
Friday, January 03, 2020

Brown & Black Hawaiian Print Shirt

My Mother gave me this fabric from one of her trips to Hawaii in the 1990s.  See I use to ask my family for fabric when they travelled cause I thought it was a better souvenir than a t-shirt. Especially since I had small children at the time and wasn't going anywhere that wasn't family-oriented. This fabric sat on the shelves for almost 30 years. 

When my Mother brought it home, I had no idea what to do with it. I was still in the corporate business world and this just didn't fit into my creative process then. I touched this fabric in September when I was rambling through the collection, pulled it out and immediately cut it up. Starting the shirt before I left for Houston but the shirt shell sat since I returned. I finished this before Christmas because I wanted to include it in the photos my daughter was taking at the time.

Materials ~
3 yards ltwt. printed cotton from Hawaii - deep stash
Black bias binding leftover the Sienna Maker Vest
9 brown buttons from the button collection
Interfacing from Steinlauf & Stoeller

There are no new construction techniques in this shirt. This is mindless sewing. I can indulge in it and enjoy the process of sewing a garment I like wearing.

A few things ~
I only had enough bias binding to add to the collar.  I wanted to add it to the cuffs too but went with the flow.  That process is discussed in the construction of the Orange Issac Mizrahi Shirt.

o  This is the fitted back yoke version of the shirt. It felt right for this fabric instead of the full backed version.

o  I ran out of fabric for the inner back yoke so I cut it from some of the black shirting I have in the cave then added my label.

o  While I added width to the sleeves, this version does have buttoned cuffs. My last few shirts have had sewn on cuffs.

Pictures of the finished garment ~

My sewjo is now back and blazing ~ thank you Jesus! This was the perfect garment to make after my sewjo returned home. I truly enjoyed finishing this up. It will be perfect to add to my wardrobe and wear once my Holiday Break is over.

Worn with a RTW duster

One more thing, I don't know about you but my sewjo has become a part of my personality...who I am.  So I'm really off-kilter when it's gone too long. I do, however, realize that I'd become unbalanced by giving my sewing way more space in my life than anything else. 

One of the main things I've learned from this last sewjo vacation was that I need more balance in my life. I need to read more (like I've been doing recently), spending time watching my shows in real time instead of catching up later and making more excursions from the sewing cave. I go out but not enough. That way the next time my sewjo flees, hopefully it won't take as long to replenish my creative well... always more later!


  1. Carolyn, I think you've addressed this before, but I don't remember so...when you buy fabric but don't know what you'll sew with it yet, how many yards do you usually buy? Does it depend on the type of fabric? I like the look of the Hawaiian shirt on you and both my daughter and I laughed when you wrote the fabric was from deep stash! How many years does a fabric live with you before it's considered in deep stash?!

    1. Wenhkc - I buy 3 yards for shirts, 3-4 yards for maxidresses, 5 yards if I think I want some coordinates...and I own so much fabric that I do usually classify it as new, in the last year, the last 5-10 years and everything 10 years and over is deep stash. Though honestly I don't have many pieces that are 30+ years in the fabric collection. I'm trying to sew more of the deep stash pieces.

    2. Dear Carolyn,
      What do you normally do with the leftovers?
      The shirt looks great, as usually
      Cheers, Claudia

  2. Carolyn, lovely shirt. You inspire me. Thanx

  3. Carolyn - hurrah for the return of your sewjo! the shirt has such great colors for you, and hopefully lovely memories attached as well. There is so much to be said for having TNT pattterns, and you are always an inspiration for how to use them effectively. I understand about needing to go find a balance between sewing and all the other activity, because when I tallied up what I spent my time on last year, it was overwhelmingly sewing oriented and the rest of my life was neglected. My directions for 2020 are "keeping it balanced" and "close open loops"

    1. Alison - right! For years I've wanted more sewing time and in the last couple of years I had time to devote to I did! I totally understand what you're saying and I guess we both will be working on that!

  4. Your new shirt is very smart indeed, and you look lovely wearing it. What a nice find from the stash. I am glad your sewjo is back, and look forward to your projects for the New Year. Balance is so important in our life, and I was interested to read that you found you spent too much time sewing. I went the other way this year, and was unable to find time to sew, which also resulted in throwing off my sewjo! This year I have replaced one other activity with something simpler, and hope the resulting sewing time will work for me. Long may we sew, and Happy New Year!

