
Saturday, November 02, 2019

A Visit to Urban Sewciety ~ A Local Fabric Store

As sewists we all know local fabric stores that aren't chain stores are few and far between.  I mean everyone can find a Joann's or Hobby Lobby near them. However, most of us can't name a good local fabric store that carries a nice range of fabrics, patterns, notions and has classes.

That's why when I heard about Urban Sewciety on Lauren's IG account, I had to find out about them.  Visited their IG account, Website and Facebook page then scheduled a trip with a local sewing friend because who else to take on a sewing adventure than a sewing friend, right?

For my friends in the NJ, NY and PA area this shop is easily accessible by car and by NJTransit trains. It's a five minute walk from the Westfield Train Station and easily accessible from the NJTurnpike & Garden State Parkway. Also, there is plenty of parking which can be challenging in downtown Westfield.

The shop is light and airy, relaxing and comfortable.  It has a wonderful selection of indie patterns, quilting cottons, interfacing, a smaller selection of apparel fabrics and NOTIONS! I love that they realize you may want to purchase everything at one shot to get a project completed.

When we came in there were classes going on in the back which was so cool! There is an extensive list of classes on the website for garment sewing for adults and kids, as well as crafting classes. Most especially though, they do sewing classes for the Girl Scouts. Since I was a Girl Scout, that organization is near and dear to my heart, so was thrilled to see they were assisting the girls with skills and badges!

So how about a few pictures of the shop ~

A view of the classrooms ~

...and this is the Ladies Room...
(don't you just love this!)

Now you know my philosophy, I can't visit a new fabric store without purchasing something.  This time it was two indie patterns I've been wanting.  The Adrienne Blouse by The Friday Pattern Company and The Hinterland Dress by Sew Liberated.  Both are paper patterns (of course) in extended sizes. The Adrienne Blouse is up to a size 4x and The Hinterland Dress to a size 24. Of course a piece of fabric...I chose this one because I don't have much green fabric in the collection (which is relative I know compared to normal people's fabric collections). Someday, hopefully soon, it will be a shirt.

As we were leaving, we saw that there were clipboards by the stairwell advertising upcoming events.  There were two that caught our eye...

Now you know I'm down for a sewing retreat...and as soon as I got home I signed up for the retreat as did my friend Melanie. It's a two day retreat. Saturday from 9am to 7pm and Sunday from 9am to 5pm with all meals supplied. If you're in the area and you're free on those dates, you should sign up and attend with us.  It would be fun to sew with you!  You can sign up here!

Even if you can't attend the sewing retreat, I hope you will visit Urban SewCiety. I'm sure you will be as charmed with it as I was and will visit them again and again. We need to support our local sewing stores if we want them to thrive! always more later!


  1. What a beautiful store! It looks so clean and peaceful. Pretty floors too. I live in Orange County California and it is a wasteland for fabric stores. JoAnns everywhere and nothing else. Enjoy the variety of stores while you can. I buy most of my fabric on line now but I miss being able to touch and see the fabric.

  2. I love independent fabric and book stores and some of my best travel experiences have been seeing what other cities have to offer. I am extremely blessed to live in Denver where we have Fancy Tiger and Colorado Fabrics, as well as Elfriede's in Boulder. If you're ever in Colorado, be sure to check them out.

  3. You are SO lucky. My nearest Joann/Hobby Lobby is two hours drive away. Locally there is Walmart (where I do sometimes find some surprisingly nice fabric) or quilt shops. So much of my shopping is online and I miss out on the whole sensory experience that is a wonderful fabric shop.

    1. I totally understand. When I grew up there were quite a few fabric stores just 10-20 minutes away. I'm really not a craft store afficiendo and my WalMart's fabric section that just leaves Hobby Lobby locally. Thank goodness I work in NYC in the middle of the garment district!

  4. Carolyn, I am at the other end of the state from you, up near Chico and we have a great store, Cathy's Sew and Vac. I don't think it is as big as Urban Sewciety by Just as nice. It is a Great store with relatively comparative prices

  5. Lovely shop. I may have to make a journey from PA to this shop in New Jersey. Thank you for sharing.

  6. I am in Oregon and other than a few quilting shops we just have a Joann’s and about 45 minutes away a Hobby Lobby. I am not sure where my closest independent fabric store is , possibly Portland which is about a 2 1/2 hour drive. Somehow I have a stash anyway but there’s nothing like shopping in person or being able to take a class that isn’t over the internet. Kudos to you for steering people in the direction of this business as it will need people to support it. Sadly I am real far away.

  7. What a cute find, Carolyn! You're right, it's very difficult to name a quality non-chain fabric shop! The few we had in the Dallas area were, unfortunately, severely damaged or destroyed by a tornado that hit the fashion area last month. :(

    On a lighter note, I enjoyed your post (as always) and I'm going to go check out those patterns you mentioned (as if I need more patterns!)



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