
Tuesday, December 31, 2019

End of 2019 thoughts...

I had a few more thoughts I wanted to share before the year closed.  

o  A real time update on fabric purchased for 2019. 
o  An update on the sewing cave redo.
o  My sewing plans for 2020
o  An addendum to my Impeachment post

So let's start with Fabric In/Out Update ~
Once I lost my sewjo, I also lost my desire to buy fabric. Which means that while none went out, none came in either. At least that was a good thing. However, as my sewjo came back and I started creating again, of course, I bought a couple of pieces of fabric.  

9.5 yards to be exact:
 - 3 from StyleMaker Fabrics - the cardigan from this fabric is almost done.
 - 6.5 from Fabric Mart

I cut out four more shirts this month besides the StyleMaker Vest for a total of 19 yards of fabric out. 

Which means my year end totals are:
Yards In:   319.5
Yards Out: 259.25
Difference:  60.25 yds

I'm not thrilled by the amount of yardage in...and I know it's here because I've got piles of fabric everywhere.  One of the reasons I want to rework the sewing cave, to redo the storage and add a little more.

Number of garments made for 2019 are: 
37 me-mades (this includes my granddaughters evening wear) and 3 refashions

Update on Sewing Cave Redo ~
Truth time...I overspent on Christmas. I spoiled my grandchildren rotten and bought everything on their lists so I'm pushing the IKEA trip to the end of January. Right now I'm thinking the redo will occur President's Day weekend. I'm also refining my plan a little. So nothing is happening yet...

Sewing Plans for 2020 ~
I have none as of now. I'm not participating in any of the "challenges" that are currently floating around the internet. My plan is to sew what makes me happy. I don't even have plans for fabric buying/tracking. I'm just going to say I'm trying to avoid purchasing a lot due to the London trip. Also because Imma have to move two bookcases of fabric around in the sewing cave. I think once I start touching it my desire to purchase more is going to decrease markedly.

Addendum to the Impeachment Post ~
I posted about 45's impeachment a couple of posts back and of course there were people who thought differently than I do.  Did I expect that...well yes.  I guess what I didn't expect was my reaction to the threats of people never visiting the blog again or telling me what content I should have on my blog or that I would lose followers if I continued to post my views.

I want you to know if you need to go because one percent of my content is political then I understand why you need to part ways with me. I also need you to know that I'm not containing my thoughts to keep followers. I have no products to sell. I'm just a home sewist who likes to sew who believes I have the right to state my opinion on my blog when I want.

If you're a sewist that needs ONLY sewing content and can't deal with my content anymore, I understand why you need to go but please don't "threaten" me with the leaving.  Most times I didn't know you existed because you haven't made yourself known to me...except to tell me you were leaving.  Also, I wonder why you continue to follow me knowing that I wear my political views on my sleeves. There will be more political posts sprinkled in with the sewing during 2020 since it's an election year here in the US.

The sewists that follow me know that I'm passionate about sewing and the sewing community. I'm NOT a quilter. I'm NOT seeking fame. This unfriend, unfollow, threaten/cancel culture that's taking place now only works if we buy into it. Plus to me it's more important that I take a stand. Be a voice against the forces that are presently at work in America than have a "number" of followers who only view me as entertainment. Or who want to follow if I stay within their vision of who I'm supposed to be.

Finally ~
I will be sewing in 2020. I have some new indie patterns I want to explore. I want to expand my skills. Yes, there are things I could learn to do better. A sewing redo is definitely happening. There are sewing journeys I want to take which will be documented here. I hope you'll share them with me...if not that's okay, too.

Welcome to a New Decade and Happy New Year! always more later!


  1. Carolyn, you remind me so much of my mom. I love that you wear your heart and your politics on your sleeve and your “take me as I am attitude”. And yes, the sewing of course. In your look-back post, only the first year was unfamiliar to me so I guess I’ve been following you for a while now. I very much enjoy the passion you bring to your sewing, and I admire too your honesty in sharing your walk to reduce your stash acquisition. Something I’m struggling with myself. Cheers to a truly wonderful 2020!

  2. Couldn't agree with you more- its your blog, have a very happy New Year 2020. Angela

  3. Your sewing output is prodigious indeed! Imagining that much fabric in so many different types and colours makes my head spin. Looking forward to what you make with it all.

