
Sunday, May 15, 2022

A Check In

It's the middle of May and I've completed NOTHING from my "to-sew" list.  Some of it's due to the weather. It's been rainy, dreary and cold off and on here for a couple of weeks. No sun in sight and not feeling much like spring AT ALL.  Some of it is the stress of commuting with loads of unmasked people. Yes, I'm that person still wearing a mask everywhere there are people around in enclosed spaces. Some of it is that while I've been inspired, I'm NOT inspired enough to grab my scissors and cut!

However, I HAVE been fabric shopping. Lots and lots of fabric has arrived in the Sewing Room these past few weeks. The first batch arrived because I got hung up on wanting a Cashmerette Gilmore Skirt. I kept choosing pieces from the fabric collection that were just a tad to small.  

Since I couldn't give up my original plans for some longer pieces in the collection, I fabric shopped to try and solve the problem.

These came from fabric dot com:

I purchased 5 yards of these are rayon/linen blends 

When these didn't work for the skirt, I worked on my Janome project (last post) but nothing else since.  Like who am I? 

I have a theory though. I believe the failure to make a Gilmore Skirt clogged my creative sewing stream.  That until I get that piece made nothing is coming out of my sewing machine...and in the meantime I continued to fabric shop.

These came from StyleMaker Fabrics. But first a disclaimer...StyleMaker offers a birthday discount when it's your birthday month as it is mine. I plot and plan for this month every year. I'm stalking the site from the middle of April until the beginning of May when I get my birthday email. So this is usually one of my largest fabric purchases of the year...

I did a photographic unboxing in my stories on IG so 
I started with how the box looked when I opened it.

4 yds of this digital linen print - Watercolor Butterfly Floral

5 yds of this linen blend - Weather Report Abstract Watercolor

5 yards of Fresh as a Daisy Watercolor Spatter Cotton

and it has the most amazing hand!

Lastly, these came from Fabric Mart's $6 a yard cotton sale and I think I may have FINALLY purchased enough yardage to cut out a Gilmore Skirt. 

There's only 17.5 yards left so if you want it, hop on it!

There's even less of this & it may be 
gone by the time you read this!

I've already washed, dried and cut this out. It's been added to my cut pile for my Memorial Day sew-in.

Of course all of this drama has been recorded in a post for the Gilmore Skirt and as soon as it's sewn and photographed, I will share all.  In the meantime, I have a few days off at the end of May for Memorial Day weekend, so I'm trying to cut as much from my list as possible. That way I can just sew, sew, sew straight into June. So this is what I'm doing this weekend and next...cutting out new garments that have already stimulated me to sew!

That's my update... always more later!


  1. I love the abstract watercolor fabric! Can't wait to see what you do with this one.

  2. May has been an extremely rainy month in the PNW so I understand. I an going to checkout style maker fabrics.

  3. Oh how I love that blue weather report abstract piece. I quilt and have seen this series in a layer cake, which is a set of 10" fabric squares. This blue one gets to me every time I see it. It's my favorite. Can't wait to see what you do with it.

  4. I can't wait to see what you do with the Weather Report and the Landscape. Those are gorgeous. I have an account with Stylemaker but have never ordered anything. I think sewing mojo ebbs and flows or at least I know mine does. It was nice reading something by you. Glad you checked in!

  5. I'm on a fabric fast but those florals! Tempting! PS I've been following several "15 minutes a day" people for inspiration, but I write "SewingRoom" on my To Do list, and end up sitting at my machine organizing a drawer or something. Not a lot of actual sewing going on -- sewing doldrums.

    1. jmsx3 - my fabric fast began the day after the last boxes arrived. I'm trying to hold out until the Black Friday Thanksgiving sales. I'm definitely accumulating faster than I'm sewing which is and isn't a good thing!

  6. My birthday month (coming up!) is a huge shopping event at Stylemaker's, too! It also used to coincide with a small local fabric store's annual sale, but that store has re-located out of my area. [sob] Two things don't count: potato chips eaten on a road trip and fabric purchased during a birthday month!! That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    1. SilverMom - I agree! Fabric purchased during my birthday month and at Christmas time DOES NOT count! *LOL*

  7. Those Stylemaker fabrics are well worth stalking! When I saw the skirt is cut on the bias, I understood your problem completely. I copied out a PDF wrap skirt pattern before realizing that none of my yardages will be enough for that skirt on the bias. Still haven't made it.....

  8. The fabrics are lovely...I wear my mask pretty much everywhere outside of my home also.

  9. Love your fabric pics - the splatter print especially looks like it will be super fun! For some reason this year feels like it is moving too fast, so I think not sewing for a while is ok... it seems like this year is super busy, though maybe only in comparison to the pace of the previous two years? Excited to see what you do next with your fabric selections!

  10. Oh what fun, both the shopping and the cutting out. Your skirt will look amazing, and I for one can't wait to see it. I have Memorial Day sewing envy :)

  11. Meant to add, I wear a mask every crowded space outside the home, even if I am the only person doing so. Covid is everywhere and thus far I have succeeded in avoiding it. So I am happily wearing my me-made matching masks.

  12. Beautiful fabrics. I especially like the spatter cotton and floral cotton poplin. Happy Sewing!

  13. Love your choices. Can’t wait to see the, transformed.

  14. Digital rose-print linen (with butterflies) is really gorgeous!


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