
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Guest Host at LindseyT Sews Again...

So the reason there was no post on my blog this weekend...and the lame post about my twinset appears below is because LindseyT asked me to write a guest post for her blog. I have to admit that since it was appearing on a sister blog I spent a lot of time on it...didn't want to embarass her or myself! *LOL*

It is part of a series on "Shopping in the Garment District"...LindseyT. wrote the first installment, I wrote the second and Ann of Gorgeous Things has written the final part. So if you're interested in three insiders opinions of the garment district - read all about it here!


  1. Heeey. I don't think the post about the twinset is lame. I happen to have that pattern, and was surprised and happy to see that you'd made it. The set, working muslin or not, looks very nice. I made the sweater myself, and thought the same, the neck could be a little higger. Anyway, I think it's cool.

  2. It's a terrific article and I really should be working today. I'm going to lose my precious job if I do't get back to work! LOL!

  3. Carolyn .- I see the information on the blog of Lindsay. is wonderful, thank you. well we know in Europe on textile trade in NYC. you should have a good day for shopping. . greetings, Paco

  4. Carolyn
    Your garment district information was very informative. I will be going there in the near future. Is
    there a place in the garment district where you can buy DVDs that can teach you to sew?

  5. Great addition to the series.
    Makes me just sigh with pea-green envy, you know this.

  6. I just read it, it's awesome, thanks! I may be going back to NYC next month (I have a big smile on my face right now) so I definetly want to check out those stores. And go say hi to Mr. Kashi again. :):):)



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