    I love that you share so much of your sewing and some of your non-sewing life too. I find the various governing systems around the world fascinating. And at times it is concerning and horrifying. I am fearful for our future with the likes of Boris Johnston and Donald Trump in charge. ScoMo (Scott Morrision - Aussie PM) is no better.

    All the best in 2020!

  4. I just wanted to say that I love your blog and the person that you are. Meaning that occasionally you speak out on the things that are really important to you and relect your values. I value people like you. Christine

  5. To borrow a phrase from when I was a girl: "Right on, sister!" Happy New Year to you and yours.

  6. Carolyn, thank you for sharing your political perspective. While I originally came for the sewing, I really appreciate the opportunity to better understand the experiences of others around the world. As we watch so many of our economic powerhouses drift to the right, and climate skeptics failing to take genuine action, we watch our countries literally burn, and our most vulnerable become even more so. Thank you for not hiding the things that scare and worry you, but instead for having the courage to make your fears heard. Let's hope that 2020 is the year we see the tide turn. xxx Jess

  7. Carolyn, I have read your post for over 10 years. I will continue to read your post not for political content (although you have made me stop and think about many political persepctives and I have grown from that reflection) I read your post for the sewing information, inspiration and beautiful items you sew. I have never commented but felt this was the time to do so. I may not always agree politically but I like that you make me think about my views and in my mind defend my stance. You have made me study the issues and know for myself what I agree to and what I don't. Please keep posting.

  8. Carolyn, you have my upmost respect for all that you write and share and taking a stand to those who try to bully content by threatening to unfollow a blog. You're a welcome read on my blog list from the sewing community. Wishing you a wonderful New Year's and looking forward to reading about whatever you wish to share. It's always educational for me, you more than once sent me on a journey of discovery and research. Thank you!

  9. I really enjoy your blog. So much so that I might even enjoy it if you had opposing polical views (guess it depends on how opposing:-). Each day I look forward to it because it is so down to earth AND uplifting. Happpy New Decade.

  10. You do you, and I will continue to be here reading and enjoying, and learning. Wishing good things for you in 2020!

  11. Bravo! Bullies will always be bullies. It’s shameful the way folks are making every effort to silence one another... in AMERICA - home of the free. It is an embarrassing reveal of how far we are from understanding the constitutional concept of free speech. My sewjo has been gone for a while, so I’ve been working with young people and donating my stash — so it still counts as withdrawals!! Lol! So I’ve had more going out, than coming in for the first time in 25 years?? Love your spirit and content. Keep making a stand and listening to others with an open heart. I miss the days where folks picked friends by their character and interests, rather than political views. I miss getting news with a balanced perspective. History shows us that the refusal to hear others and the rejection of all things different results in the tyranny that millions of Americans have fought and died for around the world. Keep writing!! XOXOXO

  12. Carolyn, I've been reading your blog for at least 8 years. I like that you speak your mind and believe that it's okay for everyone to do so. Some people fear opinions that differ from their own so much that they lash out defensively when their beliefs are challenged. Poor things.

  13. I always look forward to your posts, no matter the content. Life is a journey, to use a cliche, and I'm glad your blog is real, not a pitch. I get more from it that way.

  14. (Commenting out of years of lurker guilt) - I love it when people voice their political opinions. Sometimes yes, it negatively affects your opinion - but it's not hard to just not read again if it's not your cup of (drink of choice)!
    So thank you for interspersing the sewing content with political views- I have gotten many enjoyable hours reading and thinking from your posts. The time you put into them is greatly appreciated. Happy New Year!

  15. I wish you the happiest of happy new years, dear Carolyn.

    We must all use our voices to make the world a better place, before we lose the ability to speak out. (There are all sorts of reasons that may happen, not all of them political.)

    Grace and peace, and suchlike stuff.

  16. Carolyn Thank you for your excellent blog, and for expressing your political views. None of us can keep quiet any more. You are a model of a good citizen and stylish sewista. Thank you. All the best and Happy New Year Claire Ramsey

  17. Carolyn- You and your voice are dear to my heart. I don't comment much, but I don't miss a blog post either! I respect your honesty and authenticity in everything you publish- no matter the topic. Continue to be you and in the new decade I'll do more to cheer you on. You are a gift to the sewing community and well beyond. Thank you.