  5. Lovely top! I have a piece or two of (okay, maybe more) aged fabric in my "deep stash" as well. It blows my mind when I touch it as to the superior quality compared to the fabrics I tend to find now-a-days at the local shops. Sometimes I need a push to cut into it. I hear you finding balance away from the sewing machine. My shoulders thank me when I take breaks.

  6. Glad to hear that your sewjo is back, am looking forward to seeing what you make this year. Also, yay for deep stash sewing.

  7. Carolyn what a great shirt. You look so good with this colour scheme ! Happy New year btw

  8. That is a beautiful fabric and very different from the usual floral Hawaiian print. Your mom has excellent taste. I picked up a few souvenir textiles during my traveling years (20+ years ago), but if I could do it all over again, I would dedicate entire days to fabric buying in addition to sightseeing. Hindsight...

  9. Love the shirt! May I ask, where did you get your labels? Are they self made on your sewing machine or from a label making service? Thanks! And Happy New Year!

    1. My labels are from Dutch Label Shop. I heartily recommend them!

  10. I love the shirt, what a great print and fabric!

  11. Love the 30-year old fabric! It says Hawaiian, but looks very at home on a wintry east coast day. I'm looking for a shoulder princess-line shirt pattern. I searched your blog a bit for the one you started with. No luck yet. Willing to share that? Thanks and Happy New Year.

    1. wendyrb - the princess portion (front) of my TNT pattern is out-of-print Butterick 5678. It's been out of print for several years, though.

    2. Thanks Carolyn for your reply. When I get home from my NY trip, I'll check my pattern stash. ;- ) Who knows, I may get lucky!

  12. I love your shirt on you, both color and shape. I had to laugh about deep stash, some fabric just take time marinating. Thanks for sharing with us and Happy New Year from Alaska.

    1. Hey Annette! Just wanted to thank you for still reading my blog. I appreciate it.

  13. Love, love, love it. But of course I do! :-D The print is so fun and how awesome that you get to sew up such a meaningful piece of fabric.

    I hear you about balance and yes, sometimes you just have to dig into a good book or vegetate on the couch and lose yourself in some tv drama. I have become such a homebody but I am "blaming" it on spending the last 20 years in childrearing mode. I'm tired! lol!!

  14. Such pretty fabric! I have to say, I like the more fitted shape on you. It's all what you're most comfortable in, but it is flattering.

    I second the recommendation of Dutch Label Shop. I finally took the plunge a couple of years ago. The price for 50 labels was quite reasonable, the quality is excellent, and 50 labels lasts a surprisingly long time, even if you sew every day.

  15. Carolyn, I fight the balance thing all the time as well. As much as I love sewing and can do it hour after hour without thinking of food or even other people (shame), I realized a long time ago that is pretty self indulgent of me. I try to have balance as well and that is one of the biggest reasons I have a small part time job that forces me out of the house. In the end balance is good for my psyche and I end up enjoying my sewing even more when it is part of a balanced routine.

    I really like this blouse. The length and shape of the hem are in the exact perfect spot on you. It's not easy finding that sweet spot on ourselves but this shirt nails it.

  16. Carolyn, Again thank you for sharing your creations. They inspire my makes. I'm glad to know many other sewers have an aging stash. Happy New Year.

  17. That shirt looks really nice on you! Did your mother remember the fabric? I'll bet she was pleased to see it finally become something you'll enjoy.

    I take an oil painting class every Tuesday, and I"m about to add Wednesday sketching classes just to try to keep a balance. I also read a good amount. I watch a whole lot less TV than I sued to, and don't really miss it. You are right, everyone needs variety and balance in life; it's just hard to make it work. And when the sewjo is working, sometimes we just need to roll with it!

  18. Great Shirt! Even better Smile!!

    Happy New Year!!

  19. Your mother has much better taste than my MIL! She and my late FIL were world travelers and I asked them for fabric from China on year. First and last time. This is really lovely and it fits your wardrobe perfectly.

  20. I would never have guessed the fabric was vintage and a Hawaiian print. The blouse looks great on you. Both the colors and the fit are very flattering.

  21. I love your perspective at the end - that maybe too much sewing can cause you to lose your sewjo. It makes so much sense! I read that and it really clicked for me. I feel like I never have enough time to sew, but now i'm thinking that maybe that's not such a bad thing...

    also, love your new shirt!

  22. Gorgeous blouse! I love that it has been in your collection for so many years. It is a lovely fabric!

  23. Love that fabric! You're going to get a lot of wear out of this!

  24. Love the fabric and fit! I understand lossing your mojo and am happy you got yours back. Hopefully you will as you said find a nice balance.


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