
Friday, December 20, 2019

In News of the Day...

45 becomes only the third President to be impeached.

I know the other side is saying this is a partisan witch-hunt but ask yourself this question. Would the last man who held this office have been allowed to do what this President has done? Was Bill Clinton or Richard Nixon given a pass? Was the impeachment process and Constitution questioned during their preceedings?  If not, why aren't we holding ALL men to the same standards?

Honestly this day makes me unhappy.  That we've gotten to this point. That a total disregard for what our government stands for and a lack of understanding what the Constitution states, means we're here with players who care more about power than what's right for the citizens of the United States. I'm weary that wrong has become right and everything has been turned upside down.  Sins and misdeeds are overlooked for partisanship.  

Standards of excellence have been thrown out the window as we descend to the basest levels of humanity.  Empathy, what's that? Consideration, don't need it. Respect - yeah only if you respect me...and let's not talk about the unspoken loyalty oaths. You're only good if you're loyal to me and my vision of America.

But more than that, this shit ain't about gun control, or abortion rights, or Supreme Court Justices...these misdeeds assail the bedrock of what our country was founded on. There should be no sides on this...

I saw this on IG the other day and it totally encapsulates how I feel now...

We as Americans can do better...we NEED to do better...this man should NOT be re-elected President since he has no regard for the laws of the land.

I will leave the comments section open but know that my blog, my rules. If comments are incendiary, disrespectful or threatening they will be removed. If it becomes too much I will SHUT them down. I don't mind conversation but we will respect each other's opinions...HERE! always more later!  


  1. Maybe a bigger disappointment and as much of a disaster of having him as president is how McConnell and the Senate Republicans are acting. All rational and logical thought seems to be gone. They are so blatant and there isn't any accountability. What a mess for coming generations.

    On a positive note, I still have your blog to look forward to. I hope your Christmas vacation is restive, relaxing, and productive. Jean

    1. I'm really sorry that "political" has entered into "sewing". Shame on all of you. No matter who in office, the President deserves respect. TRUMP HAS NOT BEEN DISAPPOINTING. The people need a businessman in office. Career politicians have ruined our country and the Democrats will bankrupt the United States. Career politicians are greedy and care nothing about what their office stands for. And now, we have to worry about the SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS. Study history--Socialism never ends well for anyone. Wake up and do your own research and stop listening to the talking heads.

    2. The political is personal, and if you have the privilege to ignore politics, you should keep in mind that not everyone has the same luxury.

      Beagle Mom, you are entitled to your opinion, but I think your attempt at shaming others for speaking about current events says more about your lack of empathy than anything about other people.

    3. You're correct in that politics is a personal matter; like religion, everyone has their own beliefs and it is most inappropriate to be voiced on a sewing blog. Politics is NOT an issue requiring empathy. And my shaming was for those who do not respect the office of President--no matter who is in office--or the Constitution. No I do not have the luxury of ignoring politics. And Mitch McConnell was accurate and on point regarding the sequence of events and the Democrats having no proof or respect for the laws of this land. If you side with those trying to impeach the President, you are supporting Socialism and anarchy, as well as playing right into the hands of those subversively destroying the United States. You will not sway me; I know that I am correct. Replying is useless.

    4. Beagle Mom - since this is my sewing blog, I can write about whatever I want to. My intent was not to change your mind which is obviously made up. And respectfully if you don't like what I write about you're free not to come back. I would understand if you choose not to.

    5. vote TRUMP 2020 ! This man has done more for AMERICA in his time in office than anyone. Last president did a big fat nothing . you have just lost many followers

    6. la jeanne p - everyone is free to vote for whom they want in 2020, that's the wonderful thing about America...and think on this...if I was really worried about losing followers would I have written this blog post? It's a threat that people should really stop stating because it means nothing to me. I'm not a one dimensional person and I have the right to say what I want. If you don't want to follow me because of an occasional political post, I understand but 99% of the content here is sewing. And most of those who won't follow me any more I never hear from until I post something that you disagree with. Again, I will say, there is a brand new sewing post that you overlooked to post here, why?

  2. I have lost respect for you and your SEWING blog to publish such political rubbish on it.
    Former reader.

    1. That's fine and I respect your wishes not to come back!

    2. Yes, Caroline, good response. If as a reader you see something that upsets you in any blog, move on. You are not required to continue following anyone who ruins your day. It is not a SEWING blog, it is your blog, Caroline, to do with as you see fit. Yes, most of the time you discuss sewing, but I respect your right to discuss what you wish.