  18. Carolyn, I love reading your blog. Your posts are always thoughtful, inspiring, and honest, no matter the content. Thank you for sharing yourself, as well as your sewing experiences. I really enjoyed your best of the decade. You have made some amazing garments. I recognized many of them and realized I have probably been reading your blog for 6 or 7 years. I hope you will keep writing whatever is on your mind. I will definitely keep reading. Best to you and your family in the next decade.

  19. Dear Carolyn ~ Thank You for all you do. I, we, love you just the way you are. Please continue to let us follow. May 2020 bring you the many blessings of peace and prosperity. May 2020 bring you a fabulous trip to Europe and a re-do in the Sewing Cave. May you and your family, and family of friends & followers, enjoy good health. ps..may we replace "the orange one" with a real humane being.

  20. I don't mind your politics because they line up with my politics. But I wonder why people can't disagree without getting nasty and calling names and threats. I'd like somebody to explain to me how they can support the current administration given all its crimes. In most cases, the answer is Racism, but they won't admit it.

    I enjoy your blog and have been reading it for many years. I like seeing how you use fabric and how you chose a pattern to make with that fabric. You go into detail to explain how you alter patterns too, and that helps me to understand the process. You will still have plenty of readers.

    Just keep on keepin on Carolyn.

  21. I just found your blog recently and LOVED the political post since it reflects your lived reality - and to some extent, mine. I've never understood the flounce mentality, if one doesn't like some voluntary activity, one should stop participating in it, no announcement required. Some people have an inflated idea of just how much their presence is valued - or noticed, for that matter. I will be a fan for the glimpse it gives me into another person's life and perceptions, even if (maybe especially if) they don't match with my own. You do you - it's what you do best.

  22. I originally found you through a political post, on sewing, it was a post about the Hidden Figures movie, you captivated me with your words and then I started reading your blog and I love your sewing, your political opinions and just your blog. Thanks for being yourself and staying true to you...I wish people would think and remember that a differing opinion than there own is the sign of a healthy and inclusive society.

  23. Thanks for your great blog posts which I have been enjoying for at least five years, maybe more. I think it's an important venue for free expression and I like to hear what you have to say, so keep on being you.
    I am awaiting your reorg of the sewing cave because I am in the process of setting up my new sewing loft and need some ideas. Thanks again.

  24. You always make such lovely things! I look forward to all you will do in 2020, and wish you a Happy New Year!

  25. I don't share your political views and I think it's ridiculous/insulting that web-people think they have any right whatsoever to control what you say on YOUR blog. I'm not paying you - in fact, you've given (GIVEN) me quite a bit of solid information over the years. I'm a big girl, and I can read - or not read - what I choose.


  26. You uplift and inspire with every post without asking for anything. You deserve respect and space to create without worrying about bullies. Folks who don't agree with you have to be told where the door is and to watch it doesn't hit them in the butt as they leave. Sewing and politics do have a place...Rosa Parks hit a home run while just sitting in her seat on a bus! Blessings for 2020 and don't trouble yourself over having so much fabric...every year our local ASG gets donated stashes from ladies who have a good clean out or have passed to their maker. We recycle every last bit of fabric for community sewing projects so every scrap gets a new home.Maybe while you are handling your stash, some of it can be passed along to a new home?

  27. Thank you, thank you, thank you for continuing to blog. It makes me sad that so many of my favorite sewing bloggers have stopped and/or migrated to other platforms I'm not on (IG, FB, etc).

    I share your body type, and you have taught me so much about body positivity, in addition to demonstrating how to sew well for a plus-size. Just one example - I too have "bodacious biceps" (love that phrase!) and you inspired me to accept that an element of my personal style is just going to have to be a sleeve with an extra seam. P.S. Does the sewing world know the secret that a two-piece sleeve pattern is a real fabric saver??? Hehe.

    I have been following your blog for years, and believe I can say "from the beginning" since I went back and read from your first post. Keep up the good work! (Let the naysayers and bullies fall by the wayside...they don't deserve you anyway.)

