
Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Last Day of May 2022

While there's been no posts here to the blog, I have been slowly sewing.  I spent two weekends cutting out projects to make my summer cut pile. 

A view of my cutting table at the start of the weekend...

I know everyone doesn't sew this way but it really works for me.  I love being able to pick up a project and just start sewing.  It has also allowed me to start the process of getting things off my Summer Sewing List which lets me dream of new things to make.  All of this unclogs my creative mind and lessens my sewing frustrations.

So I had a 1/2 day off on Friday for Memorial Day weekend, Monday for the holiday and today as a bonus day...and I sewed.

I finished Simplicity 8658...

I finished McCalls 7969 - the dress that it seems everyone has made...

...and I'm currently working on the StyleArc Nova Dress

It will probably be mid-June before individual blog posts arrive on the blog with pattern & construction information, as well as pictures of me in the garments.  

The one thing I've learned using new to me patterns is that I like searching Instagram for photos of sewists wearing their finished garments. I can see how they fit, fabric choices, some even write some information about their process or link to their blogs.  I do this check more than Patternreview because I think I get better photos and I'm definitely a visual person.

While I have no finished garments to share this month, I have been sewing and fabric shopping! *LOL*  Speaking of fabric shopping, I've taken a "90 Day No More Fabric" pledge. Quite a bit of yardage has arrived this month and I need to get it stored away and/or used, so no new fabric for 90 days.

Yesterday was my 63rd birthday and I had a lowkey birthday lunch with my daughters and the grandkids...

The best way to notice time is flying, watch your children and grandchildren grow up. There are no babies here anymore! always more later!


  1. Hey Carolyn! I especially LOVE the picture of you and your crew! Super cute. I've read your thoughts about your "cut pile" before and I'm beginning to think that I'd like to give it a try. Love the dress and the top. Can't wait to see more!

  2. You have , a beautiful family.

  3. Happy Birthday Carolyn. What a beautiful lot of grandchildren you have, and you look great in your b/w dress. I really like your Simplicity top, such pretty sleeves, and can't wait to see the Nova dress in that lovely Summer fabric. Happy sewing!

  4. Happy birthday Carolyn, and what a lovely way to spend your day, with your grandchildren.
    I love the fabric you've chosen for the StyleArc Nova dress.

  5. I remember when all of your grandchildren were born! Time definitely flies! Happy birthday Carolyn!!

  6. I hope you had a wonderful birthday. You have a beautiful family. I can't wait to see your finished projects. I love your blog.

  7. The smiles in the group reflect the happiness that is 2022! finally. Happy sewing. I too follow the cut lots out and then just sew, sew, sew the lot

  8. Happy Birthday! Beautiful grandchildren! Love your sewing projects.

  9. Happy, happy birthday!! Glad you got to spend time with with your daughters and beautiful grandchildren.

  10. I'm here to see what fabric I need to buy! I need some inspiration!-Q

  11. Happy Birthday!!! Glad you were able to spend time with your family, particularly your grandkids. They grow up quickly, don't they? Great pictures of you and your grandkids. Congratulations!!

  12. Happy Birthday! Enjoy the family time. Looking forward to seeing how the Nova dress turns out

  13. All the garments are lovely! The blouse is simply amazing - can’t wait to see you in it! And I can’t believe how big your beautiful grands are❤️

  14. Belated Happy Birthday! Your outfits are so amazing. The dress is fashionable and never run out of style. Once you wear you look fabulous and elegant.<3

  15. Happy birthday! And they're babies til they're 30.

  16. Happy Belated Birthday. Sometimes low key days are the best.

  17. Isn't that the truth about watching the babies grow up? It happens so fast when we're not in the trenches anymore. I love what did get sewn. As always, I'm now inspired for go pull patterns and make something new to me. Happy Birthday and may this next trip around the sun be a fabulous one! Oh and I'm with you on no purchases (fabric or yarn for me) for the next 90 days. Gonna be tough, there's a SewCamp at the end of July ;) g


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