    3. Well said Carolyn. It's a sad day indeed when we impeach a president, but he's marched toward this day with no respect for the office he hold or the oath he took to uphold the constitution.

    4. You earned my political respect when you had the picture of Obama front and center on your blog. Besides, I love what you write so honestly about your feelings about sewing and all the ways you have grown over the years.

  3. I totally agree with you. Us Europeans have always looked to the US for guidance and leadership. Now we can not do that any more, because No. 45 does not care about his own country's laws, which he swore to protect. That leaves a big gap in world politics. But hang in there, there will be a time AFTER Trump, when America will be great again.

  4. Thank you for speaking your mind- it’s your blog so ignore those who complain about it. I too am deeply saddened by the lack of dedication to what I hold as core principles of humanity- No one is above the law, and the inherent worth and dignity of every human. Hoping that more info comes out in the next 3 weeks.

  5. Amen. Your feelings are an echo of my own. I do wonder why emoluments are not part of the articles of impeachment though. They have always seemed like his most obvious high crime to me.

    My hope now is that John Roberts will keep the trial in the Senate from becoming a partisan nightmare.

  6. Thank you. I love reading your blog for your sewing adventures but when you occasionally bring up the outside world I am reminded that another reason I read your blog is that I think I would really like you in real life.

  7. Hear, hear. In Australia we feel exactly as you do Carolyn. Desparately hope he is not reelected.

  8. O Carolyn- Once again you say what I am thinking and I thank you for that. I wish every Republican Senator would say "If President Obama did this, how would I vote?"
    Also- what WickedPixie said ;)

  9. I follow politics very closely. I volunteer with my state's League of Women Voters to work on advocacy on children, families, and domestic violence issues.
    and the one thing that resonated is your statement: "We as Americans can do better...we NEED to do better."
    Representative Elijah Cummings said: “We are better than this” and “As a country, we are so much better than this.”
    and the great Thurgood Marshall said:
    “We cannot play ostrich. ... We must dissent from the poverty of vision and the absence of moral leadership. We must dissent because America can do better, because America has no choice but to do better.”

    1. I'm a volunteer with LWV because Democracy is a process. We are never truly safe unless we keep working at it. I look at the rise of authoritarian dictators around the world and will never forgive the people who choose to give dictators power.

  10. I just had this conversation with a group who typically vote republican.

    Be republican. Be conservative. Heck, I have traditionally leaned conservative on some issues.

    But how you can honestly and truthfully be okay with how things are proceeding? How can you be okay with ANYONE blatantly ignoring congressional subpoenas? How can you be okay with a senator blatantly stating that they will NOT obey the law. That they will not be fair and impartial? How can you be okay with all of the crimes that are within arms reach of him? How can you be okay with his blatant disregard for the emoluments clause? With his ignoring failed security clearances of people he’s placed in this administration? How can you sit back and agree with what sure as heck looks like treason? How can you be okay with the schoolyard bullying on twitter? How can you be okay with it? How can you look at all this and say, yes. Yes this is the spirit of America?

    And that’s before we get to the dog whistling, racism, nationalism, and xenophobia.

    So to *me*, it’s because they agree. They feel the same way. They are pleased that we’re traveling backwards in time.

    And it IS sad and unfortunate that we find ourselves in this place. Because no one has had the courage to do what is right.

    1. The same way that you can apparently honestly and truthfuly be in disregard for the rules of impaechment that the dems have broken. Like wise how can you tolerate all the hypocrisy that the dems allow of their own. Many of them could be charged with treason and jailed instead of being allowed to make billions of dollars with their illegale activities.

  11. I don’t understand how people can defend him. You are certainly not standing alone.

  12. I agree, not a happy day at all. That we're at this point in history, and that he's the product of a societal system desperate to promote and defend men like him, & not necessarily the cause. He is disgusting and the fact that Republicans are willing to abandon all that is right to support him is a terrible breach of what the congress should stand for.

  13. What's sad for me is we have elected officials defending a party rather than defending what this country is supposed to stand for. What also saddens me is the fact that we as a country have gotten to this point where the highest office in this country can be so divisive and so disrespectful and to have citizens in concert with what's going on. This country is spiraling down fast

  14. You are absolutely RIGHT!! I so wish we weren't in this place but T brought it on himself. He was a spoiled child, a spoiled adult and now a completely rotten old man.

