
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Pink Posey Maxi Dress

Originally I purchased this shirting fabric to make a shirt.  However, when moving fabric around earlier this spring, I touched it. It really felt like it would work for my new comfortable work from home maxis which is quickly morphing into the seems like I'm never going back to work maxis.  It's a Riley & Co print I purchased from from the alt-right supposedly Christian craft store, back in the days when I shopped there.

I knew I had three yards of it just didn't realize it was so narrow especially after it was washed and dried. Which meant that I had to jump through hoops to make this pattern work. 

Supplies ~
3 yards cotton shirting
1/2 yard white cotton batiste from the collection
12 3/4" pink buttons purchased from Amazon
Pink gingham bias binding

Construction ~
This maxi was made exactly like the blue & white rayon one I made last summer.  So there are no new construction techniques. Since I've made it eightyhundred times, it went together quickly. The only difference is that it's shorter than my normal maxi dresses and that's because I ran out of fabric. I thought I would hate it but it's been perfectly fine. I may remember the length for future versions.

Unbelievably I had no pink buttons in the button stash!  If I was working in NYC, it wouldn't have been a problem...but making this during the pandemic proved challenging. So I turned to Amazon because the other online button sources were giving ship times of 3-4 weeks. I'm patient but NOT that patient!

As an aside, I now have way tooo many pink buttons. Besides the assortments I purchased from Amazon, a friend came through and now I have a really DEEP assortment of pink shirt buttons.

A Few Pictures ~

I keep saying that I'm going to let the pattern rest and then I turn around and make another dress. So I'm not going to say it again. I'm sure I will stumble upon another piece of fabric begging to become one and I will oblige it. Especially since this dress has become my summer wardrobe staple!

One more thing ~ 
I took these pictures myself and they're just okay. I'm not taking "glamour" shots because that's not really my life right now and I can't muster up the energy. Also, my "no wear" rule before I take pictures has gone completely out the window. This dress has been worn several times and even outside of my house before I finally got around to taking pictures of it.

Everything seems so different now. What once was important seems to lack some of it's vitality. I did manage to take pictures of one other dress (though there are still two in the backlog) and my sewjo has returned. I'm trying to find some comfort in sewing while adjusting to my new normal. always more later!



  1. A big sigh of relief, "The sew-jo has returned". Very pretty and pink. I'm looking forward to the next "what was sewn" reveal.
    Theresa in Tucson

  2. Thinking about pink buttons makes me happy
    Kudos on the return of your sewjo

  3. I really like the length, it looks more current and very feminine. Glad your sew-jo has returned!

  4. I'm so glad your sewjo is back! And I hope you're D-O-N-E with that store!

  5. I like the dresses you sew! This one is lovely with the pink buttons added.

  6. Love that dress; it's so fresh and spring like. I had never considered that length but I really like it. It wouldn't be as awkward as a full length maxi. I stumble a lot and a full length maxi is really not a great idea. This is a wonderful solution.

  7. You and your dress are beautiful. Thanks for sharing. The new normal is rough and I think throwing some rules out the window is a great idea. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I like the length because you won't be stepping on it. I don't do maxi dresses because I really don't want all that fabric wrapped around my legs when it is hot. Dress is pretty looks comfy too.

  9. Hi. I don’t sew clothes - I’m a quilter - but I love reading your blog and seeing the beautiful clothes. Your ability to sew like this just amazes me. Thanks for sharing.

    1. MySpeedleNeedle - thank you! Although I think the work quilters do is pretty amazing too!

  10. You look fresh and pretty in your new dress. Much better than I do working from home!

  11. I’ve had a lapse in my sewjo as well, partly because I’ve worn a button front shirt about three times in four months, and I can’t have an in-person sewing lesson for fear of virus spreading, so I’m making another pillow cover. Your blog is great, from someone who never plans to sew women’s wear!

  12. I'm always grateful to God that I have sewing to turn to in times of sadness & stress. My mom died at the end of March (not from covid) after living with us for 5 years. I thought I will take care of my Mom until she doesn't need me any more and then I can live a normal life. Well, as they say, man makes a plan and God laughs. Normal has a new meaning these days. I enjoy reading your thoughts. I grew up with a very brown face in a city that always tried to make me feel "less than". Them days are gone! (Texan talk)

  13. what a lovely dress, you look relaxed, comfortable and very pretty in it. You have the greatest smile!

    1. Ruthie - thank you! For the compliment on my dress and my smile...

  14. My first thought this morning was "Oh, she's back with a new dress and that means she's sewing again." So glad to see this. You bring a bit of normalcy into our life these days. I want to sew but I just seem to wander from one project to another and never get anything accomplished. I never thought Amazon had buttons. I know they have anything you can imagine but just never thought of buttons. Good to know. Keep sewing and showing us all the things we could be doing.

  15. Just a perfect dress! Great for a hot summer!

  16. Such a pretty dress! I know what you mean about things that seemed important once losing their vitality. The situation we are finding ourselves in is making us think about everything differently.

  17. So happy to see that you are sewing again. It's a great escape and you're busy with happy, creative thoughts. Keep making those lovely garments. All the best.

