
Friday, December 13, 2019

My Sewing Misses & Reflections for 2019

I have two misses for 2019 and they were both vests.  Which is interesting because I want to add more vests to my wardrobe.

The first one is McCalls 7912 - it was the Sew Your View pattern for March.

As usual I was doing too much and added some pleather to the vest but that's not what made me not wear it.  It was those flange, off the shoulder armholes.  Now I know I can go in and fix that. It's the only reason why this hasn't hit the donation pile.  Also WHAT was I thinking pairing it with that shirt?  Can we say tooooooo much! In my head it's a miss...

The second one was Simplicity 8265.  I saw this on another sewist and convinced myself it would work for me too.  Ummmmmmm nah no bueno.

I knew it when I finished and tried it on. I even blogged it as a failure.

Both of these patterns have something in common ~ they are new projects.  ALL of my successes are from TNT patterns...well except the girls' dresses and how much fit do you really have to do on little girl patterns?

Reflections ~
There were 39 garments created this year.  So I didn't sew as much this year as I have in past years. At the beginning of the year I was crocheting blankets for the grandkids. Then I lost my Sewjo in October and it's just starting to rear it's head again. 

I've been sewing purposefully for the last four years so I'm not surprised that the need to sew is dissipating. It's just that my sewjo has been my constant companion for so long that I was a little berefit when it left for so long.

I also realized a few things this year: 
1. I don't sew simple anymore.  
2. Everything is embellished or I've used a technique that while it enhances my garment isn't commonly used these days. My sewing age is showing! LOL!  
3. Slow slowing has entered my sewing venacular with a vengence. 
4. I've used ALOT of border prints this year.
5. I bought yards and yards of fabric - 316 yards of it.
6. 243.5 yards went out of the collection through garments made and fabric given away.
7. There were 72 yards of fabric added to the sewing cave and I can see every yard of it!

Goals for 2020 ~
Besides the sewing room redo, I have no path forward. Imma try to go with the flow and sew what I feel like. I also want to limit how much more fabric is added to the collection. While I sewed several pieces from deep stash fabric, I need to use more of it. I'm hoping the sewing cave redo will give me more storage space for the fabric that's presently in the room.

Also since I'm planning on going to London & Paris in the spring, I really don't want to add huge quantities of fabric to the collection. I want to spend my fabric dollars there.

Oh two other things ~ I am making a special occasion dress for a friend who's getting married Fall 2020 that I'm really excited about. And I'd like to sew more for the granddaughters especially since they really enjoyed the experience.

That's my round-up for 2019.  BTW, these are my Top 9 posts from Instagram, so I guess everyone agrees with most of my 2019 Best Top 5 too!

It's been interesting to look at what I've done and think on where I'm going. always more later!


  1. Congratulations for sewing 39 garment ! And good luck for the cave redo. Your trip to Paris and London will be amazing.

  2. Personally I think the 1st one with pleather looks really nice off the shoulder. I agree the shirt you paired it with could be replaced with maybe a black mock turtleneck and that would fix that one.
    the 2nd one....meh! Sorry.

  3. sometimes you just have to try out a pattern/fabric combination to see if it'll work. a 'not quite me' result is just research--not really a failure.--anne

  4. Carolyn, I'm always so interested to read your posts so I was excited to see one this morning! I can relate to your phase of sewing. I, too, feel like I have a full wardrobe that suits my lifestyle so I need/want my new garments to be special with unique embellishments and more slow sewing. I also had a few fails this year from sewing new patterns - not my TNTs. Your plans for 2020 sewing sound fun and that's the what sewing should be. As always I look forward to your new posts. Have a very merry Christmas and happy New Year. Karen

  5. Yay. I'm back in. Still not sure why I got the 'trojan' message, but I didn't clear my cache yet and I'm here.

    Lots to catch up on....excited to read that you are visiting Paris and London next year.

  6. Glad your mojo is coming back! And for the cave redo!

    I know that I browse fabric online when I’m tired, and that’s a mistake because tired = diminished self-control. I have control of the household router, and there’s a tab in there where I can block certain websites. ALL of my fabric haunts went on block. I can unblock them whenever I want, but I have to intentionally log into the administrator page and unblock it. Which makes me think about it more.

    1. CZEdwards - Wow! Now that's controlling your fabric collection growth! *smile*

  7. First row 2 down, what's the pattern please? It's still a damn good number Carolyn! That's really a lot of clothes. You've been on a roll since you figured out what you wanted to wear to your new job. It's tended to be more interesting, and as you said, more complicated. Not being constrained by your corporate job has definitely been good for your sewing. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Enjoy.

    1. Nancy - It's Cashmerette's Rivermont peplum top. I just extended the back pieces to give it a high low top. If you look at the tag Cashmerette Patterns, you will find the blog post.

  8. I actually like the one with the belt, it's quite flattering

  9. I really like the flange vest. I think the balance the flanges give to the whole vest is very flattering. I think the blouse is great just not with this vest. I wouldn't be too quick to toss that one. It may be just a matter of finding the right top to wear with it. You've had a productive year. It's not about the numbers. Your sewing skills have really expanded as well as your sewing philosophy. I'd say you are on a new horizon and once that room is under control, watch out. I have been in my new situation, not working in the library anymore and a new state, and am just now finding the type of clothing I enjoy wearing in my new digs. It takes a while. I wish you a great sewing New Year. You will rock it.

  10. I love the blue one with pleather trim it looks great and I even like the dropped shoulder. The gray one is just too blocky for you I think but someone else will love it.

  11. I found that sewing for donation keeps me sewing with a purpose. (Though I love sewing for myself, too). I use smaller pieces of fabric to create tops & bottoms in sizes 4-6 to donate to a grade school where many of the kids may not have a change of clothes. I've also made hat and mitten sets from leftover fleece.

  12. Love your sewing reflections for the year! I'm also feeling the vibe of going with the flow for 2020 - I think with everything going on in the world it's hard to feel motivated and excited to tackle large projects. I think it's going to be a lot more about doing what the inspiration says when it strikes! Happy New Year and best wishes for 2020!


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