
Sunday, November 10, 2019

A Sewing Room Redo

As the Christmas holidays approach and I think about how I'm going to spend them, I know that I want to redo my sewing cave. It's overflowing and not functioning well...and I guess I'm tired of this arrangement too.

A few pictures of it in its total disarray ~

Coming down the steps into the Sewing Cave

Looking from the back of the room to the front
Computer Desk and Sewing Machine desk

From the front door viewing the cutting table full on

Storage underneath the sewing desks

Sewing machine & serger on the table

Computer area

It's junky. I have way too much stuff put in there haphazardly.  I need to remove all of this stuff, sort through it and then put back what I want to keep.  The last sewing cave refresh was over 5 years ago so there's five more years of sewing things stuffed into the room. I need to change the storage arrangement and make it more functional and remove the accumulated junk.

Where It's Going ~
A couple of months ago I took a trip to IKEA as a sight-seeing mission and I found a few things I'd like to use to refresh the sewing cave. I've made a list, measured my space and I'm waiting for a bunch of time to take the sewing cave apart and rebuild it.

Alex Desk
(I wanted the drawers so I could remove some of the stuff from the top of my sewing table)

I'm no good at doing things in pieces, like a weekend at a time. I will be off work almost two weeks during the Christmas Holiday so this will allow me to take my time and refresh the room. I might even get some sewing in.

Next ~
Right now my sewjo is gone. I guess I should be concerned but I feel like I've sewn so much in the last couple of years that my wardrobe is everything I want it to be. I've been sewing so many years from NEED that I'm adjusting and recalibrating to WANT. 

Need sewing is right now, hurry up and get it as inventive as possible. Want sewing is figuring it out, developing projects, slow sewing and taking my time. Although, I'm good where I am right now. I'm reading, watching all the shows on NETFLIX I've been putting off watching and coming up with another crochet project.

So there may be little content around here over the course of the next couple of weeks. I mean you have to sew to have something to say, right?! But who knows, my sewjo may come raging back any minute...LOL! always more later!


  1. Enjoy the break from sewing! We've all been there with our sewing mojo. Also looking forward to seeing what's next when the sewjo returns.

  2. This is exciting. Can't wait to see the new look and how you re-organize things. I have been slowly doing the something similar but need to get it into gear. Jean

  3. How exciting to redo your sewing space. I had a bit of a tidy up and put all of my fabric around card and stored it on shelves in my airing cupboard, organised by its length and width. It really boosted my mojo as I hate mess and disorganisation and hopefully your mojo will return with a good clear up! Looking forward to seeing your progress!

  4. Carolyn, you have a fan in me. I'm a 70 yr. old lady from Texas and have been sewing since I was a kid. Looks like your sewing cave would actually take 2 months, not 2 weeks to re-do. Good luck! I can't wait to see the outcome. I'm sure it will be fabulous, because, well it's you. Thanks.....Rebecca

  5. The question of redoing is: where is the stuff going to go while you take it apart? I will be curious to see what your journey does/undoes/gets rid of/can't live without.

    1. SJ - the tables will be trashed. They are on their last legs since both are over 2 decades old. Which just leaves the stuff on them and they will be stored in the dining room while the new tables are built. I'm actually only taking apart half the room. Oh and the second dressform is finally getting some legs cause I can't take it anymore! *LOL*

  6. Ooo, I wish I was there to help you. I love to organize. It does look like a lot of work and more than one person would make it a bit lighter! I find when my space is clearer I am more creative but that's me. Most don't function that way. As far as sewjo, it happens, sort of a reflection of our lives, isn't it? We are blessed to have all of this clothing and such resources and can now think of approaching our craft from a different perspective. I now sew far more slowly, appreciating the process and techniques, making many more samples before I commit them to the garment and it takes time, but good enjoyable time. I buy less fabric, but better fabric, after well thought out research/shopping.It's a great place to be in and all sewists should be so lucky. I also think these sewjo losses are opportunities to spread our wings, to take a class or try something new, like a beading project, or silk painting or such. Things like that can really get one's juices flowing. I bet you would love that. Have you checked out any opportunities at local community colleges and such? I am sure it would light your fire bigtime. Enjoy the next month and the changes to come!

    1. Bunny - I really wish you could come and spend some time with me and help me get it straightened out. I keep thinking I need another set of eyes to look at the room's design.

  7. Good luck with your sewing room re-do. Getting organized can be very invigorating to the sewing mo-jo. Everything in it's place, new spaces to work with, cleared work tops....I re-did mine last year to accommodate a new bookshelf. Having those fabrics visible on the shelf if very inspiring. (I change them out for spring/summer and fall/winter.)

    1. Catherine - I've lost some of my ability to access fabric and the shelves and I want to gain that back. I'm also a piler and now the piles are overtaking me! But I'm looking forward to the new room!

  8. I can SEW feel your pain, as my sewing room quite resembles yours. Best of luck with the reorganization!!

    1. The Joyful Quilter - I don't know if it's pain so much as a realization that this is no longer working for me.

  9. Well have fun with this. This past year I 'picked' (free on the sidewalk on garbage day) a hutch with drawers and chalk painted it a bright cheery color. Didn't realize how I had so much of my sewing supplies in repetitive places around the room. So I collected like things together and now I have fun reaching for them in my bright hutch. This will be exciting to see how your space will turn out. :-)

    1. Cate - I wish I was a good garbage picker or even a good diy-er but alas I have neither of those talents. Your hutch sounds wonderful though!