  28. Carolyn, Let them go cause who are they to tell YOU what to think.
    I love following you cause you speak your mind (and heart) Happy new decade and tell me how do you keep track of all that fabric. I have stolen your idea of shelves and folding. Do you keep fabrics together by content or projects or color? I am on a mission to start the great revise to the Room. Can you come to Mass and help me? HeeHee Pegeth

  29. Happy New Year and keep up with the great sewing and opinions, I appreciate both!!

  30. Happy New Year Carolyn, wouldn't change you for the world.
    People who think otherwise can show themselves out.
    Wishing you a healthy, happy, peaceful and creative 2020.

  31. I had to smile about your yardage in/out. I walked in my extremely small sewing room and was overwhelmed by fabric and machines, so much so I decided it was time to get rid of fabric (can't part with machines). I couldn't believe how attached I was to fabric that I would probably never use. It was tough but I managed to get 85+ yards out of my stash to give to someone that I know would appreciate and use some of it. I do plan to go thru my stash one more time for another removal.

  32. I'm a past garment sewer who long ago switched to quilting because I don't need any more clothes and it's too difficult to make a pattern fit any more after myriad fitting classes. I love your blog and seeing what you do. It's your blog and you get to say whatever you want on it. If someone disagrees, they can start their own blog with their opinions. Have a Happy New Year and good luck with the (future) sewing cave redo.

  33. I think I've been reading your blog almost since the beginning. I've left a few comments before, but mainly on Bloglovin. This time I wanted to make sure you saw this fan mail. I love everything about your blog! You are so generous with your knowledge and experience. I also appreciate your honest opinions about politics. Happy New Year! I hope you keep blogging forever!

  34. I love getting your blog updates. It inspires me to sew more, too!

  35. I have been following your posts for a few months now. I am also teaching myself to sew at the age of 68. I am so very inspired by your photos and accompanying information. Thank you for this blog from the bottom of my heart. Stay true to your heart, as that's what I admire about you.

  36. I enjoy your blogs about sewing,I do little clothing now that l have gone over to the dark side,quilting! I agree with your right of free speech

  37. I am looking forward to more of your makes, and your political posts, in 2020. As a white woman from a comfortable background, living in a very white area, I do try to be aware of my privilege, but many of your posts have alerted me to things which I had never considered before - thank you.

  38. +1 for doing "you"! Always!!

    I'm glad your mojo has returned and although I was so looking forward to the room reveal, I get it :)

    Happy New Year!

  39. Dear Carolyn, I appreciate both your sewing wisdom and your political comments. I wish you a very enjoyable and successful Sewing Cave Redo. It will make you very happy, and fondling all that lovely fabric you have is therapeutic. I'm serious!

  40. Happy new year Carolyn, I look forward to following along on your sewing journey in this new decade. I enjoy blogs where you get a sense of the person, not just the projects :)

  41. Fan for life ! Love your Blog !

  42. Many thanks for your blog. Since I started sewing again a few years ago, I never miss one of your posts. Whether you're writing about sewing or anything else, you are much appreciated.

  43. Happy New Year Carolyn. Wishing you all the best for a fantastic 2020.

  44. Carolyn, I have followed you for years and totally respect your views on our country's challenges as well as the awesome sewing you do. Please keep up the great work. You are a beacon to many.

  45. Well said! Wishing you the best in the new year.
    Sarah in California

  46. I'm always surprised with these reactions because although your blog content is almost always to do with sewing , you're not a one dimensional person who has no other interests and passions . You have a very large following and influence so it's great that you can talk about injustices. I wonder if the negative commenters really think they will shut down your political voice by threatening to leave . Happy New Year.

  47. I read your post reguraly. We are polar opposites. So What. We each have a right to our own likes and politicts is one of those. Some of the outfits you sew would not work for me. Thats okay. We will agree on some things and disagree on others. That gives me another way to think about things. The second greatest commandment is to treat others the way you would want to be treated. I think a keyboard makes it easy to forget that. Keep up the sewing mojo.