  18. I love your dress. Wish I had some dresses to wear during this “at home” time. You may have inspired me! I also like the length of this dress better than longer versions. My sew jo has been up and down. Glad you found yours!

  19. That dress looks so cool for this hot, hot, hot week. I love the shorter length!

  20. As my Mom would have said, "show 'em a little ankle"! :-)

  21. I love the length of your dress. You mentioned shopping Amazon for the buttons. Have you ever looked at the fabric on Amazon?? In the last few weeks I've found some of the most beautiful fabric I've ever seen there! Bought quite a bit of it too! I have found some brands new to me that have the most gorgeous patterns and hand that will never to available to me in our small town. I spend too much time there now looking....and looking!!

    1. The fabric on Amazon is from fabric dot com. To me it's easier to buy from them directly than to order through Amazon.

  22. Love the length. Makes it look and feel younger and more comfortable. Also easier to walk.

  23. Your dress is adorable and flattering. And I think the length is perfect!

  24. great summer dress and I like the length. glad you are sewing again, it's such a great way to relax and turn away from the news of the day.

    1. Beth - I need to thank you for this version of my Myosotis dress. I based it entirely upon your hack! So thank you for the great directions because when it's really hot this one and the rayon one are my faves to wear!

  25. Carolyn, So glad you're getting back your love of sewing! Enjoy the beautiful dress and I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week.

  26. I love love love the new maxi length on you. Looks great.

  27. This dress is lovely on you.
    Glad to hear you are sewing again.

  28. So lovely to see your smiling face and that your sewjo has returned. Beautiful dress and pink buttons are a challenge but sounds like you are set for a while.

  29. Glad to see you sewing again. This is lovely and perfect for hot and humid.

  30. Such a beautiful look on you. That length is perfect on you. I have never tried that dress but seeing all your versions and how great they look on you is persuading me to try it. Glad to see you are sewing again. Take care, we in New Zealand are watching with great sadness as the virus keeps its relentless path through the rest of the world.

  31. So pretty! Looks like summer personified, although I guess there should be a word, dress-ified? I think that ballet length is really lovely.

  32. I'm delighted to hear your sewjo is making a comeback! The dress is lovely and I almost think I like the shorter length a bit better. Don't ever worry about making the TNT dress over and over, it NEVER looks the same as the last one, there's always something about it that makes it just that little bit different, at least to me.

    It pains me that you sound so defeated and sad. I won't tell you to cheer up, I will say that it's important to feel what you feel, own it, embrace it, use it. I hold out hope that this is the point where things got worse before they got a whole lot better. History bears this out so I'm hoping that if we must live in historic times, we get something better out of it.

  33. Carolyn, this really is lovely. Count me among the folks that are glad your sew-jo is back. :-) And, as far as that store goes, I'm done as well. DONE.

  34. I think it’s cool that you are making the mytosis ? As many times as you have. Also that you wear them. I am still searching for my tnt’s.( Other than the Concorde tee) i have sewn very little lately as gardening has taken up my free time. But that will pass...thanks for posting. Stay safe.

  35. Reading your posts is a highlight for me, because I love your honesty, directness and creativity, Carolyn. I've come to a point of believing that things will not be going back to what they were before the pandemic upended our lives. And I believe that it'll be a good thing if that happens because, hopefully, it'll signal that we've each begun to reevaluate the choices we make about many things in our lives. Where we spend our dollars is just one choice. How we treat people is another. Our assumptions that need to be re-thought, our biases that need to be acknowledged and better managed, our need to constantly educate ourselves from evidence-based resources, and so much, much more. You've helped me, Carolyn, not just creatively, but with life lessons I couldn't have experienced elsewhere. So, I'm glad you're regaining your sewjo. But, more importantly, that you're continuing to give voice to your reality. Thank you!

  36. Oh so cool and comfy lookin' Kinda like the shorter length. I might want to borrow the look. I have one tent dress that I like but you make a waist look doable. Even tho I do not presently own one. Thanks for inspiration.
    I really hope you read all the comments because I like to think we have helped you (and all us sisters) to get our mojo back and will continue to inspire us. Pegeth

    1. Peg - the reason I like this pattern so much is because that seamline is NOT at my natural waist. It's about 2" higher which hits me at a better spot. Also, I'm basically using the bones of this pattern because I've hacked it 9 ways to Sunday! Finally it reminds me of those old house dresses that Lucy and Ethel use to wear in I Love Lucy. I know why they wore them everyday because they are comfortable.

  37. I think you look lovely in pink! Glad you found buttons for this and that you now have more pink buttons in your stash.

  38. Love your dress! It looks like it would be great as part of a work from home wardrobe. I've been needing to re-think my work uniform... I've fallen so far off the "business appropriate" ledge that I don't even know where to start anymore. But I think things are going to be weird for a long while, and I don't think any of us really knows what "normal" is going to be anytime soon, so it makes sense to have clothes that make sense for this weird phase of our lives. Hopefully having the sewjo back helps with the pandemic weirdness a bit though. Can't wait to see what else you've got planned!

  39. Again - another post that I neglected comment on and this dress is truly the inspiration for my navy blue one. I love this print, such a beautiful dress and so easy to wear. g


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