
Sunday, January 13, 2019

So I'm Sewing...

I knew when I went back to work that my sewjo would return and it did ~ like clockwork! It didn't come back right away but by the weekend, I knew what I wanted to sew. BTW, it wasn't anything on my list!

Diane at BlueDot Patterns issued a new jacket pattern and it was exactly what I was looking for in a topper for my winter wardrobe.

However, it only goes up to a size 18 so there is nothing plus size about this pattern.  Since it's a simple silhouette, I had no problem grading it up to fit me. It was the perfect pattern to use to get back into the sewing cave! My jacket is almost finished. So it will be up on the blog after the shirts from last year and a Pembroke that I somehow managed to finish while I was wandering around in the sewing desert.

Fabric Accountability ~
One of the things I said that I was going to do in 2019 to hold myself accountable is to post all of my fabric purchases to the blog. After a trip to Hobby Lobby my resolve not to purchase fabric in January got blown away...

From left to right there are three yards of every piece...
The first one is a Rifle Paper cotton, then a cotton navy with white polka dots, a cotton blend stripe with printed floral pops and finally a chambray with pearls attached to it.

Before that I'd purchased three yards of a viscose crepe from Emmaonesock...

...bought to make my own version of this Chico's shirt.

Then there was the four yards of printed denim purchased from Fabric Mart which has no plan but was too pretty to leave during a sale. It has been pretreated and placed in the collection with the rest of the denim waiting for inspiration to strike.

So a total of 19 yards have entered the Sewing Cave.  Not exactly the "no fabric buying" thread I had in my head! Hopefully these "blogs of shame" will help keep my buying in check...hopefully! *LOL*

It's been awhile since I've posted here so I wanted to update you on what's happening in my sewing cave! Next weekend is a three day weekend in the US, celebrating Martin Luther King Jrs Birthday. I should have my stuff together enough to take photos of my backlogged makes. That's what should be up on the blog next! always later!


  1. So nice when the mojo returns! Can't wait to the the chambray with pearls made into something beautiful.

  2. The chambray with pearls is intriguing. Are they sewn on? Individually? Glued on?
    That is a nice coat. I am wondering though: rather than grade up the new pattern, does it make sense to just add those details to a similar pattern you already have as a TNT? That's been my take lately; HOWEVER I might as well use the new pattern tissue, as I'm retracing/editing so much of the TNT in the process.
    I think I am making a distinction without a difference. Thanks for letting me use this space to work this out for myself. ;)

    1. In answer to your question - there are some interesting details on this pattern that I would not get right if I tried to transpose them. Also it wasn’t hard to add width to this style since it already had some gathering and a raised waistline seam.

  3. Looking forward to seeing the shirt with Emmaonesock as I LOVE border prints !! Got a peak on IG of your Dover & it looks great. Yeah for return g sewing mojo .

  4. I hear you girl. I said to myself not buying fabric and there I am weak at the sales LOL

  5. That sewjo must definitely be back in order to motivate you to tape together a PDF *and* grade it up. :smile:

  6. Pfft! No shame!! :)

    Glad your mojo has returned!

  7. Love your purchaces. Thanks for sharing and keep 'em comin'.

  8. I was just in Hobby Lobby this past weekend, and was pleasantly surprised by the lovely fabric choices they are starting to carry. I love what you picked up, and am glad your sewjo is back in action!

  9. You made me laugh. I love to hear about your fabric excesses It makes me feel pretty good. I, so far, have not bought a single yard in 2019. Although I am planning a trip back to a new store I visited to buy a few yards. But I know exactly where the bolt is, I will go straight to it,looking neither to the right or left. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  10. I found the only way for me to break my purchasing cycle (yarn for me, rather than fabric, but equally collection-worthy) was the unsubscribe button, email, instagram, all of it...effective but so sad. OTOH I'm very glad you got that viscose crepe because your inspiration shirt is great and I think those colors will look fabulous on you. I can't wait to see the finished product!

  11. Having much admired your rare but well-considered political commentary in the past, I am saddened to find that you are willing to patronize a company like Hobby Lobby, which is not ethical, moral, or decent in its policies and practices. I wish you much luck in the future and hope you will reconsider this practice.

  12. Looking forward to seeing your makes. I love that chambray with the pearls !!

  13. I love seeing your fabric purchases. I have received my own mini stash of border prints and ivy denim from FM just after the new year, and I am looking forward to see what you do with yours. I think a jacket from the denim would be fabulous, but I don't get much wear from jackets anymore, so pants are probably going to be what I make, because I need those. Still...I have black bottom weight for pants and a white cotton t, so maybe a jacket it will be. As for the border prints, I love them but have little experience actually making a garment from them, and your creative use of them is a highpoint of following your blog.


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