  48. So enjoy your posts and your generous sharing of your sewing knowledge and life. You write well, your thoughts are organized and well presented and your sewing skills are top drawer.
    I think the last few years have made me miss toleration. We used to understand that those with differing views on a subject had the right to their opinion and just because we didn’t agree on something didn’t make that person the enemy. Over the years I have learned much from people with views and beliefs other than my own and it has made my life richer.
    Cant wait to see the new cave.
    Teri on the Wet Coast

  49. I bet as you organize your fabric collection you will be inspired to new sewing heights in 2020. I always find inspiration in revisiting my stash! Just look at each piece with fresh eyes!

  50. Brava! Love hearing your voice and I really respect you for standing up and speaking your mind. Happy sewing in 2020!

  51. Happy New Year
    Your blog, your contents. Not quite sure why people think that they have the right to dictate your contents. You inspired me to update my sewing areas. Everything functions much better now. Thanks for the inspiration. Looking forward to 2020.

  52. I read your political posts and agree with most but if I disagreed, I'd just skip those and wait for the next sewing post. I really don't understand why we're all suppose to think and feel the same.
    Looking forward to the sewing cave redo and seeing what comes home from London.

  53. This is your blog so I feel that you can post whatever you want! Keep it up, your sewing is fantastic and you're an inspiration to me. Happy New Year!

  54. "Most of the time, I didn't even know you existed" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Exactly. I love it!

  55. And those who said they'd stop reading would probably be the ones who howl and shriek loudest about those who do the same to them. IMHO it's pretty rude for anyone to tell you what you should not include on your blog. I mean it's not like it's a secret, at least to anyone who's read for a while, which direction your political leanings are. And it's not like you are encouraging government overthrow, or such just because things didn't go your way.

    I came for the sewing, I'll stay for the sewing. Though I must confess I *do* miss you posting photos of designer garment inspiration and then walk through your transformation of your TNT dress patterns. Ah well, time marches on, and so do blogger's wardrobe needs and sewing projects.

    1. Gail - I got really nostalgic when I was putting this post together because I miss the transformations too. I miss working out the construction, choosing fabrics and transforming my TNT I'm with you! I think that's one of the reasons it took so long to adapt to my new workplace...and even now some days I'm overdressed!

  56. I would never fall out with friend because of their political persuasion, everybody has their own views and life is too short to fall out with them if they think differently to you. Tis the way we are made.

    Your stash store is phenomenal and a bit frightening compared with my own 50 yards. Still, I don't feel bad about it now, it's an investment.

    1. Gernella - I truly believe each sewist should own just as much fabric as makes them happy and leads them on their creative journeys. I just need a little more than most folks to go on the journey! LOL!

  57. As a long time sewing lurker, I enjoy your blog very much. Good luck with the sewing cave re-do! And keep expressing your views!

  58. There have always been bullies, but the internet has few consequences for these cowards. I love your blog, and thank god you don't quilt! I look forward to everything you post, including politics.

  59. Happy New Year, Carolyn! Wishing you lots of magical sewing in 2020!

  60. Keep doing what you are doing, Carolyn! Looking forward to more wonderful garments and insightful political comments in 2020. Happy new year!

  61. Dear Caro;yn - you know I read all your blogs since I've been following you for over 10 years. I don't always agree with your political stands but they would never keep me for reading your fabulous blog. It is your blog and readers can choose what they read or don't read. It just seems ridiculous for readers to challenge you on what you write. People need to get a life! Karen

  62. Thank you. I follow you for your sewing, but I do agree that during this divisive political climate we need to be heard. If there is anything good that has come out of the current administration, it is that more people are becoming politically involved in their own communities and states. We must educate ourselves and raise our voices so that the mistakes of the past are not repeated. You owe NO ONE an apology for what you post on YOUR blog. I come here by choice; those who don't agree can leave by choice is they don't like your content. Sorry to re-hash so much of what has already been said, but I feel equally as passionate about the current state of nation as you do. You go girl!!!

  63. Amen and thank you.
    If I held views that opposed yours, I would still enjoy getting to know you through your blog, and learning all that I do from your sewing adventures. We all benefit from communication and interaction and honesty.

  64. I support you, Carolyn and I appreciate that you periodically comment on things other than just sewing. I think it helps us understand each other better to know a little about non-sewing interests.


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