  15. Agreed! And thank you for the post you shared from Jay Bookman which really summed up my feelings.

  16. Well said, although European I agree with you totally. (and with WickedPixie!) Hope you have a wonderful Christmas with your family and best wishes to you all for a happy, healthy and peaceful 2020 Angela x

  17. I'm European, but I totally agree with you. Sad enough that this kind of people "lead" countries all over the world. But there is hope. Maybe people get wise. Happy X-mas and a save and hopeful step into the new year.

  18. I am a political atheist. I have no faith, trust, or belief in the corrupt 2 party system.

    1. Respectfully Kay, this isn't about the two party system. This is about the Constitution. And ultimately, the American People and our way of life. A Republic. A Democracy. The current president (no capitalizing, he doesn't deserve it) is systematically going to turn the Presidency into a Dictatorship...right in front of our eyes. The Republican Party and it's membership is complicit in this endeavor, and ALL of us, Kay, ALL of us will suffer for it.

  19. Wonderfully written! Thank you for articulating my thoughts, exactly. Like you, I find no glee in this sad situation. I am astounded at the tenacity (despite the facts reported from every news source except FOX) with which supporters of the GOP has attached itself to a ship they will stick with as long as Trump is the captain. It has affected my faith in some of my fellow Americans and changed the way I feel about us as a country united in the same values.

  20. I do not read sewing blogs to get politics. Wish Politics didn’t have to invade everything - especially something that’s an escape from the political divisions that seem to be everywhere.

    1. That's just it. Before 45 we had political differences. Since, we have division and hatred and crudeness at a level never seen in this country before. None of us read sewing blogs to get political news. But when our government is being decimated and becoming a dictatorship with full collusion of our Senators and many judges, it is time to talk. You cannot imagine the similarities between 45 and the behaviour I heard and witnessed of Fidel Castro when I was young. It is frightening. History repeats itself. We cannot put our head in the sand or in the sawdust of our tomato pincushions.

  21. I totally agree. He is a disgrace.

  22. Agree with you. Would love to see him removed from office but don't think that will happen. A Republican Congressman made reference to "the will of the people" during hearings last week. DON'T FORGET the "will of the people" was to not have Trump become President at all...he lost popular vote to Clinton and then there were 6.5 million people who didn't vote for either of the two. The way him and his defenders speak you'd think he won by a landslide. His language and behavior has put him in this moment.
    and yes, this should be discussed in a civil manner in our everyday lives like here.

  23. I am SO WITH YOU on this. I've lost faith in my country and the people in it. I'm disgusted. Thank you for stating your opinion. I live in Wisconsin and I feel very alone here sometimes.

    1. I'm here on the western side of the state wondering how people cannot see the parallels between what's happening now and the rise of a dictatorship.

  24. Thank you for sharing the front pages of the US papers. The whole world is watching. I'm in agreement with your views, it is a sad day, and it's been many sad days leading up to the impeachment trial as it became obvious that the Oath of Office meant nothing to the 45th president. I hope the voters who came out to vote for Obama who didn't vote in the last election realize how much their vote matters in the next. And for anyone who says politics has no place on a sewing blog they're sadly mistaken. Politics affects every aspect of our lives on so many levels, including fashion and sewing.

  25. Thank you for your honesty and risking the loss of fans with this post. People making nasty comments here and "leaving" your fan base emulate what is now wrong with this country under trump. He has made the great divide even greater and perhaps impassable. I truly hope not. We all have the right to our thoughts, yes, however, we are a nation of pioneers and individuals that became this way because of working together, striving for good and welcoming each other. Shame on those who feel above others and shun the idea if inclusivity. We can be of different minds and still believe in an end of good. trump is JUST a man, not above the law, morals or being kind... apparently many think he is. Thank you again.

  26. Just remember; when you point a finger at someone, you are pointing 3 at yourself.

    1. Deb - I don't understand this comment. Exactly what are you saying? Some clarification please.

  27. I agree. It's really concerning. What I am noticing is that the Russians are winning. They have divided us through negative, inflammatory, untrue posts and memes on Facebook. Facebook is also completely complicit in this. Allowing the lies to continue to circulate and feed the fire is so incredibly damaging to our country. Then there is the FOX News. Another situation where people are being fed more lies. Let's call it what it is. Fox News is a a propaganda machine. All I can say is, DON'T BE A SHEEP. Wake up. Pay attention. Read information from all sides of the equation. We don't have to accept this intentional division from the outside. What the president did was unconstitutional, especially when you just look at how he refused to allow witness testimony or to share documents that the Congress asked for. HE IS NOT ABOVE THE LAW. We are supposed to be a democracy. Dangerous precedent to set.