  10. Thanks for helping me realize that I am not the worst messy sewer around. Yours is not even close to my mess! I retired 6 weeks ago and despite my promise to me to get it straightened out I have actually made it worse. Oh well small steps. I will begin by cleaning off my desk so not so much is crammed behind and around the computer. Somedays I cannot even find miss mousie. I have too many patterns and want get that want to start on my want to sewing again thanks and enjoy the holidays

    1. Peg - this is the messiest it's ever been. I've been just sewing and not caring about how it looked and one day I looked up and there was this...LOL! So it's time for a refresh!

  11. I'm redoing my sewing area. My major suggestion is... think IKEA. They have good work tables for sewing and cutting and great storage. Also think about lighting and WHITE. I'm doing my whole sewing area in white from IKEA, including carpets and sectional sofa for seating. My sewing area is huge with 3 areas, 2 large office sewing tables, one fold out table i hate but use for cutting. I have a nice tv and computer so I can watch british television or listen to music from the internet and I am going with sectional seating in white. Overall when it is done it will be a great workspace/office for all types of activities.

    1. MaximusTheWestie - I have picked the white furniture I want from IKEA. I just have to buy it and schedule time with the builder. It will happen over the Christmas holiday because it will allow me to throw some things out and move some things around before I take down the furniture in the room and get rid of it.

  12. Mine needs help too but when I move things to a new place I can not find them. The brain is full.

  13. I love that desk! I've really really been thinking about what my space will look like after we move the kitchen. JB is hoping to make that happen sometime in 2020. I can't see it in my mind and I'm a bit worried about it. Looking forward to seeing your new space. g

  14. Well worth the time sorting out the sewing space. Mine looks similar at the moment and it really cramps the style! Happy sorting and sewing.

  15. I love your sewing cave. Mine is getting too cluttered to use too. There is lots of stuff in the room that I will never use but looked great when I acquired it. I haven't been sewing anything for about a year now. I need new clothes so the inspiration is beginning to build.

  16. My sewing areas were disaster zones. One room looked like one off hoarders shows on TV. I joined up a facebook group for sewing room designs and I got so many ideas. Now my mission is to put things back after I have used them. Love your blog and your makes!

  17. I feel your pain! I have so much sewing stuff and really need to re-organize my sewing space too! But I'm also dealing with the sewing mojo, so I'm having to debate between cleaning/organizing and sewing/crafting/mess-making. Right now the mess-making is winning. Maybe your cleaning/organizing will help inspire me to tackle that too!

  18. My suggestion is to put the Marie Kondo series on your Netflix viewing, she may inspire your re-org. I'm using her methods to gut my sewing room (having already tackled several other rooms) and am finding it's a useful way of approaching how to make the space really work.

  19. Ooh I love reorganizing spaces! Good luck with the journey!

    I am that way too, I can't do a little bit at a time, it's a full on JOB and must get done NOWWWW :)

    I can't wait to see the outcome!

  20. This is exciting and I look forward to seeing how you organize your space. And you may find your sewjo returning when your place feels more like you want it to be. Good luck!!

  21. I can’t believe I’ve been following you long enough to remember your other sewing room redo. I find my space is important to me too and tends to grow out of control quickly. I moved in June and got things set up neatly so now I just need to get rid of some extra things to make room for the new stuff I’ve purchased. That should be automatic (one in one out) but doesn’t happen often.

  22. I have all of my machines on a table in our "homework" room - which my one son has taken up using since he went back to college last year. Some of my fabric is on shelves in my office, other fabric is piled in another's a disaster to anyone except me. Good luck with your reorganization; I'm sure the cave will once again be amazing, and your imagination will be filled with wonderful projects! Happy Weekending, Carolyn.

  23. As much as I like photos of pretty, spiffed up sewing spaces, I *love* photos of the rooms after they've been in use a while, with no clean up. They show how well the room really functions. Or doesn't function. One thing I've learned about myself - if storage is a hassle (too many stacks, unlabeled bins, etc), it won't get used. It seems it usually takes me a couple of years minimum of use to see the shortcomings of a setup. I think I'm overdue for a cleanup and rework myself.

  24. This is going to be fun to see the final! I, too, am looking at Ikea for getting rid of folding tables and cheap shelving! And, thank you so much for explaining your lack of sewing mojo. It's Christmas and I can't even make cute granddaughter dresses! I feel so guilty. I bought a bunch of fabric for an amazing fall/winter wardrobe but ... it just feels like a weight on my shoulders instead of a project.

    Also, I saw your "inspiration gingham" shirt on a lady in Costco a few weeks ago. I almost rushed up to her and asked her what pattern she used! LOL! But ... definitely gonna have to try a version myself someday. I love gingham!

  25. I have that exact IKEA desk for my sewing space and I'm really happy with it! It's sturdy, the drawers are good for storage and organizing without being cavernous black holes, and the cable storage at the back of the desk keeps cables out of the way. I hope it works for you as well as it's working for me. Good luck with your reorganization!

  26. I would also enjoy crocheting content, if you're inclined to share


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