
Friday, September 17, 2021

Why Make It Again?

I love the Vogue 9299 pattern with the changes I've made to it. It works for my lifestyle now...for zoom meetings at home and for in person days at work. It's casual with a dressed feel that makes me feel well put together when I wear it.  This makes my third one...  

I have another one completed with numbers 4 and 5 swirling around in my mind. Honestly I will probably make several more during fall/winter because it's the type of garment that works well in a multitude of fabrics. Cottons, silks, denim/chambray, wools and corduroys would all make great toppers and a wonderful wardrobe of tunics. 

This garment gives me an alternative to my shirt collection. While I have plans to weed out my shirts and probably make a couple more, I like the length and layering ability of this tunic.

Fabric Choice ~

The tunic is made from a gifted fabric from Dibs at Selvedge & Bolts.  I understand that I'm supposed to use gifted fabric right away but I don't always "see" a garment immediately. So while I was gifted this fabric last year, I've just used it.  When I was looking for a blue fabric to make this version, I touched this lightweight linen and knew immediately it would make the perfect tunic!

BTW, may I stop here and say that Dibs fabric store is amazing.  She has a wonderful selection of designer goods. The only challenge is that she's located in the UK and the US dollar/GBP is more favorable to the Brits. I may have another designer piece purchased from her that was worth the price and the wait. So go visit her online shop!

Construction/Techniques ~

There are no new construction techniques in this version. I constructed it at Sew Camp and used buttons from the collection. They were previously used in this garment.  However, the buttonholes and buttons were done once I got home.  

Okay now that I've run out of explanations some photos...

We took these pictures on a very warm late summer day and it was perfect! always more later!


  1. Love this, especially in this beautiful blue & white fabric…
    Will definitely buy this pattern.😊

  2. Soooo beautiful and you wear it so well!

  3. I really like the style, Carolyn! And where did you get your tights???

    1. The knit capris are from The Avenue. It's a plus size online company.

  4. Looks lovely. Good of you to show all around views. I will try to get this pattern as it looks as if it is answer to my search for a button tunic that is longer. Thanks as always

  5. I had passed this pattern by in a search, but after having seen yours made up I'm definitely giving it another look. Yours looks fabulous!

  6. This ensemble looks wonderful on you, the balance of the shapes, the colors, everything. Keep 'em coming. You look fabulous. I am anxious to see winter versions.

  7. "Why make it again?" - I don't understand the question. Shouldn't it be "why not...?" Because if a garment fits you and suits you and looks good on you, why shouldn't you make it again? and again? and again? There just isn't any reason not to. ;-)

    You look lovely in it - as in all your creations. You're my big inspiration :-)


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