  28. I lost faith in our legislators when gun control was a non-issue after Sandy Hook. We need a radical shift in perspective in our country and "not my president" is doing his best to keep us from going there.

  29. Well said, I admire your willingness to lose followers to stand up for what's right. This administration has been a stain on our democracy from the beginning - it is entirely a repudiation of the oaths they took to uphold the Constitution.

    1. Judi - Are they really a follower or do they view my blog as a source of entertainment? And as long as I stay in my lane, I'm good but the minute I do something they dislike they turn the channel? I'm just a home sewist. I don't rep anyone but myself so I can say what I like. Come enjoy the content or leave and go somewhere else where you can be rocked to sleep. It's each person's choice...because if you don't comment regularly will I know? Thanks for the comment, I agree that there is a stain on our democracy and it's going to take each one of us to work to remove it.

    2. Thank you for your courage. My own family will not even discuss our current situation. Someone needs to say, " the emperor has no clothes". I guess the House has finally spoken, now to see if the Senate can pull up their big girl panties and work for the country.

  30. Thank YOU so very much Carolyn. Thank you For so very much that you give to all of us. Thank you for being so open with your life adventures with sewing, your cherished family. I follow you mainly for those reasons given that don't sew very much. I find you an inspiration on many levels. And, I do agree with your view points on #45. And, though I am not very religious at this time of my life, I did have a religious education. I do wonder why so many have "sold their soul to the devil" and are bowing down before this false idol. Why, when so much has been immoral and unethical, and just plain mean? So many voices in favor of the impeachment of #45 is a real boost; so much to be hopeful about. Thank You and Thanks to so many who commented here.

  31. Thank you, Carolyn. If your comments make even one person stop and reconsider their allegiance to a misogynistic narcissist then it's worth it.

  32. Dear Carolyn,

    I am a long a long-time follower of your blog and enjoy every post for the inspiration and also for your values and opinions. Thank you for this courageous post !

    I am a Canadian living in Canada and very fond of the U.S. where I have good friends and colleagues. I even subscribe to the NY Times :). Most of us are hoping for the day when the world can start respecting and trusting our first ally again.

  33. Well spoken, Carolyn. The only value I have found in the trump presidency is how much I've learned about the Constitution and the general workings of the branches. I've never really paid attention to the detailed process until it been in my face every day. As well, it has brought a lot of younger voters, and complacent voters into the system.

  34. What I see throughout our country is that hate and bad behaviour by #45 gives permission to others to behave similarly. Thank you for this discussion, its so necessary.

  35. How do we scold schoolyard bullies when the biggest bully sits in OUR white house?

  36. Thank you for saying so well what so very many of us feel. As you do whenever you speak your mind.

  37. Thank you for your post Carolyn and the thoughtful responses from many of your readers. It gives me hope. Here in New Zealand - at the bottom of the world - we look with amazement and disgust at the behaviour of your President and Government. We find it almost unbelievable that truth seems irrelevant and accountability non existent, and that he remains popular and may be voted in for another 4 years.

  38. I am not American, and we have some pretty bad politicians in our country, but no one to the scale of Trump. Apart from anything illegal, I don't understand how he continues to have so much support, when he tells hundreds of well documented lies on a daily basis, his previous corrupt business dealings and his violence - "just grab them by the pussy".

  39. I believe it is sad that the Democratic party refused to let the real truth come out. They only allowed their side to speak. They also literally call the head of Ukraine a liar when he said there were no conditions set forth in his conversation with PRESIDENT TRUMP. Yes, you are right it is sad , that our country has come to this pass. No respect, love or compassion from the democrats...sad ideed.

    1. Sorry you feel this way. No way would Pres. Zelensky say anything against this man when he is 'over the barrel' to Trump to get defense funds.But what if he got the funds, then held Trump's feet to the fire? He might say he would tell the truth of the situation if Trump doesn't do more for him in the future. That would be blackmail, then our president would truly be in a bad situation. That is what can happen if a president doesn't play by the rules and puts his self interest above all else. What will Russia or Ukraine ask him to do next so he doesn't get found out?

