at filling out, and documenting, definite actions to process. Thanks for writing this post!

    1. Meg Allen - you're welcome! For myself I just need a little more direction this year especially since I can dress myself for a couple weeks at a time now without repeating a garment.

  8. It’s a good and focused list. Not all crazy restrictive (cause that never works!) but solid. I’m going to borrow #6. I stopped blogging my fabric purchases after reading blogs/forums where people said this was “bragging”. Now, mind you this was early on in my sewing journey. Now, I don’t care. I love that people visit me to see what I have to say...but in the end I blog mostly for myself. And those fabric posts helped me recall when and where I got things. So that’s what I’m going to do!

    Can’t what to see what you turn out this weekend!

    1. K - crazy restrictive doesn't work for me and I'm in awe of people that it does work for. I might as well say go buy all the things! *LOL* I write my blog mainly for me especially these days. If people want to follow along and ooohhhh and aaaahhhh in the process, Yeah! It's definitely ego boosting, but I sew for me. And I need to keep track of what I'm buying and what I'm sewing. Also being mindful of others, if I do post the fabric when I buy it, someone else at least has an opportunity to purchase it before it disappears into my fabric collection.

  9. Other than #6 (which I probably should do but it scares me😜)this is my list almost word for word. I did not use "flight's of fancy" wording like in your #1, but I'm gonna now. I love that! And those rabbit holes keep getting deeper.

    1. garnet128 - right? I love social media but sometimes it's overwhelming with all the sew-alongs, sewing challenges, new pattern issues, blog tours etc. Sometimes I need to focus on me and what I need instead of participating in everything. Although this year has really made me question whether I'm truly a "joiner" or not! *LOL*

  10. Love your 2019 goals, Carolyn. I plan to keep them in mind when setting my own goals. I have lots of basics so I will concentrate on sewing artsy garments using interesting techniques. Karen

  11. Great post! I read your post and I know exactly how you was feeling, because I felt the exact same way about my fabrics, patterns and everything sewing related at the end of 2015. I was overwhelmed by it all and the reality how much money I was spending was too much.
    I after reading your post, I am going to borrow #2, #3 and #8 to add to my 2019 goals which I decided to work on after I read your post. Thanks again and I will be following your progress. Great post!

    1. Altheia - borrow away! *smile* Thanks for enjoying the post.

  12. Goals are important to keep you accountable. Happy 2019 & Happy Sewing! Looking forward to photos soon too.

    1. Bonnie - ughhhhh can I say I'm NOT looking forward to photos! *LOL* My backlog is getting way tooo deep!

  13. Wishing you much success in reaching your goals this year. A couple of them are similar to the goals floating around in my head. Maybe I'll finalize a list this year and stick to it.

  14. Oh...I really enjoyed reading your sewing goals list. Right from the get-go...#1...I was nodding my head in agreement. My trouble spot in particular has been being swept up by social media trends. I'm going to make an effort to curtail that. For me...I think I will look forward to 'a flight of fancy' project...give myself permission to make an artier piece as discussed in #10. My artier garments are never planned far in advance strangely enough. They just seem to come as a result of an experience I've art exhibit, or photo etc.

    It's not the big four sales that get me as much as the need to squeeze as much value out of the shipping as I can. :)

    Anyways, best of luck with your goals! I'm sure you'll do well!

  15. I enjoyed reading your list of goals! The art to wear pieces sound like fun. Enjoy your sewing time!

  16. I have only been reading your blog for a short time, but I love how down to earth you are. Reading your goals got me really curious about your "sewing cave". I like seeing how other people store all their fabric and notions. I've gotten a lot of great ideas from seeing how they deal with it all. Have you posted photos of the "cave"?

    1. Mary - check the link on my sidebar that says "Sewing Studio" there you will see my current as well as some of my former sewing rooms. Also, thank you for continuing to's appreciated!

  17. I can identify with all of your goals, except maybe #1 because I am blissfully free of influence by social media. Most of my patterns are of the out of print variety, and I am okay with that. I like #10, and find I do that without much planning, and with inspiration from the fabric. A lot of times they are very simple projects. I made a scarf from an amazingly painterly print from poly charmuese (sp!) that took no time at all, cost next to nothing, works with all solids and is just a real artsy standout. I could NOT have planned that, it was just an opportunity that presented itself. Looking forward to all of your blog posts in 2019!

  18. Your list could be my list!! And by moving my fabric around (usually Spring and Fall) I reacquaint myself with forgotten treasures. That said, my storage is inefficient and needs to be addressed....maybe THIS year! Thanks for posting your plan.

  19. Actually, I have two goals: First to actually sew some things for myself and WEAR THEM. The second one has nothing to do with me - we will be caring for our grandchildren this summer for a week and my husband and I are splitting up the days with the kids. He gets half a day and I get half a day. My plan is to teach the grands how to sew and I have to come up with a plan so that they end up with things they like and will actually wear so that they can say, with some pride, 'I made this.' I'm thinking tee shirts and shorts/pants for my grandson and tops and shorts and either a teeshirt dress or a skirt for my grand-daughter. I think that is doable. Anyone have any thoughts?

    1. I've found a good way is for you to pick out the patterns, something similar to what they are already wearing, and do that beforehand. Then when the big week comes, let them pick from your pattern choices and take them shopping. Give them a tour and lesson about buying fabric and let them pick out the fabrics. The will be vested and it will be easy peasy from then on. I've been using that lesson plan and my grandaughter is really enjoying it. We plan to bring her brother into and a friend as well.

  20. I like your goals! I like that you are thinking about using what you have. I need to do that too. There was a hashtag that I saw on Helen's Closet #sew3unsewn . I think the idea is to sew un-sewn patterns, fabric, etc. I bet a lot of us need to examine that idea. Happy sewing!

  21. Noble goals! I am sure you've seen it but if you haven't there is great "art to wear" on Pinterest. I hope to do more artsy things myself. Maybe we can help each other along with resources, etc. Your plan sounds doable and that is the best because achieving those goals will just be so satisfying.

    1. Bunny - I've already started collecting art to wear pics on Pinterest and have a folder for them. Thanks though for the tip!


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