    2. How does the real truth come out when you defy subpoenas? Lie daily? Ignore the Freedom of Information act? How?

  40. THANK YOU sew much for such a thoughtful and courageous in this climate post. I'm new to your blog and loved it. Curse away. Forgive me if this is a rant! To commenters sad that politics "invade" sewing blogs or finger pointing at anyone, isn't that how we arrived at this reality horror show? We used to ALL agree that Russia was our foe, and as a matter of fact, we in the early 70's used to hide under our desks in school, worried they might nuke us! How far we've come that the GOP is now defending this Kremlin Konnection. The GOP grandstanders also keep forgetting the latest "mandate of the people"/BLUEwave of 2018 that made IMpotus possible! For me, I am having trouble reconciling this administration's cruel policies from immigration, women's health, climate, basically everything, with the people I love, that voted for him, a known Racist/Liar/Cheat/Mobster/Bully/etc. Is it mob mentality and cruelty in numbers that comforts them? People normally aren't that mean or cruel face to face, so what are they telling themselves to excuse that behavior in their darkest hour? Every R-voter is going to have a come to Jesus talk with themself sooner or later as his crimes are exposed, which will happen. In the ugly aftermath of WWII-General G Patton had every single German citizen walk through Nazi death camps, to see for themselves the atrocities committed. As our nation enters the aftermath of this administration, what will our healing look like? I have to believe it will take a whole lot of VOTING, prayer, working together, forgiveness, cursing, and even sewing to completely think of something else for a few precious minutes! Much love and blessings from Portland,Oregon

    1. But, I can get politics when I choose to — and I do. I choose to have time away from politics with my sewing groups & sewing interests. I really don’t want to hear about the divisions during my escape from it. No problem, If this blog is political, you guys enjoy. I just want to take a little time off & be politics free & sew & enjoy.

    2. This is of course you're choice...though it would have been helpful to have a name to go with your opinion.

  41. Thank you, Carolyn, for you truth, honesty and courage. I agree with you completely and really appreciate your beautifully articulated thoughts. I am scared for this country. I pray for this country. People who accept another's actions and words, no matter how evil or illegal, as the mark of a great leader bewilder me. I pray the 'base" get knocked in the head with a grand stone of cynicism. When, oh when, will they see a lie for a lie, the wrong of nursing baby being ripped from it's mother, the disrespect of women, the plundering of our treasury, the total self servience? It breaks my heart too. Our country is so much better than this. Thank you again for your post.

  42. Well said my dear! Thank you for being brave and speaking the truth. Now if only we could get Rebubs to do the same.

  43. Amen, sister! I could not agree more. The process should not be about political party but about the actions. We can do better than this.

  44. Well said. The other side has no problem spouting their agenda, but be danged if we can have a say of our opinion. We all need to start making a stand or this country is doomed. This administration to us back 100 years, and I have no idea how the “Christians” can stand behind it. Trump is not God, nor has he helped our country.

  45. Well said... I know to many people who have anxiety over this presidency. I also have many female coworkers over the age of 50 who do not pay attention to politics and a great many of them have never voted!!!

  46. As a military veteran, and a Progressive Democrat, let me say that my highest allegiance is to the Constitution, not to my political party. I took an oath to preserve, protect, and defend The Constitution, and I shall honor that oath till the last breath leaves my body. The Constitution cannot protect itself. We must step up and fulfill our duties as citizens. We must stay informed, vote, and when politicians violate their oaths of office, we must hold them to account. They must be removed--especially when they receive their talking points, and support from the Kremlin. Make no mistake. Trump is a national security threat. He must be removed from office. Ask yourselves what kind of a country you want to live in, what kind of future you want your grandchildren to inherent. Do you want a nation ruled by authoritarians who keep immigrants out, poor people down, people of color in cages, women, subservient vassals of the State, etc. Or do you want a nation true to the highest ideals of its Founders, and Framers? Do you want a welcoming country which believes in equality for all, one which is truly an exemplar of principles, integrity, and honor? McConnell is sitting on 400+ bills which would improve lives for all Americans. He will not let them be voted on. Not let them become law. Is that ethical? Is your representative being Russia's useful idiot alarming to you? Does Lindsey Graham's staggering hypocrisy violate your personal code of conduct? Next November, vote your highest aspirations, and vote these corrupt individuals out of office.
    Thank you for your courageous stance Carolyn, and thank you for your excellent website!

  47. It scares the living whatever out of me that so many of you are so ill informed, perhaps you just want to believe because you are so full of hate. Wait for the Durham report, maybe you will gain some insight from that. You poor people have been lied to so much you believe it is truth. So happy we finally have an administration who will bring the rule of law back and save our country from the sludge within.

    1. I don't mind you sharing your opinion, I do mind you sharing it and not leaving your name. I have challenges with "people" who can state things as truth but can't leave their name.

  48. According to the Constitution, impeachment is a process, not a vote - Impeachment as contemplated by the Constitution does not consist merely of the vote by the House, but of the process of sending the articles to the Senate for trial. Both parts are necessary to make an impeachment under the Constitution: The House must actually send the articles and send managers to the Senate to prosecute the impeachment. And the Senate must actually hold a trial. If the House does not communicate its impeachment to the Senate, it hasn’t actually impeached the president. That’s because “impeachment” under the Constitution means the House sending its approved articles to the Senate, with House managers standing up in the Senate and saying the president is impeached.
    As for the headlines we saw after the House vote saying, “TRUMP IMPEACHED,” those are a media shorthand, not a technically correct legal statement. So far, the House has voted to impeach (future tense) Trump. He isn’t impeached (past tense) until the articles go to the Senate and the House members deliver the message. For the House to vote “to impeach” without ever sending the articles of impeachment to the Senate for trial would also deviate from the constitutional protocol. It would mean that the president had not genuinely been impeached under the Constitution; and it would also deny the president the chance to defend himself in the Senate that the Constitution provides. taking out emotion - and looking

    1. Actually the House has the right to Impeach 45 and they have. Whether or not the articles are given to the Senate for a trial is also up to the House and the Constitution doesn't give a timeframe for that. Think of it like this...a person commits a crime. The Prosecutor (the Judicial Committee in the House) takes it before a Grand Jury (the entire House body) and they get an indictment (Impeachment). Then the Prosecutors decide when they want to take the Indicted/Impeached person to trial. This can take days, weeks, months or years. It's up to the Prosecutor's discretion.

      Now almost all Constitutional Scholars are saying that the holding of the articles of impeachment is up to Nancy Pelosi (as the Head Prosecutor/Attorney General of the House). Some are saying that she can hold them forever and 45 is still IMPEACHED. There is one scholar saying he's not impeached and Bloomberg News following up with that. I will be honest I haven't checked to see what that fox station is saying because I just can't with them right now. Why you ask? Because the news is skewed in favor of 45 there.

      Please don't at me with how the other avenues of media are fake news. I promise you I will delete the comment because the freedom of the media is vital to a free democracy and the first thing a dictator tries to do is suppress the news media. So I don't believe in the term "fake news" even if applied to the fox station.

      It's not a headline. 45 has been IMPEACHED we're just waiting to see when he will be held accountable for his actions aka the Senate Trial.

  49. Well said Carolyn. As a Brit, I hesitate to comment on other countries' politics (especially given our current state), but as you and several other commenters have said, I know that America is better than this.

  50. Thanks Carolyn. I've got your back! It amazes me that some are saying that the other side needs to do research and think for themselves. Does anyone actually know how to do research online? How do you spot a trustworthy information source? It seems that some are just spewing back what they hear and believing it. That's not facts or research. If you want to think for yourself, you need to get facts, not opinion. And "reports" can be twisted to please the person demanding the report. I don't know how the country will ever get past this. The mistrust has been sown too deep.

  51. I respect your opinion. I used to be a Republican, but when Trump won the nomination after the Republican primary I switched and am now an unaffiliated voter in my state. I wrote in a third party candidate as I felt that both parties put forward the worst candidates in both pools. I really wanted to see a Sanders vs. Cruz run off as you would have had the true believers from both sides bring their ideas to the forefront. I say that so that you understand that I have no love for this president and continue to not like many things about him. However, since day 1 the Democrats have been searching under every rock for something to impeach him on. If you actually look at the articles of impeachment there is NO CRIME that is listed. This truly was a partisan process. If you really wish to learn why not only republicans, but also independents are calling this a witch hunt then I suggest you listen to this video. It is really detailed, but not in a super political wonk way. It really helped me to understand what has happened and how this really was a rigged process. The only bi-partisanship side was against impeachment. This is a video of Ted Cruz talking about the process.

    1. Please forgive the lack of a name. Evidently, my work email won't allow my name to show and I can't figure out how to get blogspot to recognize my personal email. I wrote the comment with the youtube link. My name is Tonya.

    2. Tonya - thanks for leaving your name! Also thanks for letting me know how you commented. While I may not agree with your opinion, I respect your right to say it.

  52. If you are exposed only to our left wing media, you aren't getting the facts. Please do more research. You just may find you should be concerned about what is being done to the President of the United States. "When they came for .....

  53. The problem with Republicans is that we kept quiet too long. Some of us voted for Pres. Obama and were sorely disappointed but we didn't say much. If we did, we were called racist even though we voted for the man and disapproved of his actions, not his race. When we finally got a President who is doing what should have been done a long time ago, the liberals are upset. There is no "he was your man and it's ok" like we did with pres. Obama (I decided he didn't deserve the capital P). All of a sudden, the country is divided. We don't always like what he does personally, but politically he's doing a great job. Pelosi and Shumer blamed Ronald Reagan 30 years ago for what's happening in this country. Now, they're blaming Trump. They've been part of the stinking swamp all this time. Trump has only been there 3 years, and everything is his fault! Come on! Think about it. How are things for residents really in Elijah Cummings' Baltimore? Are there really rats and trash or are things really good? It's time the President stood up for America. Why should we borrow money to pay NATO to protect the rest of the world? What about Germany and England, etc. They should pay their fair share. All I asked from Trump was Supreme Court Judges, and I've gotten two of them and a lot more. Who really believes killing a baby, not a fetus, is acceptable. And some liberals are pushing for killing it after it's born. Think about that. You're in more trouble if you kill or mistreat a dog or a cat than a baby? What is wrong with you? It is no longer a choice after you are pregnant. The choice was to use birth control BEFORE it was a baby. People want to adopt babies. Give it to them if you don't want it, but please don't kill--I mean abort since it sounds more acceptable--NO I mean KILL since that's what you are doing. People here and in other countries don't like Trump because he holds them accountable, like any US President should. What about the tariffs? They are necessary to level the playing field and should have been done a long time ago. Let's see what the Democratic Presidential candidates are proposing: free college for all, free healthcare for all, free housing for all, open borders, college debt forgiven, green environment by eliminating all fossil fuels, and on and on. Maybe some of you should look at your 401k plans. Unless you are not enrolled, they should have been going up exponentially since Pres. Trump took office. What about the tax cuts? They helped everyone, not just the rich as the fake media like to say. These are because businesses know that having Pres. Trump in office has helped them by removing unnecessary, burdensome laws and rules. Wake up, people. You have to admit all of us are doing better since Pres. Trump took office--not just the rich.

    1. Melodie - at first I thought about deleting your comment, if I'm to be honest. It's a rant that must have taken you a good ten minutes to type out. But instead I'm going to ask you this - are you a regular reader of my blog? If so, did you expect to find another type of political message here? Also, you came and left a note on a 4 day old post and skipped over the brand new sewing one. So again are you a regular reader of my blog or just someone who needed to have your say in a space you've never visited before? Cause besides your opinion I would sure have appreciated a nice comment on my brand new vest. Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  54. What crime has President Trump committed?

    1. Damsel - obviously you don't think he has committed one and that is your right. I obviously believe otherwise.

    2. Then if you mean what you say, What crime did he commit?

  55. Carolyn, I hate to think what else could happen. With Mitch McConnell blocking everything, it makes me wonder what The giant Yam has on him to make him back such a poor excuse for a human being. What with the spewing hate speech that incites white supremacists, messing with the democratic process for us to have a fair election by creating social media frenzies about things that aren't true, and collusion with foreign powers, I cannot believe that any self respecting member of the US Congress or US Supreme Court would be endorsing him or defending his actions. Carolyn, I love your blog and it has inspired me to take up sewing again. Love you! Lorrie

  56. Now Lorrie, how do you explain the fair democratic process in the 2016 election, Donna Brazille gave Hillary the questions in the debates. Hillary bought and paid for the Steele Dossier that was totally false, The Dems James Comey made 17 false allegations against Trump. The only person colluding with Russia was Hillary. McConnell is handling impeachment according to the Constitution, did Adam Schiff do that? Who is the hidden whistleblower, where are the documents that are hidden by Schiff. On and on we go, the good that Trump has done for America is un-matched. I did not vote for him because he was a moral man, I voted for him to empty the trash and he is doing well.
